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Week 1 Writing Homework

Writing Homework : Continue the story of “The Great Pickle Parade Predicament,” starting from the moment Olivia discovers her pickle-less sandwich. Write about how she and her friends investigate the missing pickles and try to save the Pickle Parade. Use at least 5 words from the vocabulary list in your story. (400 words)

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17 thoughts on “Week 1 Writing Homework”

  1. ” Mrs Krocher, why does my sandwich have no pickles?” questioned Olivia.
    Mrs Krocher stayed silent until Olivia impatiently asked again.
    “ The pickles have disappeared,” muttered quietly.
    “What! How?” exclaimed Olivia,” Did the culprit leave any trace of information?”
    Mrs Krocher didn’t answer but just got up and walked away. It seemed that the famous Great Pickle had no chance of happening now as it was only a week away. Olivia decided that this was urgent and made a club to help find the pickles. Only Derrick, Anna and Evan joined the club. But that was enough to figure the culprit.

    Later at Olivia’s house, they discussed how the crates of pickles have gone. Derrick said that the pickles got abducted by aliens but how was that possible? How many spaceships would had been used to take the pickles? Later in the meeting they decided to go check the forest which Olivia lived near.

    Ding! The boring lesson of history finally finished. They started furious running to check in the forest so that they will be back before dinner time. In the middle of the forest. Anna heard a distant rumbling. They started to run to the noise and realised that a delivery truck was loading crates of something and putting it near a wall. Later the wal opened. The club suddenly realised that a Clandestine meeting was being held inside. They decided to sneak near the door and listen to the convesation. The door for some reason smelled strongly of brine.

    They decided that tommorow they will peek inside and dress up in costumes and infilterate the meeting. when they finally arrived in normal clothes they realised they were also in casual cloths just except for on person so they decided to not change into the costume.

    ” Tommorow we will take the pickles to that old green house!” boomed a loud voice.

    They suddenly realised it was the mayor that was leading the club so it was no use trying to confront the club the club. So they decided to ruin the plan. So when the meeting ended they decided that the on the day of the parade they will lead the people to the old green house and make the parade still happen.

    The day finally came. Olivia was excited to ruin the plan but when he saw the mayor holding the micro phone she was shocked.
    “Today we are going to hold the Vegetable Vitality ” Mr Mcbrocili was cut of by Olivia.
    “Wait! We found the pickles!” Yelled Olivia, ” They are in the old Green house! A gasp of shock spread through the village as Olivia said that “Come with me“
    The mayor was starting to grow red. The villagers found the pickles and looked at the Mayor who was now reder than a tomatoe. Later in the day there was a new Mayor elected and the mission was complete. And Mr. Mcbrocili learn’t a lesson: If you do something sneaky, there might always be a person that could catch you.

  2. The Great Pickle Parade Predicament

    “Sorry to interrupt, Ms Reynolds, but do you have any idea why the sandwiches today are pickle-less?” Olivia questioned, with her 3 friends, Gerald, Suzie and Danny trailing behind her.

    Ms Reynolds sighed. “ No clue. They just disappeared out of the blue! Perhaps you could try finding out why.”

    “What a super idea! Thank you Ms Reynolds.”

    Olivia and her friends decided to make a plan to look for traces and follow clues. They went all around the town, seeing peoples’ horrified faces as they discovered more mysterious disappearances. Then one day, they came across a vacant road, they heard a rumbling noise grow louder as they listened. Why, it was a delivery truck, with several crates of jars! But delivery trucks never went on this path. So, growing suspicious, Olivia and her friends followed it to the other end of town, where it finally parked itself at the wall of a small, dilapidated cottage. They all heard a voice boom inside it “ All the members of the ‘healthy eating’ club, please meet again at half past ten at night to decide what is to be done for the new festival.” Olivia and her friends, hearing this, all agreed to be there at quarter past ten to spy on their meeting.

    The next day, Olivia arrived to find her friends waiting at the building door with their bikes. They quickly found a little shrub, and hid themselves in it. They waited, then peeked into the window in which a Clandestine meeting was being held. And, if they weren’t mistaken, inside was Mayor Mcbroccoli, and some other members of the community, discussing taking away pickles and starting a new revolution and establishing a new festival; the healthy eating festival. When Olivia and her friends found out, they were enraged! So they kept looking for clues. The festival was tomorrow, so they wasted no more time and started looking. Suddenly, Danny’s sharp eyes spotted a small pickle jar sticker.

    “Aha! Look what I’ve found!”

    “There’s another one here!”

