Imagine you are a young explorer who has just returned from a day in the Enchanted Forest. Write a diary entry describing your magical journey, the mythical creatures you encountered, and the lasting impression it has left on you. 500 Words
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17 thoughts on “Day 3 Writing Homework”
27/08/2039, 8:28
Dear Diary, I have a bizarre experience, not even I can believe. It seems as if I woke up in an alternate universe. Here, trees loom with a cover of prudence. The sun pours its rays into the elongated horizon, and even the forest floor embodies a thickness with sublime foliage. The wandering mountains, snow-capped and vast, seemed to add an aura of glamour to the dense forest. This may seem as if I were suffering from an unknown disease, which goes under the name of compulsive lying disorder (CLD), but even the bland surface of water seems surreal with every passing second, and don’t get me started on the glistening fog and mystic creatures. Diary, I am stretched about two worlds, one yearning for home, the other desiring adventure in this dimension.
27/08/2039, 8:43
Dear Diary, barely a good 20 minutes have passed since my last message, and I have been under attack. Pernicious, ferocious Phoenixes blazing fire, more scolding than molten lava, rabid unicorns, annihilating everything in its path and we can’t forget Medusa, staring in your soul and striking your heart turning it into stone, the inconspicuously camouflaging Loch ness, residing in the filthy swamps and the notorious ghouls, seeming to nibble on your flesh.
27/08/2039, 13:43
Dear Diary, I just realised the nature here is even more bewildering than the animals! Even though it may be tough to believe, it is true. What is more perplexing than an amalgamation of a human and a wolf?”You may ask, but trust me, it gets worse. Other than seeming wise, the trees don’t appear to challenge the stereotypes, until you realise, the trees create this unnatural sound. Upon further investigation, it is ruled that trees can talk, wait, what? Yeah, in this place the personification we learnt at Scholarly is a reality. Not only that, but the bushes and scrubs which seemed to be added as decor were now uncovered to be a spy agent, taking notes of your daily actions. Maybe the people in 2025 were right about the prediction that there would be spying nature.
D3-Anantha- FEEDBACK
Dear dairy it commences in the morning I woke up in a cold fogy place filled with dark green foulage .Every step I take leaves crunch under my feet crunch crunch! I feel a unknown force around me. While I am running away petrified heard the trees whispering in the wind .It looks likebeautiful place.
Next while I try to hide I see a dragon fighting a Fenix it was shocking that the Fenix won. After the bewildering brawl I touched deseed dragon three centimetre n gnrg g dry leather scales and huge body. I had other magical encounters such as the little fairy village and the tiny elves . After that I saw a flying pig a miraculous farm I also smelt a bunyip that rotten smell ripped through my nose .Beneath the polluted swamp I could see the bunyip lurking watching my every move .After all I am still lost no food no shelter no people it will be hard to survive.
I See a sign it reads the ancient trees meadows. As I try to find exit to the human world I hear the trees whispering But this time they are each tell a story their own . One sings it story like a play while the other cries it out like a sad story .One says it like wise advise each one has good and bad one about how it’s parents got burnt the other how it was almost cut and other stories.
I feel an everchanging connection with this forest. It is special it is had it changed my mind. Change is a good thing and that every thing has a reason behind it .Change and challenges are important or ells life will be boring. I love this extraordinary forest but I have to find away out. Then I hear honey wake up its time for breakfast it was al a dream
Dear dairy to day I woke up in the morning
D3-Ahmad Amin- FEEDBACK
Today was a day I would never forget. In the morning, I ventured into the Enchanted Forest. I had a feeling of anticipation, and that feeling was right. Nothing disappointed me. Nothing at all.
The luscious green grass was seemed unbreakable. Unlike the other areas around the world where patches of grass are missing, ripped by people, here, it’s different. It’s coated in dew and, rather than spiky, it is soft, more than a pillow. I could sleep there if I wanted to. The green leaves on the trees formed a canopy, allowing me to rest under as it blocked me from the hot sun. The satisfying Autumn leaves crunched and rustled under my feet. It sounded like I was crashing glass. In a gentle way though.
The trees seemed to greet me as I walk in. They swayed in the gentle breeze as if they were performing a welcome dance. I followed the path around the forest, and along the way, I saw amazing things. All along my way, there were growing flowers. Flowers usually grow slowly and gradually, however not these ones. They grow almost instantly. I learned that if you plant the seeds and look five seconds later, it’s fully grown! They only die years later. The most interesting part about this is that they are completely natural, and not even a bit artificial. The trees were actually dancing, happily. There are scary sides of the forest too…
Later I discovered something I’d never seen before. As I was wandering, looking at the trees and flowers, there was something black in the corner of my eye. It was a cave, old and dusty. Inside it, everything was a huge contrast to the outside. It was dark and gloomy. Dim and melancholy. It turned out to be a vampire’s hiding spot. The first thing I saw when I went out was a unicorn, galloping around the vast grassland. It left sparkles as it jumped. I had never seen something looking so free before. It gave me one of its sparkling gems as a present.
