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Day 4 Writing Homework

Imagine you are a time traveller from the year 2060, speaking to a group of students in the 1980s. Write a persuasive speech on the importance of recycling and taking responsibility for our planet. Share your insights on the effects of climate change, the role of recycling, and the significance of sustainable living in your speech. Inspire the students to become environmental stewards.

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7 thoughts on “Day 4 Writing Homework”

  1. Good afternoon, students. My name is Bleepo, and I come from the year 2060. I know this might sound impossible, but in my time, technology has advanced to the point where we can travel through time. But I am not here to talk about the technology that allows me to stand before you today. I come with a message-a message that concerns all of you and all of humanity. I want to talk to you about our planet, the choices we make, and how you can help shape a better future for the generations to come.

    Let me take you through a journey, not through time, but through the environment. By the 2060s, the world we once knew has changed dramatically. The effects of climate change are no longer something we can deny or ignore. Rising sea levels have swallowed entire coastlines, fierce storms and droughts are more frequent, and temperatures have risen to levels that make parts of the Earth uninhabitable. In many areas, the weather is unpredictable, and ecosystems are struggling to survive. But all of this could have been prevented-or at least mitigated-if we had taken responsibility for our planet earlier. If we had understood how important it is to recycle, reduce waste, and live sustainably, we could have avoided many of these disasters.

    You might be wondering how recycling ties into all of this. Well, it’s one of the most immediate and effective ways we can reduce the strain we’re putting on the planet. Recycling helps us conserve resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize pollution. When we recycle, we keep valuable materials like metals, plastic and paper out of landfills where they can take centuries to break down. Instead, we give those materials a second life, saving energy and reducing the need for new raw materials. But recycling is just one part of the puzzle-it must be part of a broader commitment to sustainability.

    In the 2060s, we look back and realize that we didn’t just recycle-we reimagined our relationship with resources. We adopted renewable energy, like wind and solar power, and shifted away from fossil fuels that have long been a driving force behind climate change. We build cities that are energy efficient and focused on growing our food locally, reducing the the carbon footprint associated with transportation. We rethought how we produce, consume, and dispose of things, and in doing so, we began to repair the damage we had done over the past century. If you start now, you can be the generation that pushes for the necessary changes to build a sustainable future.

    But the responsibility does not just lie with governments or large corporations, it lies with every single one of you-individuals who have the power to make small, meaningful changes in your daily lives. From turning off lights when you’re not in use to opt for reusable containers instead of disposable ones, every action counts. Imagine if every person in the world made just one small change. The collective impact would be enormous. Think of all the plastic bottles that wouldn’t end up in the ocean, all the carbon emissions that wouldn’t be released into the atmosphere, and all the energy that would be saved. You have the power to lead by example and inspire others to join you.

    In the 1980s, it may seem like the environmental challenges are distant, but in the future, you will see firsthand the consequences of inaction. You are at crossroads. The decision you make today, the choices you make about how you live, will shape the world of tomorrow. If you begin to care for the Earth now, if you start small by reducing waste and supporting recycling efforts, you’ll set the stage for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world. If you ignore the signs and pollute without thought for the future, the consequences will be irreversible.

    You, the students of today, hold the future of this planet in you hands. It’s not too late to change course, but it starts with you. You have the power to lead, and to be a beacon of hope for future generations. Don’t wait for someone else to solve the problem. You are the solution. By recycling, by adopting sustainable practices, and by becoming environmental stewards, you can make a difference. I am counting on you, as are the generations who will inherit the Earth from you. Together, you can create a future where our planet thrives once again. We must act immediately!

