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Week 3 Writing Homework

Writing Homework :

Craft a narrative about your journey to find your favourite toy. Please refer to the after class notes for additional elements to include.

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8 thoughts on “Week 3 Writing Homework”

  1. The Treacherous Path to Finding Berno

    After school, I eagerly hurried home, excited to get my teddy bear, Berno, who had silky brown fur and a faded red ribbon tightly snuggled around his neck. However, when I turned to look at my soft, king – sized bed, he wasn’t to be found. My heart sunk. Berno had been my best friend every since I could remember – and he had been there for me every single step of the way. He had always been there for me – every small knee-scrape, every major breakdown, and even the most special days of my life. It was unbelievable to me that he was gone. Everything was a blur as I tried to recall where I’d last seen him.

    Without a second doubt, my instincts kicked in and I immediately began to tear through my room. I flipped over big, heavy blankets, anxiously opened and closed drawers, and even peered under the bed, where I found a small, shiny button – one identical to the one that had been placed on his paw. Hope bubbled up in me – maybe I’d find him soon. Butterflies fluttered inside of my stomach, as I started to doubt his existence . Anticipation and fear overpowered my mind. But the button wasn’t his, and so the search continued. I retraced my steps from the day before, suddenly remembering how I’d taken him for a stroll outside to do some “adventuring” in the backyard. Could he still be there?

    I explored every corner, digging through the leaves under the old tree where we’d had our “picnic” together. I was getting worried, my mind racing with questions. Could he have fallen out of my backpack at school? Did I leave him in the car? I took a deep breath, focusing on finding him no matter what.

    The search grew more challenging as I ventured to the attic, a shadowy maze of cardboard boxes and spiderwebs making my path an obstacle. I felt like a detective solving a mystery, undeterred by a few creepy noises and spooky shadows. Glaring into a small box in the corner of the attic, I discovered an old toy car from long ago that I’d forgotten about, which distracted me briefly. But then Berno was worth more to me than any other thing, so I pressed on with my journey.

    Finally, as I went to check my last resort – the basement, there he was, lying on top of a laundry pile. Relief and joy flooded through me as I hugged him tightly. But then, I realised this journey had taught me something important about determination – that sometimes, finding what you love means never giving up, even when it seems impossible. Berno was back where he belonged, and I knew I’d always treasure him even more after this adventure.

  2. The Lost Friend
    In the depths of my childhood, there existed a single, cherished companion: a worn-out teddy bear named James. James was more than just a stuffed animal; he was my confidant, my helper, and my constant source of comfort.
    One fateful day, as I embarked on a grand adventure through the vast expanse of my backyard, He was left behind. I didn’t realize my loss until the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the playground. Panic washed over me as I retraced my steps, frantically searching every place that I knew. Hours turned into days, and days into weeks, but he remained unfound. I searched high and low, my heart aching with each passing moment. I even resorted to leaving treats in the hopes of luring him back, but to no point. As time went on, my hope began to die. I gradually accepted that James was gone forever, lost in the vast expanse of the world. Yet, a glimmer of hope remained, a tiny spark that refused to be extinguished. Years later, as I was cleaning out my old bedroom, I stumbled upon a dusty box tucked away in the back of my closet. Curiosity, I opened the box and gasped in disbelief. There, nestled amidst a pile of forgotten trinkets, was James, his fur slightly faded, his eyes slightly dimmed, but still recognizable after all these years. Joy surged through me as I embraced my long-lost companion. I held him close, inhaling the familiar scent of his worn-out stuffing. In that moment, I realized that Teddy had never truly left me; he had always been there, waiting for me to find him again.From that day on, James became more than just a toy; he became a symbol of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of love. He reminded me that even in the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to shine through.

  3. I had an avocado plush called Cado. Her back is light green, and her front is creamy white. Cado has a face on herself, and she has a bright yellow core. Cado has a bright red pipe cleaner hair tie. She is thirty centimetres tall. Cado is important to me because she is a souvenir from a holiday to China.

