Imagine discovering a hidden time-travel portal in you neighborhood.
Write a detailed story about your adventure in a different historical era and how you return.
Think about:
Where and when are you?
How do people dress and live during this time?
What challenges or adventures do you encounter?
Do you meet historical figures or witness important events?
How do you adapt to this different world?
How do you eventually find your way back to your own time, if at all?
Remember to:
Plan your story carefully, considering historical accuracy.
Use descriptive language to bring the historical setting to life.
Write in paragraphs, paying attention to grammar and punctuation.
Create a clear beginning, middle, and end for your story
Please upload your homework as a comment below:
15 thoughts on “Day 2 Writing Homework”
Adam was strolling along his neighbourhood, with his dog Nancy. Adam was just walking past a overgrown bush when his dog ( Nancy) started barking her head of at the overgrown bush. “What’s wrong, Nancy?” Adam asked. “You want me to go in that bush? Sure. Bushes are NOT dangerous, right?” So Adam looked around to see if anyone was nearby. If someone told his mother that he was going into a bush, she would absolutely be grounding him until he was 120 years old. Then when the coast was clear, he went and walked into the bush. What he didn’t realise was that he had just walked into a time travel portal. So when he walked right into the time travel portal, he immediately noticed that something was going on. All the people were wearing animal skin and were holding clubs and spears. They also only talked in grunts and moans. Adam realised that he had traveled backwards in time.
Adam tried communicating with the cavemen but no one understood each other. luckily, Adam had a language translator on his phone. The cavemen asked what are you holding in your hand? where do you come from? Can you teach us how to use the thing in your hand? How to use electronics they started to make electronics very basic words. Adam said bye to the caveman because it was time for him to go back home. He saw the time portal then went through it. Adam thought he had went to the far future because everyone was covered in elotronics and served them. Adam quickly realised his mistake but then… fwoosh!!! His future mum had picked him up and said robotically it is time for you to meet King of everything. Please make it easier if you could by coming along.
Adam ran and ran and ran for what seemed forever. Then he finally reached the time portal and decided to not teach the cavemen anything by stopping himself. One Adam saw himself in the past, he tackled his self and stopped home from teaching the cavemen how to use elotronics.
One he was back home, he raced to his bedroom but got caught by his own mother. She shouted you are grounded until you are 1000 years old.
And so, he was grounded for ever.
Isabella Leung- FEEDBACK
From 2025 to 2225
A minute ago, I was walking across the street on the way back home. Now I am in a time machine, experimenting with the levers and buttons.
The time machine whirls around, as my watch starts moving forward rapidly. It gone through day, night, day, night, day, night until it passes through a rather sunny day.
Eventually, I get pulled out and a metropolis fills my eyes. Assistant robots are doing tedious chores as nimble as the sun gets your attention at noon. A girl with bouncy, short, cinnamon curls like mine and lilac streaks (also like mine) is wearing a dress and leggings that washed themselves; they wash on the street!
“I’m Melody and I’ll be dressing up as Leianna Seine for Halloween in two days,” she exclaims cheerfully.
“I’m, Leianna Seine,” I mumble, my eyes on the ground.
“You’re lying! She died about 100 years ago, but your replicate of her is excellent, you have the same voice as her,” Melody cries.
The houses and buildings were completely white, in order to save carbon energy. Smoking areas are removed, and now only a tiny space is available for smoking. Singapore might have been a modern city in 2025, but now it’s almost a metropolis. Nature spots have grown on the roofs of houses and buildings, thriving in their spots.
After I was distracted earlier, I now realise something! I have left the remote control for the time machine in it! I can’t tell this Melody girl about what has happened, because she thinks that I am not Leianna. I can only tell someone who believes me.
Suddenly, I encounter a man with white hairs and wrinkled skin. He is wearing clothes similar to what I am wearing, the old-fashioned polyester.
I tap him on the shoulder. “Hello, I am Leianna Seine, and I can’t find my way back in time to 2025 since I’ve lost my remote,” I whisper, trying not to disturb the tranquil evening.
The man stares back at me and shrugs. Then he beckons a girl around my age over.
“Hi, I am Yuki Tenma and you’re Leianna Seine?” she questions, tilting her head to the side.