  2. Good morning, students. I come to you from the year 2060, a world that could be your future—or your nightmare. I’m not here to frighten you, but to empower you. You hold the keys to a healthier, thriving planet. From where I am from, the year 2060 has faced drastic and critical environmental effects. Since we didn’t properly take care of our ecosystem, our Earth (2060) has become a wasteland all across the globe due to pollution. Lots of homes were lost and many people died because of the air outside. Be honest, would you want to breathe toxic air? Our future generations will face the consequences if we don’t act now!
    Recycling may seem like a simple act, but its impact is monumental. Every glass bottle, can, or scrap of paper you recycle conserves resources, and reduces waste. It takes 95% less energy to produce a can from recycled plastic than from raw materials. Multiply that by the billions of cans we use every year, and you’re looking at a revolution in energy savings. In my time, we learned this the hard way.
    Recycling is just the beginning. You have the opportunity to advocate for cleaner energy, and to teach others that sustainability is a gift for future generations. You can develop renewable energy tech, you can plant trees for better carbon dioxide.
    Whenever you go to the beach, you can see plastic swimming around in the ocean. You can start by picking it up and throwing it in the bin. This small act could change the world. That one small plastic could kill the last species of an animal.
    Imagine a world where the air is clean, the water pure, and the forests steaming with life. Where there is less light pollution, and people coexist with nature instead of exploiting. That is the Earth you can help create.
    Thank you.

  3. Speech to the 1980s
    Imagine this: It’s a stormy day, but the air is thick, like you’re breathing through a wet towel. You can’t escape the heat; it’s everywhere. The sky is an odd shade of yellowish-brown, like a rotten banana, and the trees are choking. You try to take a deep breath, but it stings your lungs. You look around, and the streets are empty. People are hiding indoors, waiting for the storm to pass. This is not a scene from a horror movie- this is the world I come from- 2060.

    I’m not here to scare you, though. I want to show you what could happen if we don’t change things now. The world you know today, with its busy cities, its lush forests, its beautiful rivers, its flowing oceans—they are all part of our fragile ecosystem. They are held together by choices that people make every single day. Choices you will soon be asked to make. Let me tell you about one of those choices.

    When I was your age, I remember standing on a beach. The sun shone through the canopy of palm trees, but there was something wrong about the sand- it didn’t feel like it used to. It was plastic- broken bits of plastic bags, bottles, and wrappers that had washed ashore. I picked up a plastic bottle. It was crumpled and faded from years of being tossed around in the waves. It could have been recycled many years ago. It should have been. Only that it wasn’t.

    In 2060, we see more than just a mere bottle. We see millions of them, frothing in our oceans, trapped in the soil, choking the endangered marine life. A small plastic bottle, what seemed like a miniscule choice, but one that took forever to break down. That’s the problem. It wasn’t always like this. Back in the 1980s, we had the chance to change the course. We didn’t know it then, but every can, bottle, each piece of paper was creating a thread in a tapestry. It’s hard to see it now, but every choice counts.

    Picture a world where everything you throw gets recycled, where those same bottles get turned into new ones, instead of drifting in oceans or lying around in toxic landfills. Picture an ocean where the marine life can swim freely, not dodging hazardous waste. Picture a world where the air is clean, where animals can co-exist with humans. You can make this a reality. You are not alone, look at all the people around you. Act now, before there is no world to call home.

    Speech to the 1980s

  4. Good afternoon kids. I come from the year 2060, and in my time, people have built time machines, however, that is not what I am here for. Today I come to address a crucial problem in our life of the 2060s: climate change. One of the biggest problems in our world. However, there are ways to stop it. Today I will tell you how easy it is to recycle, how it benefits, and the world if you don’t recycle.

    Firstly, how easy it is to recycle. Bins have 3 main colours, red, green and yellow. Red and yellow are the most used. On streets, red and yellow bins are right next to each other, and only needs a bit of movement to recycle what you can instead of throwing it into the red bin. That is why you must start to recycle.

    Next, the benefits of recycling. Recycling what you can reduces almost 10% of landfill, which is one of the main factors to global warming. Another benefit is that it saves natural resources. You see, recycling glass bottles can give almost 25% of sand and limestone some of the most important resources for building. Hence, you must start to recycle.

    Lastly, let’s talk about the world if you don’t recycle. First, people will have to pay money for oxygen. People will be gagging and coughing. The air will be filled with smog and it will be hard to see further distances. Next, in future generations people might not know what recycling is, because no one is bothered to pass down the information. Therefore, you must start to recycle.

    I hope you all have learnt the lesson on why you must recycle, because it is easy, it has benefits, and a world without it will be ugly. I must leave you there, but I hope you tell your parents and children to recycle. Thank you.

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