I would always remember all the significant things I did and saw in that forest. I won’t forget anything that happened to me in that enchanting land. I still keep the gem with me, and it’s going to be safe forever. I don’t know if I ever felt so connected to the world around me. The creatures, the trees, the very air—it all seemed to weave together into something bigger than just a place. It felt like home.
If I have the choice to go there again, I definitely would. I’m waiting for that opportunity. Until then, I’ll treasure today’s journey in my heart.
D3-Chloe Byun – FEEDBACK
My writing homework
Writing Homework Day 3
Here is my English homework because I don’t know how to hand it in 🙂
D3-tuyen81quach – FEEDBACK
Dear diary 15/01/2025
As I entered the colourful mystical portal into the world of my wildest dreams. I see a magical unicorn comfort its young one there mane looked as if it was made of moonlight sparkling in the breeze of the canopy. As all my dreams come true I see the mystical and wonderful the half eagle half lion the Gryffin. It felt as if I was in a Harry Potter book. As I creep closer and closer with the rustling grass tickling my toes. The gryffin looks at me as if I am it’s youngling as it lets me ride on it’s cushion-like back. It soars high above the clouds
the intense wind tickles my rough face. For an odd and confusing reason the griffin it drop me off on the most stunning mountain. As I look to the lush, gorgeous canopy I jump and land in the colourful portal that takes me back home.
After that once in a lifetime journey I realise that the only way to have a good life is to live it to the absolute fullest because life always has something better for you.
. Today was an extraordinary day, one that I will cherish forever. As I sit here by the glow of my little lantern, I can hardly believe the wonders I witnessed in the Enchanted Forest. The morning began with the sun casting a gentle, golden light over the treetops, inviting me into a world where magic comes alive.
The moment I stepped into the forest, I felt a change in the air, as if the trees themselves were whispering secrets of old. The path was lined with flowers of every hue imaginable, their petals shimmering as if sprinkled with stardust. It wasn’t long before I encountered my first mythical creature—a gentle, doe-eyed unicorn grazing near a bubbling brook. Its coat was as white as freshly fallen snow, and a single, spiraled horn glistened like a crystal in the sunlight. I approached quietly, my heart pounding with excitement. The unicorn looked up, and for a moment, I felt a connection so pure and profound, it was as if time stood still.
As I ventured deeper, the forest revealed more of its secrets. I stumbled upon a grove where tiny fairies flitted about, their wings a blur of iridescent colors. They danced around me, leaving trails of sparkling dust that hung in the air like tiny stars. Their laughter was like the tinkling of distant bells, filling the grove with a sense of joy and wonder. One particularly bold fairy landed on my shoulder, whispering stories of ancient times and forgotten lands in my ear.
Further along the path, I met an old, wise centaur, standing majestically in a clearing. His eyes, deep and knowing, seemed to hold the wisdom of centuries. He spoke to me of the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving the magic that surrounds us. His words were a gentle reminder of the responsibility we hold as caretakers of this earth, and they resonated deeply within me.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, I came upon a serene lake at the heart of the forest. The water was so clear, it mirrored the sky above, creating a perfect illusion of an endless horizon. There, on the water’s edge, a majestic phoenix perched, its feathers ablaze with the colors of fire. It sang a hauntingly beautiful melody that echoed across the water, a song of rebirth and renewal. I sat quietly, captivated by its presence, feeling a deep sense of peace and awe.
As I made my way back home, the memories of the day lingered in my mind, vivid and alive. The Enchanted Forest had opened my eyes to a world beyond the ordinary, a world where magic is real and wonders never cease. I feel a renewed sense of purpose, a desire to explore and protect the mystical beauty that surrounds us. This journey has left an indelible mark on my heart, and I am forever grateful for the experiences and the enchanting creatures I met along the way.
With a heart full of wonder and a spirit eager for more adventures, I close my diary tonight, dreaming of the magical realms that await.
D3- Lerris – FEEDBACK
16th of January 2025
Dear Diary,
As the sun loomed over me in the morning, I embarked on a bold journey through the ominous and magical forest where legends said mythical creatures haunted.
With every step I took, the sound of my steps reverberated across the forest. The trees were swaying rather excessively from the strong winds as if they were dancing vigorously. Leaves were crunching below my shoes with all kinds of colours. As I wandered deeper into the forest, It felt like the sun was melting me. I later found a distant canopy and ran there as fast as I could. I rested against a strong rock and rested there until I was ready.
Once I had gotten enough energy, I jumped up and walked further into the enchanted forest. The lush trees had gotten more burnt and the ground was dark red as I took each step, but when I looked up, I realized I was in the home of a dragon. It spewed breaths of blazing fire and was destroying everything in its way like a tyrant. My instincts led me to run away before it kept me in even more danger.
I left the mystical forest with a sigh of relief and a feeling that never wanted to let go of this incredulous journey. I will cherish everything I have seen today, from the trees that danced, to the distant canopy that sheltered me and the destruction of the fire-breathing dragon. If I could go back, I know I definitely would.
D3-Aaron Thapa – FEEDBACK
Please check my writing:
Narrative – day 3 – holiday english class
D3- nicole_chen11yahoo-com-au – FEEDBACK