Her slick, black hair is pulled into two even plaits accompanied by a fringe and a kawaii, self-washing outfit. Her shoes flashes neon lights. She rambles on about making a time machine, but she failed to get in because of someone else getting in.
A grey cloud hovers around us as Yuki leads me to where the time machine is. Thunder bellows loudly, echoing it’s roars into the trees nearby. Just before a stripe of lightning reaches near us, Yuki and I shove ourselves into the time machine. 2025, here we depart.
The Portal in the Alley
I never believed in the supernatural. Growing up, I was the kid who always asked for proof, who didn’t buy into ghost stories or fantastical legends. But that was before I discovered the portal.
It happened on a late afternoon in the fall. The air was crisp, and the sun, dipping low behind the buildings, cast long shadows on the cobbled streets of my neighborhood. I had just left my apartment for a walk, a way to clear my mind after a long week of work. The alley behind my building was familiar—quiet, narrow, and often overlooked by most people. I’d passed through it countless times before. But that day, I noticed something different. A faint, shimmering light flickered at the end of the alley, where the brick walls seemed to curve inwards, almost as though they were trying to hide something.
Curiosity got the better of me. I stepped closer, my footsteps muffled by the damp stone. As I approached the light, the air seemed to hum with energy. It felt wrong, but also strangely compelling. Without thinking, I reached out a hand toward it, and in that moment, everything shifted. The world around me twisted, spun, and then—silence.
I opened my eyes and found myself standing in the middle of a bustling street, but it was nothing like the city I knew. Gone were the modern glass buildings and neon signs. Instead, I was surrounded by towering stone structures, their facades worn by centuries of wind and rain. The streets were narrow and uneven, the cobblestones rough beneath my feet. Horse-drawn carts trundled past, their wheels creaking, and people walked by dressed in heavy woolen cloaks and tunics, their faces stern but absorbed in their own business.
I realized with a jolt that I wasn’t in my neighborhood anymore. The portal had brought me somewhere far, far away in time—somewhere in the past.
Where and When Am I?
A quick glance around confirmed it: I was no longer in the present day. The clothing styles were nothing like anything I’d ever seen. The men wore long tunics with leather belts and sturdy boots, while the women’s dresses were full and layered, with high collars and intricate sleeves that looked like they might have taken hours to create. Some wore headscarves or veils, their hair hidden beneath them, while others had their faces exposed, though their expressions were mostly serious and reserved.
I was in a medieval city—likely in Europe—judging by the architecture. The buildings were squat and close together, their windows small and arched. The streets were alive with activity—traders peddling their wares, children running and playing between the carts, and beggars sitting along the edges of the street, their hands outstretched in hopes of receiving alms.
I guessed it was sometime in the 14th century, but I couldn’t be sure. The people looked healthy enough, but the town was no stranger to hard times. I could see evidence of a more rustic, difficult life—there was a distinct smell of manure in the air, mingled with the fragrance of fresh bread baking from nearby stalls.
I had no idea how to navigate this world. I had no medieval money, no language skills (though people here spoke what sounded like Old English or perhaps an early form of French), and certainly no idea where to go or what to do.
The Adventure Begins
I decided to head toward a central square I had seen in the distance, hoping to find someone who might help me. But the moment I stepped into the square, I was immediately confronted by a group of rough-looking men who, judging by their thick leather jerkin and swords at their sides, were probably guards or mercenaries. They looked at me with suspicion.
“Stranger,” one of them grunted, his hand moving toward the hilt of his sword. “What business do you have here?”
Panic surged in me, and I realized I needed to think fast. With no time to explain that I had fallen through a time portal, I did the first thing that came to mind. I blurted out a line I had read somewhere in a history book about knights and kings, something I hoped might make me sound important.
“I’m on a diplomatic mission from the King of England,” I said, my voice shaking more than I cared to admit.
The men exchanged looks. One of them stepped closer, his eyes narrowing.
“Diplomatic, eh?” he said slowly. “We’ll see about that.”
Suddenly, a voice cut through the tension. A woman, dressed in a simple but elegant gown, appeared from the crowd. She had a noble bearing about her, and she spoke with authority.
“Leave him be, men,” she said sharply. “He’s with me.”
The mercenaries hesitated for a moment but then stepped back, bowing to the woman. I was too stunned to do much of anything, still trying to process what had just happened.
