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Day 4 Writing Homework


Imagine your school is deciding whether to make recess 10 minutes longer. You think this is a great idea!

Write to convince your principal why the school should make recess longer.

Remember to:
Start with an introduction.
Write your opinion on the topic.
Give reasons for your opinion and explain them.
Finish with a conclusion.
Plan your writing, use paragraphs to organise ideas, and write in sentences.
Pay attention to spelling and punctuation.
Check and edit your writing so it is clear

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8 thoughts on “Day 4 Writing Homework”

  1. Dear Principal Xu(Steve),

    I am writing to share my thoughts on the idea of making recess 10 minutes longer. I believe this is a fantastic idea that would benefit both students and the overall school environment.

    First of all, recess is an important part of the school day. It gives students a chance to take a break from their studies, get some fresh air, and recharge for the next lessons. Currently, 20 minutes of recess feels a little short, especially when we have so much energy after sitting in class for a while. By adding just 10 more minutes, we would have more time to relax and play, which would help us stay focused and engaged during class time.

    Additionally, a longer recess would allow students to get more physical exercise, which is important for our health and well-being. With an extra 10 minutes, we would have more time to run, play sports, or engage in other activities that help us stay active. This would not only be good for our bodies but also for our minds, as physical activity can improve concentration and reduce stress.

    Another reason to extend recess is that it can improve our social skills. With more time to interact with friends, we can build stronger relationships and learn how to work together as a team. Whether it’s playing a game, solving a problem, or just chatting, the extra time would give us more opportunities to connect and communicate with each other.

    In conclusion, I believe that making recess 10 minutes longer would have many positive effects on students. It would help us stay healthy, focused, and socially connected. I hope you will consider this suggestion and make recess a little longer for all of us.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


  2. Do you ever experience the feeling when your break is too short? I am speaking behalf all the students and staff that our break time should be 10 minutes longer. This is because it will keep our bodies healthy and help us grow, we would be more active and optimistic in class and your hard-working staff would at least get ten minutes of break time.

    If we extend our recess period by ten minutes, our bodies will physically become healthier. We need just under 2 hours per day of time outside, or 13 hours per week. Our break time outside combined only make out one hour, so at least 10 minutes extra time is necessary. As well as that, most of us are busy after school, working hard for extracurricular classes and tests, doing the school homework you assigned for us, or/and house chores. Thus, it is your responsibility to rise our health levels by giving us ten extra minutes of break time, no hospital needed.
    In addition, ten extra minutes of break time would keep us active and engaged in class. What’s the point of the classroom discipline poster, which says that we should be active and engaged learners, when we are too tired due to irrational and unrealistic break times? We try hard to follow our rules whilst our eyes are trying to stay awake. Well, now it’s your turn to try and help us. For example, a very intriguing class discussion will go wrong if we are not energised yet. Therefore, you must help us by adding an additional ten minutes to our break time.
    Furthermore, our teachers need actual break time. Teachers, even on break, need to sacrifice the time to mark worksheets, tests or deal with playground issues. With an extra ten minutes, you can almost ensure that teachers also get their well-deserved break time. As we get to go home at 3:30pm, some teachers have to keep working until it is 6:00. Thus, in order to keep your staff working, you must add an extra ten minutes to our break time.

    In summary, we definitely need ten extra minutes of break time. It will keep us healthy, leading to us being stronger and happier, we would be more active and tolerant in class and your eye-rubbing staff will get some break time. In order to fill our hearts with joy, and to fill our minds with fuel, call your organisation and at least trial the idea for an extra ten minutes!

  3. Dear Principal Xu,
    I’m writing this about why recess should be 10 minutes longer, in the case of our students body, relationships, and mental health. I strongly believe that this will make a huge difference, benefiting both students and substantially, the whole school.

    To start of with, When students engage in physical activities, they are energised with vitality and endorphins, which elevates both our physical health and mental wellness. This will also help students to gain more vitimin D, which improves students bone health, making it easier for them to grow. So in my demand, within those extra ten minutes, would definetly allow us to involve more often in physical, heart-related, and moter development activites. Occuring in improved concentration and reduced restlessness during our lessons. Scientific research clearly indicates that the time in school day dedicated to recess positively impacts academic performance.”

    Additionley, Having an extended time of recess would allow students to improve in their social skills and centainly strengthens students relationships, by contributing in collaborative activities, such as hide and seek, tag, and statues. I’m absolutely sure that the extra time would assure that every student gets the choice to participate with other peers, reducing social isolation and encourage more inclusivity.”A child raised on a desert island, alone, with no social interaction, without language, and thus lacking empathy, is still a sentient being.”

    Furthermore, When students have recess, it benefits thier attention, memory, and physical activity. Resulting to better concentration, when it comes to learning and better collaboration, when it comes to group projects. This also increases participation, when it comes to class projects. I am certain that an extra ten minutes of recess would help students benefit on concentration, collaboration and participation. This could also result in more engaged and productove students even in classroom lessons.

    I strongly believe that students should have an extra ten minutes of recess as it would make school a better place to learn at. Within this extra time students will certainly come back to class even more focused and prepared, stregthen relationships with peers, and students will have even more energy to study. This change might seem small, but this will change students physical health and mental wellness by a lot. So I unquestionly believe that you make recess ten minutes longer, as this would mean a lot to all of us, but also have a big impact on us.

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