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NSW Selective School Test: Does Motivation & Encouragement Have a Role To Play?

Studies have shown that the role of teacher motivation is crucial in creating an effective learning environment. For instance, research by NYU Steinhardt highlighted how approaches to student engagement, feedback, and diverse teaching strategies can significantly impact students’ motivation and learning outcomes​​. 
Additionally, another study emphasised the importance of positive teacher-student relationships for academic achievement, indicating that a supportive and engaging environment can enhance student engagement and enjoyment in learning​​.

This is exactly why Scholarly started the 7 AM Club which offers an empowering start to the day for students preparing for competitive exams like the NSW Selective School Test and Opportunity Class (OC) exams. 

This early morning motivation club is not just about academic advice; it’s a holistic approach to instilling confidence, managing time effectively, understanding content deeply, and maintaining well-being.

Guide Overview


What is the 7 AM Club?

The 7 AM Club is a daily gathering where tutors share insights, strategies, and motivation to students. It’s designed to provide students with the tools and mindset needed to excel academically and beyond. The club emphasises the importance of starting the day positively and focused, especially crucial for those facing the pressures of competitive exams like the NSW Selective School Test.

Why Is it Important  for the NSW Selective School Test & OC Test?

Competitive exams require more than just academic knowledge. They demand resilience, time management, and a growth mindset. The 7 AM Club addresses these aspects by sharing real-life experiences and practical tips to navigate the challenges these exams present. It’s a forum where students learn to balance ambition with well-being, a critical skill in today’s high-pressure academic environments.


Tutor describing the importance of sleep for scoring well in exams.

What Is Discussed in The Club?

  1. Instilling Confidence Amidst Doubt 

Discovering Your ‘Why’: Ms. Anastasia emphasised the importance of understanding personal motivations. Knowing why you’re pursuing certain goals, whether it’s getting into a selective school or pursuing a dream career, can be a powerful motivator and a source of resilience against external doubts.

Accepting Incremental Progress: She advised students to celebrate even minor improvements, recognising that progress isn’t always linear or immediate. This approach helps build a positive mindset and keeps students motivated.

  1. The Critical Role of Sleep 

Personal Experience of Sleep Deprivation: Ms. Anastasia shared a story about how lack of sleep affected her health and academic performance, underscoring the importance of adequate rest.

Sleep as a Foundation for Success: She pointed out that sleep is crucial for cognitive functions, memory, and overall health, all of which are essential for academic excellence.

  1. Understanding vs. Memorising

Long-Term Retention Through Understanding: Mr. Cullen differentiated between rote memorization and deep understanding. He suggests that truly comprehending material leads to long-term knowledge retention and adaptability in applying this knowledge. Practical Methods for Deeper Understanding: This includes explaining concepts in one’s own words, drawing diagrams, and teaching the material to others.

  1. Front Loading the Effort 

Immediate Action on Tasks: Mr. Steve advised against procrastination, advocating for tackling tasks as soon as they are assigned. This approach helps manage workload and reduces last-minute stress.Proactive Learning: He encouraged students to go beyond the curriculum, suggesting that preparing in advance significantly eases academic pressure.

5. Embracing Life’s Challenges 

The Reward in Choosing Harder Paths: Mr. Steve talked about how taking on more challenging paths, although daunting, can lead to extraordinary results and distinguishes one from the majority who choose easier routes. Resilience in the Face of Failure: He stressed the importance of resilience and learning from failures, noting that early challenges prepare students for future success.

Tutor describing the difference between memorising and deeply understanding a concept.


The 7 am Club goes beyond traditional teaching methods by nurturing an environment that supports both academic and personal growth. The strategies and tips shared in these sessions are tailored to help students navigate the challenges of competitive exams and foster skills like critical thinking, time management, and resilience. The club’s focus on motivation and strategic learning aligns perfectly with the research-backed approaches emphasising the importance of teacher motivation and positive teacher-student relationships in enhancing academic success.

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