The woman turned to me, her expression softening. “Are you lost, stranger?” she asked in a tone that suggested both curiosity and concern.
I nodded, still unsure of how to explain my situation. “I… I’m not from here,” I said slowly, my mind racing. “I don’t know how I got here.”
She looked at me for a long moment, then smiled, as though she had heard stranger things. “You’re not the first to be lost in this way,” she said, as if that explanation made perfect sense. “Come with me. I’ll get you to safety.”
Her name was Lady Eleanor, and she was the daughter of a local noble. She took me to her family’s manor, a sprawling estate on the outskirts of the town. There, she gave me food, a change of clothes, and time to recover from my initial shock.
Over the next few days, I learned more about her world. The constant threat of plague, the ever-present danger of raids from rival factions, and the rigid social structure that kept people like Lady Eleanor far removed from the struggles of the common folk. She introduced me to the local ruler, a man named Lord Wycliffe, who appeared to be a mix of both the kind and cruel aspects of medieval nobility. It became clear that the politics of this time were brutal, and alliances shifted quickly. I had to be careful about who I spoke to and what I said.
The Challenge of Time
As I spent more time in the medieval world, I began to notice the subtleties of life here—the way people regarded me, the unfamiliar food, the uncomfortable silences that fell whenever I spoke of things they didn’t understand. The hardest part was the constant fear of being caught. I had no idea how to explain my sudden arrival, and the idea of living here permanently was terrifying. How would I survive in a world so different from my own?
One evening, while Lady Eleanor and I were discussing the recent news of a potential invasion, I happened upon a familiar feeling—one of déjà vu. The alley from which I had first emerged was nearby, hidden behind a thick curtain of ivy in the manor’s garden. I approached it, my heart racing, and found the shimmering light again.
I had no idea if this would work, but I stepped into the light. The world spun once more, and I braced myself for the disorienting journey. When the spinning stopped, I found myself back in my own time, standing in the alley behind my apartment building, just as I had left it.
The world was the same, yet I was not. I had witnessed history in its raw, unfiltered form—its hardships, its beauty, its violence, and its moments of grace. I had walked among people whose names would never make it into the history books but who had lived and loved in their own ways. The knowledge of that world lingered in me, a secret that I would never be able to fully share. But one thing was certain—I would never look at my own time the same way again. The past, with all its mysteries, was a part of me now, and I would carry it with me forever.
D2 – Cecilia C(_ – FEEDBACK
this is my writing for day 2.
Hope you enjoy reading it!!!!
Time travel
this is my writing for day 2.
Hope you enjoy reading it!
Time travel
D2 – debduttaroy23gmail-com – FEEDBACK
5 minutes ago, Me and Lilly were in my attic, and now, we’re wandering around cluelessly in a unfamilier enviroment.
It was the year 2025, 15 january, on Wednesday. Until, we both stepped into the rusty, old time machine that we’ve found in my attic, brainlessly set up a random time, thinking it was some random joke, both stepped inside, switching on the on button. We’re both giggling, until, I look at my phone, and the time was spinning speedily, like probably 50kph.
“Wait!” cried out Lilly “What’s happening!'”
“Can’t you see!” I Exclaimed ” We’re obviously timetraveling!”
I really coulden’t believe that this was happening, I was getting quite nauseous, but then “DING!” the machine stopped shaking. I stepped outside to a sudden strong smell of herbs, like mint and organo.
“ough” I coughed “, “Really didn’t expect the smell to be this strong” I muttered
“Should I come out now? Questioned Lilly, “How does it smell?”
Quite strong, but its alright
Yes, just come out now!
Ok then,
Lilly stepped out of the time machine “ough, oh yeh thats some strong air, but while we’re here lets explore!
Listening to Lilly’s idea we wandered around for a while. Walking into a hall of strange looking people staring at us, like if me and lilly were a different species. I then realised how all of the people had a completly different fasion sense or so I thought different clothes.
“What kind of language are these people even speak?” Lilly questioned me in curiosity. “Can you check your phone?”
“Sure, I glanced at my phone, suddenly wide-eyed “700bc!, Ancient Greece!
