Imagine you are a young explorer who has just returned from a day in the Enchanted Forest. Write a diary entry describing your magical journey, the mythical creatures you encountered, and the lasting impression it has left on you.
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Fantastic Fantasy
15 July, 2021
Dear Diary,
I climbed into bed and wriggled under the sheets, exhausted from another long day. I lay my head down on the pillow, and opened my new favourite book, ecstatic about finally getting to read. When I opened the book, an unusually warm, golden glow seemed to be spilling out of the spine of the book, somehow, though it must have just been either the light it was in or my eyes playing tricks on me. Suddenly, a burst of colour erupted from the novel, and I had the horrible yet thrilling sensation of falling,
My eyelids did not want to open. It was as if they had been glued to my eyeballs to stop them from opening. I forced them open, only to have to close them straight away, because what I saw in that split second could not possibly be real. Maybe I was still dreaming. Or maybe I really had better finally go to the appointment with the optometrist that had been postponed too many times. I opened my eyes again, afraid of what might meet them. It was still there. Luscious green colour, all around me, tall, beautiful trees dotted around the landscape like salt on a dish. I sat up, stood up, unable to believe my whereabouts. I never came here! How, on earth, did I get here, then? I did not know. I still do not quite know now, although I do know a lot more than I did then.
It had been a while of standing, looking around in awe, and wondering whatever was on my mind at that very moment, that I realised that whatever this was, it must have had something to do with magic. In my story books and novels, the characters who somehow ended up somewhere unknown, somewhere magical, always found their ways back home, even if it did take a while. In those stories, all the characters were in league with some kind of magic, or magical elements. I was not, but, after all, there is a first time for everything! I decided that the magic would most likely wear off, and I would be delivered right back into my bed, where I figured this whole thing must have started from, when I opened that book. I decided that I should make the most of the time I had here, and decided to do that by exploring this curious place, for as long as I had.
It was getting dark, and I still had not felt anything like what I had when I first arrived here, falling for what seemed like eternity. On my little adventure, I had seen beautiful flowers, small green hills, and even some creatures that had never seemed real! I saw pixies, forest fairies, and even unicorns grazing in a small meadow. The unicorns were not your stereotypical creature, pink horn, white fur, and purple hoofs. My breath caught in my throat as I approached the meadow. The unicorns, their silver fur shimmering in the moonlight, seemed to glow with an otherworldly beauty. I could hardly believe my eyes! When it became clear that I was not going to be getting posted back home any time soon, I decided to spend the night right where I arrived. I found a nice, soft patch of moss, lay down, and let my eyelids become heavy.
Finally I was home! It felt too good to be true. I had had a fantastic time, but there is no place like home, after all.
Sweet Dreams, Sarah
D3-Josephine – FEEDBACK
Dear Diary,
Today I encounted a mysterious forest. I trampled through the mud until I found what looked like a huge door towering over the trees. As I slowly approached the door, it slowly began to open. I felt a weird dragging sensation and a blinding light which pulled me towards it. I couldn’t resist its force and somehow ended up going through the door.
As soon as I had been pulled through the door, I look around noticing everything had changed. I felt confused and also frightened because I was now looking towards the most unusual sight. I was looking at a creature that I had only read about in stories. This creature had huge, feather like wings but with a body of a horse. It appeared to illuminate with a snowy white glow. The feeling of fear slowly began to dissapear as I realised this creature was indeed a Pegasus !
I slowly moved past the Pegasus and headed deeper into this enchanted place. This was no longer an ordinary forest, this was something more. The trees were not ordinary trees, they were trees with the faces of very old wise people. The faces whispered to me as I walked past. I couldn’t quite make out their message but they seemed to be urging me to keep walking. The voices of the trees sounded urgent and again I felt the fear begin to rise in me.
Further I walked , steadily and on high alert until I came across an old chalet that appeared to be abandoned. I carefully tiptoed towards the window and peered inside. What I first thought was only a shadow of lights, on closer inspection it appeared to be a floating ball of light. Again, I heard the whispering urge of the trees to go inside the chalet.
Inside the chalet I become face to face with the floating light. I reached my hand to touch the light and it immediately disappeared into a fine mist. It then reappeared and began to move towards the ladder. I followed the ball of light. It guided me down the ladder towards a basement. With shaking legs I fumbled down the ladder and found myself infront the most precious and delicate, purple bell. The bell had a note which stated : RING THIS BELL TO RETURN ANYTIME.
I popped the bell into my backpack and made my way back along the path past the trees and the Pegasus. With the bell in my back pack , I noticed that the trees were now smiling at me and the Pegasus nodded with a knowing smile. I gave my new friends a final wave
Hi, Nicole.
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goelonline – FEEDBACK
This is my Diary Entry
The Mystical Adventure