    Today was the most terrible day; my avocado went missing. It was way past the normal lights out time. I was going to enter my bedroom. When I was about to change into my pyjamas, I saw that Cado wasn’t in sight. Tears fell out of my eyes at motorway speed. I changed into my pyjamas, laid in bed and cried for hours.

    I cried until midnight when my mum came into my room.

    “What’s wrong, Love?”

    “Cado is missing.”

    “We will find it.”


    “We could think of potential suspects.”

    “What are suspects?”

    “Suspects are people we think are guilty.”

    “Let’s suspect my brother. He’s annoying.”

    “I will come to his room.”

    Mum gently closed my bedroom door.

    “Good luck, Mum,” I whispered to myself, still trying to calm myself down.

    I heard Mum and my brother mumbling quietly outside my bedroom door.

    “Did you steal Cado?”

    “Um… no,” my brother told sharply.

    “You are lying.”

    Mum slammed my brother’s door. I wondered how did she know that my brother is lying.

    Tomorrow morning, when my brother and I went to school, my Mum spent her spare time searching my brother’s room for Cado. She even looked at the attic that’s above his room. She became more and more hopeless as time goes on. Mum found evidence of Cado; she found Cado’s bright red pipe cleaner hair tie. She became more ecstatic and determined about the chance of finding Cado than ever.

    When I came home from school, I found some money hidden inside this house. It was inside a small safe under my bed. I was originally checking if Cado was under my bed. I counted ten thousand dollars hidden there. I had a feeling. Let’s say that your belongings are under your bed. My brother traded Cado for ten thousand dollars. He put Cado under his bed, and he put ten thousand dollars under my bed.

    I told my genius idea to Mum.

    She replied, “Let’s have a look,”

    Both Mum and I looked under my brother’s bed. It wasn’t that much of a surprise that Cado was there! I was so elated that the quest was finally finished. Cado was no longer vanished. I hugged Cado as tightly as possible, but I regretted that decision because I don’t want Cado to suffocate.

    Mum told my brother why he stole Cado. Sure enough, it was the exact same reason that I told Mum. She told my brother to ask for permission before you trade. I told my brother that he can have all my Lego bricks for ten thousand dollars.

    I learnt that you need to keep trying to do anything in life.

    The Missing Avocado Plush

  4. Rakesh Thobula Ramulu

    The lost toy

    I searched desperately hoping to find my toy, feeling worried I throw everything to the floor without paying attention.

    “Krishna!” my mum says in a really disappointed tone.
    “Sorry.” I say in a soft tone hoping she won’t get to mad at me.
    “Why are you throwing things.” She asks
    “Well, urm, I lost pussy cat.” I say it almost crying
    “Its ok.” She replied by hugging me
    I melt in her arms
    “If you wanna find pussy…” she continues “Not just pussy but any of your things then don’t drop things, promise.? She asks
    “Promise.” I say back.
    I continue searching keeping my hopes high when I searched the second last room.
    “I spot some wool underneath the sofa.” I told myself “That’s it, I found pussy.” I shouted to my mum across the room
    “That’s great honey.”
    I quickly pulled the wool and…
    “Wait what, this can’t be possible, I swear that is where Pussy is.”
    “Its fine.” Says mum “we still have one more room.
    “But what if I c-c-ant f-find it.” I started to have a melt down
    “Calm down” mum said in a reassuring tone that made me calm myself.
    I got up from under the sofa, hugged my mum and left to the last room. This time mum came with me.

    “I saw something, is looks like Pussy.” I say to mum this time my hopes high. She smiles and holds my hand
    I caught the tail and I heard a “Meow!”
    “What was that.” I screamed
    “Surprise!” said mum
    She surprised me with a real cat
    I hugged her tight and play with the cat. I named her Pussy after my toy cat.
    Sometimes, I do still miss my toy, but while having my cat around, it feels like I have my Pussy toy with me.


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