    Olivia and her friends followed the trail of pickle jar stickers to an old building. There were trucks coming with crates, and delivering all the pickles that were stolen from all around the town. They knew how to save the pickles festival now! But by the time they pedalled back to town, the festival was starting. But it wasn’t too late. Olivia ran forward, shouting

    “People of Gherkinville, listen carefully. We have found the pickles. The choice is yours!”

    Mayor Mcbroccoli turned red immediately, apologising. The town decided that they could have both, making it more enjoyable for all.

    Moral: Try hard and never give up, even if there are countless obstacles in the way.

  3. Olivia took out her lunch the instant the school bell rang.
    “Yum! A pickle sandwich! It’s my favorite food!” she exclaimed. She took the sandwich out of her lunchbox but immediately froze.
    “Where are the pickles?!” she roared, with rage boiling in her.
    “Look! There’s a note!” her friend cried as the note appeared on the side of Olivia’s lunchbox. The note was from her Mum, and it read: “Dear Olivia, every jar of pickles in Gherkinville has disappeared so Mum can’t make you pickle sandwiches anymore. Sorry.”
    “What? How did every jar of pickles in Gherkinville just disappear? I’m getting to the bottom of this.” She rapidly ate her lunch, then waited impatiently for school to finish. Ring! School has finished. Olivia called her three best friends to go investigate the case of the missing pickles with her.
    “Let’s go to the forest near my house! Maybe we’ll find some clues there!” Suggested Michael.
    “Okay! Let’s go!” replied Daisy. So, they set off into the dark forest. After a while, Ella spotted a big house covered with paintings of cucumbers and a numerous amount of vines, plants, and leaves. It has made the house seem like it is part of the forest as well. They faintly heard some cheering in the house. Olivia opened the door slightly as the cheering went on. The door creaked loudly but luckily the cheering was too loud for anyone in the house to hear it. Michael peeked into the house.
    “There’s a clandestine meeting in this secret building!” he whispered. Suddenly, a voice boomed over the PA system,
    “Fellow cucumber club fans! Tomorrow will be the Crunchy Cucumber Parade! We need fresh, not brine!”
    “I recognize that voice! That’s mayor Mcbroccoli’s voice!” Daisy gasped.
    “We have hidden Gherkinville’s entire supply of pickles in the abandoned greenhouse near the brine river! No one will ever eat any pickles ever again!” Mayor Mcbroccoli’s voice announced.
    “Quick! Let’s go to the abandoned greenhouse now!” Olivia cried. She leapt onto her bike and sped off, the others following her. They had to go to Michael’s house to ask for directions before going to the greenhouse. Soon, they arrived at his house. Michael went in and told the others to wait outside. When he came out, he said his Mum didn’t want him to be out late, so she told him to tell them to go home and rest and continue their journey tomorrow. They went home reluctantly and went to sleep.
    The next morning, Olivia woke up to discover that she was late! She quickly put on her clothes, and pedaled as fast as her legs could pedal towards Michael’s house. When she arrived, everyone was already ready to go.
    “Thank God you’re here! Let’s go!” Michael exclaimed; he was holding a map. They sped off towards the greenhouse. Soon, they arrived at the greenhouse. Mountains of pickles appeared in the greenhouse.
    “Found it!” Ella cried.
    “Oh-no! The parade is starting!” Daisy shouted as she checked her watch. They rushed back to the village and as mayor Mcbroccoli raised his sceptre to announce that the Crunchy Cucumber parade is starting, Olivia ran up the stage and shouted,
    “We have found the pickles! Gherkinville, the choice is yours!” A murmuring started in the crowd.
    “Why choose? Let’s celebrate both!” A villager shouted.

  4. As Olivia opens her lunch box, she wonders what else is hidden in her gherkin sandwich. She swallows a monstruous piece of bread waiting for the expected taste of salty and sourness. A shocked appearance formed on Olivia’s face, which made her friend Lucy infer that something is wrong. “Are you ok?” Lucy questioned as Olivia peered into her sandwich. “Something suspicious is going on, my pickles are missing!” she replied. Olivia starts to inspects her lunch box and the surrounding area looking for clues on the missing pickles.

    Trails of pickle slices appear at the corner of her eyes. She pointed at them and exclaimed, “Lets solve this missing pickle case together!” Lucy nodded and they ran all around the school as fast as a rabbit in a carrot farm. At last, they stopped at their classroom’s door mat. Underneath the mat, it revealed a secret passageway that seemed like it never ends. They decided that they will investigate this hidden path during the school holidays.

