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Day 4 Writing Homework

Write a paragraph about a time you were particularly sad or angry and use the techniques we’ve talked about in class.

Please email your writing homework to and we will provide feedback within 2-5 days

Ensure You Put The Day and Year
Example: Day 1 Year 3 Writing Homework

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2 thoughts on “Day 4 Writing Homework”


    tears rolled down my cheeks as i heard the ambulances siren screaming coming closer,this was the last time i saw my cat ginger.
    my cat ginger has a cold and needs to get a specic and special needle.
    it was a mixture of pepper,salt,vitimen c, vitimen b, orange and mabe even straberries!!!


    Wet all over my cheeks, tears streamed down my face, this was my last stroke of my cute, adorable and milk-coloured dog, Milk Shake. He was my only friend for years. He played with me when ever I had time. He agreed on everything I said.

    However, we finally decided to sell Milk Shake to other friendly people since there are nobody to take care of him during the day. That was the most melancholic moment of my entire life.

    At the last day Milk Shake will see me , he sobbed into me, leaving some of his fur for memories of him.

    (Based on my mom’s dog. True story)

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