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Day 2 Writing Homework

Write a narrative with the opening line ‘The moment I stepped off the plane, I knew this trip would be an unforgettable experience’ but make it your own! This line is rather boring as is, so it is up to you to change it, to re-write it in such a way that hooks your reader and keeps them engaged, while still carrying the same meaning.

500 words

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4 thoughts on “Day 2 Writing Homework”

  1. Imagine being on the hot streets of Somerdale when suddenly, a loud cacophony arouses suspicion into the air. You turn around and see an object high up in the sky, but as you look closer, you realise that it is no plane or helicopter but a car.

    Residents of Somerdale have been the first to experience riding in a flying car after one of them unexpectedly landed in a large grassy field. At first, locals were highly confused and shocked to see a glinting red car, fixed with large wings, standing in the middle of a field. But it wasn’t long before the driver/pilot hopped out and explained everything. It turned out that somerdale was chosen out of 56 other small cities to be the first to experience hovering above land in a flying car and that everyone who wanted to could take a free ride around the city.
    “At first, my children and I were very confused in the presence of a flying car but as soon as the man explained everything, we were really excited to be one of the first to experience such a thing,” says Mary Freeman, a resident of Somerdale and mum of four children.
    “I was first scared but then very very happy!” Holly Freeman, youngest daughter of Mary Freeman.

    Most who were involved in the experience believed it was great fun soaring through the cerulean skies of their own city, feeling like one of those pigeons they had always chased on the streets while a few people disliked the experience and thought it was similar to riding any old plane or helicopter.
    “I just don’t get why we need a flying car if the world already has helicopters and stuff” says Amelia Smith, teen resident. While many agree with her, others believe you can never have too many flying objects.

    The town is still settling down after the unexpected, amazing, encounter they had with a beautiful red flying car. And as the sun sets, residents know that today will be a day they never forget.

  2. As I put my foot on this wondorous new soil, I knew the rest of the day would be filled with excitement and new events. I would get my wish but never in a million years would I have thought that my day would have played out as it did.

    As I walked across the aisle which led into the airport, I was blown away by the bustling mini-city the airport was. The marble floor resonated well with the glass roof above it. There were stores everywhere. Cafes, diners, supermarkets and more, all gave the place a sense of activity and business. Tourists and locals alike blended together in a frenzy of bright lights, music, chatter, announcements and people. Some were waiting for their flights, some were shopping for some items they did not bring on their flights. It seemed as if everything was happening all at once with everyone doing everything all at once.

    I walked into the hectic havoc of people where I went to the international arrival terminal. My expectation was to spend eternity in the “Airport Zoo of Humans” but amid all the flashing lights and huge statues, I saw a gargantuan dark black sign with the huge red letters saying, “International Departures.”

    As I went through security, a french lady in formal attire came up to me and said, “Passport please.”

    I rumuaged through my carry-on duffel bag and pulled out my British passport. She gave me a confused look and said, “This is a French passport, why are you in the the Foreign Lane?”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Yes, it is a French passport and I don’t think you look like a woman.” She showed me the passport and she was right. The picture was one of a woman named Jaques Mallesries and it said ‘The owner of this passport must be granted protection as a French citizen at all times’. Nervous, I decided to make a run for it. I bolted out of the lane, jumping over the gate as the lady screamed out behind me.

    “Stop! Security! Get him!”

    As I ran, the police started running after me. I pushed through the messy crowd of people. I jumped over a DJ and ran towards a random terminal at velocity speed. Bewildered crowds made way for me and I rushed into a plane without showing my nonexistent ticket. I locked myself in the bathroom and locked the door. My persuers ran past me and I took a sigh of relief. The bathroom was nothing more than a plain white toilet with some toilet paper rolls stacked on top in formation and a tile sink with a crystal clear mirror. The floor was smooth concrete and the door was thick metal with a lock.

    I look back on that day on laugh. I find it amusing that I never really thought about what would happen if the plane took off. My flight experience was not exactly comfortable. Whenever there was turbulence, I slammed my head on the metal door I still slept on the sink somehow and in the end, I landed in the Phillipines. When I opened the door, I expected to be ambushed my police but instead as I walked out of the door, I was greeted my a flight attendant who handed me a British passport. “Is this yours? When you came rushing in, this fell out of your back pocket.”

    By Simon.Yin

  3. The moment I laid one foot of the plane I was greeted by a kaleidoscope of flashing colours, and exotic aromas incarcerated my soul leaving me in an unforgettable trance, lighting a spark of eagerness which would fuel the adventures yet to come. My taxi, a royal limousine, turned up and the doors slid open inviting me to the red velvet lush seats which glimmered in the sunshine. I took a seat as my driver sped away in the sunshine. I sat in silence gazing wearily at the radio, making a mental note to take a nap before a day of excitement. Finally, the taxi pulled up at my holiday home’s driveway and I sat up abruptly.

    Thanking the driver, I paid him the amount and to be honest I was pretty surprised that it wasn’t a tad more. Unlocking the door with the keys, I breathed in the serene air as I walked inside the luxurious mansion. This holiday was going just better than I planned it to. Setting down my stuff in my enormous room, I had a little tour of the breathtaking house before deciding to take a look at the city’s water park. It had a five-star review and some pretty awesome slides on the website which took me away in a trance like an innocent human being under a profound magician.

    Walking towards the park, I stared at the cement in front of me which to my shock was sprawled with serpent-like cracks along the floor. My eyebrows arched as I pondered on the thought of where the cracks were coming from. Suddenly a wombat came out from nowhere, and nearly ran into me. That is uncommon, wombats never usually come out I thought. As a seismologist, this thought couldn’t shake my mind and I had to prepare for the worst. However, as a hardworking man who wanted to have a good break, I had to shrug the thought off and keep on walking. Deep down in my heart, however I knew these were the signs. It was happening.

    After what seemed a millennia of walking I approached the waterpark. I was greeted by a big red sign with the words Closed. What! When I checked online it was just open. A bad feeling entered my stomach as the sky turned melancholic and I couldn’t swallow the thought down. Glancing at a nearby tv, I heard locals screaming in the background as I only captured one shrill scream. Earthquake! Running as fast as my thin legs could carry me, I approached my familiar block. Once I hit the bend, a deafening bolt of lightning smashed onto the pavement causing the floor to ignite in flames. I was slumped on the floor wheezing and coughing, when I saw a whole herd of animals running at me and I could sense it was no joke. I braced myself for impact, and then I blanked out.

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