    A few days before the pickle parade, Olivia walked to school, she heard many adults talking about missing pickles. It wasn’t just their pickles, it was the whole of Auckland! She ran as fast as she could to school, reporting the information to Lucy immediately. This investigation is now getting serious and they need to solve it before the pickle parade tomorrow.

    Lucy lifted the door mat and as the dust settled from the mat, their classmate Alice ran to them. “What’re you doing?” she asked. “We are trying to figure out the case of the missing pickles. If we don’t find them in time, the pickle parade might be cancelled! You can search with us, we could use a helping hand.” Lucy declared. She agreed to join and with the dust blown away from the cold breeze, the three girls crawled inside the dark and narrow tunnel.

    They kept going until they saw a little mole running around looking confused. At last, the mole stopped and it spoke to the girls with a squeaky voice. “Hi, are you here for the pickles? Well sorry but they’re ours and if you don’t leave then you should talk to my mama.” The girls agreed and they crawled for a bit more until their legs started to hurt.

    An angry faced mole appeared in front of them. It has quite a large den with crates of pickles cramped there. “What do you want? And make it quick!” it growled. “We just want to collect the pickles.” Olivia stated. “NO! they’re mine. I found them on the floor last night.” she shouted. Lucy explained that the school children had planted, watered and harvested the pickles for the parade. The children tried so hard and they will be sad if the pickles are missing.” The mole said sorry to the girls and gave them the crates of pickles. “I was just hungry” he whispered as they slowly crawl back to the entrance.

    After a while, they got all the gherkins and headed out of the school. They saw crumpled posters everywhere. With only 20 minutes left, they pedalled furiously to the town hall hoping that they would make it in time. Meanwhile at the town hall, the principal called Mr. Cucumber made a speech: “Hello! My names Mr. Cucumber and I have bad news. The pickles are missing! So, we will celebrate vegetables instead. Let’s get this parade started!” At that moment Olivia, Lucy and Alice came running towards the microphone. “Wait, we got the pickles!” Everyone erupted with a loud cheer and soon they were famous in the city. Every now and then, one of the three girls would pop a little treat under the mat.

  5. The missing pickles by Ian xu
    There was something very wrong with Olivia’s pickle sandwich. She disliked the non-crunchy and lack of sourness in her sandwich. She opened her sandwich and in her suspicion, not a single trace of pickle was was found in Olivia’s sandwich. She went to the canteen where she bought her ‘non-pickle’ pickle sandwich. The words ‘PICKLE EMPORIUM’ were engraved on top an old, deli shop. The usual smell of brine vanished from the shop. Just as Olivia walked into the shop, the boss of the shop, Mrs Kosher shrieked,”Every last gherkin or pickle, gone! Not a single trace!”
    “What? But the pickle parade is tomorrow!” Panicked Olivia.
    Olivia walked out of the shop, determined to tell her friend about the outrageous news she had just heard.
    “ OOOW!” Cried Olivia as she bumped into a long, stiff pole. Dizziness blocked her vision and as she gained her consciousness, a peculiar poster was stuck to the pole. It said , ‘ Join the cucumber club! Clandestine meeting TODAY at 50 gherkin street!’ She ripped the poster of the Pole and pedalled to the park, which was where Olivia and her friends usually meet. “Look!” Olivia half-screamed as she passed the flyer to her friends.
    “ Cladestine meeting today at 50 gherkin street? Huh. That’s weird. That’s where an old gherkin factory used to run.”Muttered Jasper. “ let’s go and find out what happening there! “ Exclaimed sally.
    “Good idea!” Chimed in Mark. So that evening, Olivia, Jasper, Sally and Mark wore cucumber costumes as they cautiously entered the ramshackle factory. They peeped into the factory. Olivia used her ‘ lets go in face ‘ to her friends as they tried to blend into the crowd. They heard muffled chanting across the factory. Suddenly loud voice boom through the whole factory making Olivia almost jump. “ good evening, fellow club mates, and welcome to our meeting!”A mysterious figure with leafy green costume boomed. Allowed cheer filled the crowd. “ today I just wanted to tell you two things: That phase one is complete and we may proceed to prepare for the veggie vitality festival! And that i have found out a place to hide the gherkins! I put them in the old salt mines! So, let the veggie vitality festival proceed!” Another group of loud cheering and applause erupted in the crowd. Olivia gasped in horror and shock, thinking that she must save the pickles. Olivia and here friends bolted to the old salt mines. “ you think this is it?” Whispered Jasper to Mark as Olivia overheard them. Olivia could smell a ginormous whiff of gherkins. They slowly creaked open the door which said ‘ all the towns pickles and gherkins’. As soon as they opened the door, they saw mountains of crates which were crammed with gherkins! But to their surprise, a loud voice rippled across the whole town. “ Alas, the pickles cannot be found. So lets start a new revolution and start the veggie vitality festival! Now let us raise the sceptre of veggies!”
    Silence covered the town like a blanket over the whole town as Olivia and her friends dashed down, as they tried to catch their breath. “Wait,” croaked Olivia. “ “we found the gherkins and pickles! The choice is yours, gherkinvile!”
    A loud applause broke out in the crowd. Mrs kosher came running down to see them. She remarked,”why choose? Lets celebrate both!”

