Imagine you are a time traveller from the year 2060, speaking to a group of students in the 1980s. Write a persuasive speech on the importance of recycling and taking responsibility for our planet. Share your insights on the effects of climate change, the role of recycling, and the significance of sustainable living in your speech. Inspire the students to become environmental stewards.
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Hello every one my name is Maximillian but you can call me Max for short. I am a time traveller from the 2060’s and I was sent here to teach all of you about recycling because recycling is going to become an immense problem, In 2025 there is going to be more plastic in the ocean than all sea creatures and in 2040 plastic is going to invade the world and you will have to fight a lot at that time, so it is just better you start recycling from now.
I will now tell you how it benefits our planet which mostly includes wildlife, forests and beaches. If we start recycling we will reduce the chances of animals dyeing. For example, if a turtle thinks a plastic bag is a Jelly fish it might get stuck in it and won’t be able to swim ,or it might eat it and it would die. If we recycle, it will reduce carbon footprint because if you throw it in the wrong bin it might end up in the forest, and if you just chuck it on the ground it might fly into a forest with the wind. Lastly if we don’t recycle it, it will end up in the beaches and it will make it hard for us to play in the water and the animals in the ocean might suffer from it. Also it could make us sick because if a fish eats it and then someone catches the fish and sells it, we will be the people eating the plastic that we littered.
Now who still want’s to litter or not recycle? Me! Still some ME’s? well this next paragraph is for you. If you don’t want to recycle, you can make something out of it like a flower pot, out of a yoghurt box and if the flower/plant dies, you can re use the pot. Like this you can make stuff out of recyclable stuff. Also I have told all schools to have a special bin in their class and to give one to each kid to keep at home. You will have to throw pieces of used paper, and you will have to take the bin to a special place (which it will have be written on the bin), and you will get 10c for every piece of paper, and if you are consistent for 5 weeks, they will add 10 more cents per piece of paper you give and maybe even once they will show you how they make it a book. This will reduce the cutting of trees. We are also doing this because only 18% of the plastic recycled is able to be recycled so this will reduce the force of plastic being recycled to recycling companies, which will make it easier for them to recycle the stuff.
Everyone needs to work together, and seriously. You need to take this as your responsibility and spread the message to everyone and tell them to spread it to others. We need immediate change in our behavior and help this world by recycling. The world needs to feel like we are giving it a warm hug, it needs to feel just like we feel wen we get a hug.
Hopefully you will all spread the message and recycle to reduce animals dyeing, to reduce carbon footprint, to reduce us from getting sick, to reduce the force given to recycling companies by making stuff out of recyclable stuff, use the bins and most of all take it as your responsibility and work together to help this world.
DAY 2 – Y5 – neel-patil
Why recycling is good for the planet.
Greeting students, today I will explain the concept of recycling and tell you why it is amazing help! Before I start, I should introduce myself. I am a time-traveler from the year 2060. There, recycling is already a habit. Recycling Is amazing for many reasons because one, it benefits our planet, there is less pollution and the world will be a better place and lastly, recycling should be a habit in our daily lives.Here are my reasons.
Firstly, It gives our planet a advantage. Here is a fact that will shock you. Every year, many animals die because they get trapped in our rubbish or they eat it,get sick and die! For example, a fish foraging for food and come across a piece of ripped up paper.To us it’s just soggy,salty paper, but to them, they see it as a food. Fish will mistake it as a piece of coral and eat it. Recycling can help fix this problem though. For recycling, there are three bins. Waste, recycling and garden organics. Waste is red. In waste we can throw in plastic based rubbish. Recycling is for cardboard, paper and many others. this bin is yellow. The last bin is garden organics. For this one it is green, just like nature! this bin can store grass clippings, leaves, broken twigs. but at school the bins would contain apple cores, orange peel, leftover vegetables from a child and many more. in the year 2060, we have these bins everywhere. These bins are good but people, especially children like you, can get confused if your rubbish should go in recycling or waste. The truth is, look at the bottom of the product and there will be this sign.*
Secondly, there will be a reduction of pollution. There are two paths one is to recycle and the other is not. if you recycle, the world will be a happy lively place, but if not. humanity will have to move to Mars or in a space station. How can pollution be connected to recycling? The answer is that if people don’t recycle, there will be pollution. Though if everyone doesn’t throw recycle there will be huge amounts of pollution. Pollution used to be , or will be for you, a big problem but when we solved that. Lives became so much easier!
Lastly, recycling should ease into our daily lives. This way everyone will be recycling. A. way to make recycling fun is to maybe decorate the bins to make them look like monsters. Then It would look as though you are feeding monsters! Recycling is good and should become a habit.
Now I’m convinced that you are going to go home and share this news around. Recycling is important because it is benefits the planet, There will be less pollution and it should become a habit in our daily lives. next time you see a rubbish. pick it up and throw it away
DAY 2 – Y5 – Jiani Hou
Imagine a world where there is nothing but trash everywhere you would not want that to happen would you but that’s what will happen if you do start recycling. Other reasons why you should start recycling is because you would reduce landfill, you would be conserving natural resources and you would be combatting climate change
To begin with creating products from recycled materials requires significantly less energy compared to producing them from new materials. For an instance, recycling aluminium saves up to 95% of the energy needed to make new aluminium from raw ore. Plus you would not want your children to live in a world full of trash. For this reason this is why it is certain that you should start recycling.
Would you want your children to die because of the lack of resources on the planet. If not then recycling reduces the need to harvest new raw materials conserving vital resources such as timber, water, metal and other minerals. This helps preserve natural habitats and biodiversity which means earth saves up on these resources helping the people in the future such as your children and grand children. For these reasons this is why you should immediately start recycling
Did you know recycling helps lower greenhouse gas emissions. How well when people make and mine new resources it use energy which releases carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. Lowering green house gases keeps the earth cooler stopping global warming from happening. So by reducing energy consumption and conserving resources recycling plays a crucial role in stopping climate change.
Recycling is a simple yet powerful way to make a significant impact on our environment and future generations. By adopting recycling habits, we reduce waste, conserve natural resources and stop global warming. It is our responsibility to take small steps, such as recycling to create a cleaner and healthier planet for ourselves and those who come after us. So, let’s make the positive change that recycling brings and contribute to a more sustainable and better future.
DAY 2- Y5 – Athena Cheung