Week 2 Writing Homework
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Scholarship Homework You have desperately been trying to convince your family that what your household needs is a pet (what animal might that be?). As part of their conditions, your parents/guardians have told you that if you should write something sufficiently convincing about why your family should own a pet, then you might have a
Day 5 Writing Homework Read More »
Scholarship Homework I hope you remember your (hypothetical, at least right now) role as the voice of your year — as the one whose responsibilities involve a monthly letter to your principal/headmaster to bring a particular, important issue to light. The time has come again for you to compose your letter, and for this month,
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Scholarship HW: Imagine that you have been chosen as the representative for your year. As part of your role, you need to write a letter to your principal/headmaster e every month, speaking on a different issue each time that is pertinent to your student community. This month, you have decided to write a persuasive letter
Day 3 Writing Homework Read More »
Write a narrative with the opening line ‘The moment I stepped off the plane, I knew this trip would be an unforgettable experience’ but make it your own! This line is rather boring as is, so it is up to you to change it, to re-write it in such a way that hooks your reader
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Write a narrative that would fittingly be titled ‘Crash and calm at Old Tom’s Garage’, with anthropomorphised cars, just as we saw in class today. Remember never to leave your reader wanting more — incorporate more description and more meaning into your text, which (as the title suggests) should weave in calm with ‘crash’ (whatever
Day 1 Writing Homework Read More »
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwuesFRI_kQ Selecting the perfect school can be a struggle for parents. Mr. Sid has summarised our top 3 boys’ schools and why they’re worth considering. North Sydney Boys (NSB): Over the past seven years, North Sydney Boys has consistently ranked among the top two to three schools in Sydney. Known for its strong academic focus,
NSW Selective Boys’ School: Our Top Three Options and Why Read More »
Write a paragraph about a time you were particularly sad or angry and use the techniques we’ve talked about in class. Please email your writing homework to scholarlywritingfeedback@gmail.com and we will provide feedback within 2-5 days Ensure You Put The Day and YearExample: Day 1 Year 3 Writing Homework
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