  6. As the bell rang, Olivia ran out of the classroom with her lunch box in her hand. But when Olivia opened her lunch box, nothing was inside. At this time, Olivia’s classmate Lucy yelled her name and said to her
    ” There is a message from your mother to you.”
    “Ok, umm… could you give it to me?” said Olivia.
    “Umm…OK”said Lucy. When Olivia got her mother’s massage, she whispered to herself
    “Dear Olivia

    We tried to find the pickles for you to make your pickle sandwich, but the pickles were gone. Me and your father went to the supermarket and tried to find one, but it doesn’t sell pickles anymore. So I prepared a sandwich with a ham and some tomato sauce inside it, I hope you’ll love it.

    From your mum” Then Olivia felt something was also inside it.
    “A sandwich. But I don’t think it is delicious. I want to eat a pickle sandwich!” Olivia cried. So she ate the sandwich that her mother had prepared for her.
    ” How does it taste? Is it good?” said Lucy
    ” Very sour,” said Olivia.
    After a while, the bell rang again, Mr.Cucumber went up to the stage and started his speech. After a moment, it was time to go home. Olivia’s mother went to school and took her to home.
    ” Why were all the pickles gone, I saw some on the refrigerator yesterday,” asked Olivia.
    “Umm… Because some steal it, I guess?” said mother, ” maybe we should check the camera. “When Olivia was home, she and her mother checked in the camera
    “Oh, I saw it!” said Olivia, ” what it’s our neighbour’s dog?”

  7. “Excuse me, Mr Smith, but why does my sandwich have no gherkin or pickles inside it?” Asked Olivia with her two friends Lilly and Emily standing behind her. “Sorry Olivia, but we have no propaganda about it, and haven’t you read the news, all the pickles in the town have disappeared.” Mr Smith answered with a confused face. Olivia decided that it was significant to find the lost pickles. “We better start pedaling to work, the Pickle Parade will start in 5 days.” Olivia reminded.

    After school, they discussed who had stolen the pickles in the small tree house that Lilly’s dad had built for them. Emily suggested that maybe a group of Pickle Ninjas had stolen it when everyone was sleeping. “Creative thoughts Emily but not now,” Olivia told her in a serious voice. “Did anyone spill anything on my shoe? It’s so sticky!” Lilly shouted. Olivia walked out and smelled the mysterious liquid on Emily’s shoe. “It smells like…pickle juice,” Olivia replied.

    They all looked up, then saw a trail on the rocky road and followed it. They walked a long path and then found an old wooden house,
    where the trail stopped. Emily noticed that it was too late and the girls decided to investigate it tomorrow. The next morning on a Saturday morning, they met each other at the tree house and walked where they had stopped yesterday. “Mrs Clutterham.” Lilly read out loud as the door began to open with a woman coming out “Are you going to ask questions or what?” Mrs Clutterham thundered like a tiger. “About the Pickles…they’ve… disappeared,” Olivia murmured like a mouse.

    “Not my problem!” Mrs Clutterham cried. They looked at each other and walked away silently. In the evening, they hid behind the bush and spied on Mrs Clutterham then unexpectedly, they smelled and squashed the pickles that Mrs Clutterham was hiding. “Hahahaha! Tonight there will be no pickles in this town!” She laughed evilly. The three girls stared at her as she laughed in horror and quickly pushed the door open. “Stop! You need to stop right now!” They screamed. “How do you know I stole the pickles and why do I need to stop? There’s only Pickle Parade but no Potato Parade!” Mrs Clutterham asked furiously. Emily thought quietly to herself, thinking that Potato Parade was an enthusiast. She then quickly called the owner of the town, Mr Robinson that there should be a Potato Parade.

    Surprisingly, Mr Robinson agreed! “What a brilliant idea! I must tell the villagers this news.” He chuckled. When Mrs Clutterham heard that, her face turned into a tomato, and apologized to everyone and then crumpled the paper of text that said ‘How to destroy pickles’ into the bin. “I hope that at next year’s Potato Parade, everyone can bring at least one food made out of potato.” She crackled.

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