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Week 6 Writing Homework

Writing Homework :

Write a letter to the Wildlife Protection Council explaining why we must save endangered animals. Use Rick’s experiences to help make your point! Remember to use repetition to make your message stronger and include details about how losing species affects nature, wildlife, and our future.

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6 thoughts on “Week 6 Writing Homework”

  1. Dear Wildlife Protection Council
    We should all start helping the wildlife, so let’s start helping the wildlife. I have seen on television many animals becoming extinct every day, and poachers are hunting for tiger skin, leopards, panthers, and so many more animals.

    we must help the environment and the ecosystem to ensure they are safe daily. So let’s get going and help the wildlife.

    we must help the wildlife at all costs and STOP DESTROYING EVERY SINGLE HABITAT in the world, I say let’s help the wildlife.
    From Yashal

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