“Do you not know what 700bc is?”, replied Lilly, “its obviously a time period”
Whatever smartypants
So they probably speak greek
I looked around realising how similier the mens and woman clothes were, both made out of silk, just that the men’s clothes was shorter. I looked at one specific man, He had a silky funny looking thing that looked a dress. That was so different to what we were wearing in our time
“You see, those men?” Lilly told me “They’re wearing a thing called a himation, usually men who work get a skirt version of it
We walked and walked for hours stumbling across a massive building, a strange one it was extremley tall and look a little bit wreaked
” That’s Acropolis of Athens!” exclaimed Lilly ” Its one of my favourites and the most historical landmark!”
“Wow, It looks so much different then what we live in” I replied
We both sat down on a bench enjoying the view, but didn’t really mind the noise in the back
We saw people traveling by ships, there was no cars, just some wagons, or people traveling by foot. After that, we walked back to the time machine, little did we know it was broken
“Its BROKEN?” exclaimed Lilly, ” How are we supposed to go back now!”
“Calm down, Lets try to read some books” I said
“How?, asked Lilly “Its not like we understand Greek
“Google translate” I replied
We both walked into the nearest library, It looked really different form our libraries. But, read a lot of books. We both learned how Ancient Greeks had to catch food by hand, walk 40 miles to just get fresh water, had to adapt on evacuating their house, because of the volcanos and how this one book mentioned something about how this demi-god named “Alexandria the Great” had found this library. And what seemed like hours we’ve found it, “How to make a time machine”. It took us days to find the stuff that we needed for our time machine, but within those days, we’ve slowly learnt on how to adapt to this unique enviroment. Learnt how to catch fish by hand, Get water, and even found a small house. It wasn’t the best, but was alll we could rely on for shelter.
And after days and days, me and Lilly finally found the supplies that we needed and built the time machine, set up the time, date and year. Then said goodbye to Ancient Greece, stepped inside, and traveled back to our own time.
It was a great adventure, I wish that some day, I could tell kids about this story and hopefully it will be passed on.
D2 – Ava Ngyuen – FEEDBACK
30 minutes ago me and Holly were walking to the park, but on the way we saw a telephone booth and in it there was a time machine. As we walked over we thought how cool would it be to see the future of Australia. So we went in got in side and pressed future ”here we come”. About 5 minutes later we arrived at 2222 every thing looked different. ”Can you believe that we are in the future” as Holly listened she asked ”what do we do now” ”as we are in the future” “explore duh”. As a answered we heard a nose from above it was private helicopters. “What on earth” holly said “why don’t we go back to 2025 to the park sure.
As we went to the time machine the go button was gone! “What are we going to do now” examined Holly “we just make a new one” I said. “Really” “well why don’t we look around I’m sure we can find something”. “Fine” Holly sighs so where should we go maybe the park ok. When we arrived the park was so different there were giant slides And swings that will push them by themselves. “This is epic” “but should We just find something that could help us and remake the button” I said “ya but this is more fun”. Ok but these people seem like they wear Fluffy colourful jacket with colourful skirt or pants or they just wear a dress that’s super cool and neon shirts. “Ok this is enough Let’s go find a library” I said “but there isn’t any libraries in the future it’s just the Internet” Holly answers. “What” “the future is Confusing” “well I bet there will be at least one library” “OK” let’s go check. Yes there’s just one library in the city really but the library is ginormous how we’re going to find a book. Plus these books are like electric books they read to yourself and they fly around this is not gonna work.
After a long Hour we found the book now we will need to find a way to make it work . Well it’s almost night time and we need a place to stay because the library isn’t like open 20 4 7. “This one is” said a man working at the library “what”. “Well we need a room to stay in” “well there are a few rooms upstairs with a small kitchen bathroom and a bedroom with a balcony”. Wow future libraries are amazing.
And we got our room let’s start reading the book but the book reads to us well It’s The same thing Holly. First we had to get spare metal sheet, then we have to shape it into a circle. Now let’s colour it red add some wire lights it fits perfectly in the time machine yes. Time to add it to the time machine! Lets go in so me and Holly went in pressed past for 2025 Thursday the 16. We stayed in for 2 minutes yes we are at the park. As we were walking home I thought if we told we went in the future the kids would probably think that we are being silly. “Well we know it’s true”
D2- Asees – FEEDBACK
Giselle writing
Creek! I opend the old dusty crate my
Giselle Day 2, please ignore the previous post. Thanks
comon lets go in poof, We landed of som