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Day 4 Writing Homework

Scholarship Homework

I hope you remember your (hypothetical, at least right now) role as the voice of your year — as the one whose responsibilities involve a monthly letter to your principal/headmaster to bring a particular, important issue to light. The time has come again for you to compose your letter, and for this month, you have decided to talk about the impact of technology on young students. Having done a deep dive into the negative effects of excessive smartphone usage, and showing incredible maturity in your letter, you have realised that, for the greater benefit of everyone, it would only be right for you to write to your principal/headmaster, imploring them to ban the use of smartphones not only during class, but also during recess and lunch — a reasonable compromise that would be far better than outright banning all phones (and thus neglecting the positive reasons behind why young people might bring phones to school, such as for safety).

500 Words

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1 thought on “Day 4 Writing Homework”

  1. As I put my foot on this wondorous new soil, I knew the rest of the day would be filled with excitement and new events. I would get my wish but never in a million years would I have thought that my day would have played out as it did.

    As I walked across the aisle which led into the airport, I was blown away by the bustling mini-city the airport was. The marble floor resonated well with the glass roof above it. There were stores everywhere. Cafes, diners, supermarkets and more, all gave the place a sense of activity and business. Tourists and locals alike blended together in a frenzy of bright lights, music, chatter, announcements and people. Some were waiting for their flights, some were shopping for some items they did not bring on their flights. It seemed as if everything was happening all at once with everyone doing everything all at once.

    I walked into the hectic havoc of people where I went to the international arrival terminal. My expectation was to spend eternity in the “Airport Zoo of Humans” but amid all the flashing lights and huge statues, I saw a gargantuan dark black sign with the huge red letters saying, “International Departures.”

    As I went through security, a french lady in formal attire came up to me and said, “Passport please.”

    I rumuaged through my carry-on duffel bag and pulled out my British passport. She gave me a confused look and said, “This is a French passport, why are you in the the Foreign Lane?”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Yes, it is a French passport and I don’t think you look like a woman.” She showed me the passport and she was right. The picture was one of a woman named Jaques Mallesries and it said ‘The owner of this passport must be granted protection as a French citizen at all times’. Nervous, I decided to make a run for it. I bolted out of the lane, jumping over the gate as the lady screamed out behind me.

    “Stop! Security! Get him!”

    As I ran, the police started running after me. I pushed through the messy crowd of people. I jumped over a DJ and ran towards a random terminal at velocity speed. Bewildered crowds made way for me and I rushed into a plane without showing my nonexistent ticket. I locked myself in the bathroom and locked the door. My persuers ran past me and I took a sigh of relief. The bathroom was nothing more than a plain white toilet with some toilet paper rolls stacked on top in formation and a tile sink with a crystal clear mirror. The floor was smooth concrete and the door was thick metal with a lock.

    I look back on that day on laugh. I find it amusing that I never really thought about what would happen if the plane took off. My flight experience was not exactly comfortable. Whenever there was turbulence, I slammed my head on the metal door I still slept on the sink somehow and in the end, I landed in the Phillipines. When I opened the door, I expected to be ambushed my police but instead as I walked out of the door, I was greeted my a flight attendant who handed me a British passport. “Is this yours? When you came rushing in, this fell out of your back pocket.”

    By Simon Yin

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