Day 3 Writing Homework


Imagine you are a young explorer who has just returned from a day in the Enchanted Forest. Write a diary entry
describing your magical journey, the mythical creatures you encountered, and the lasting impression it has left on you.

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5 thoughts on “Day 3 Writing Homework”

  1. Dear diary,
    In the current moment I have found myself in the deathly woods outside of the fear gate. I had made my way to the dock to borrow a boat as I was going to the king’s tower. It had been a long time since I had had the chance to row a boat, and even one wrong turn would change my future in a jiffy. Sadly, my map was the wrong way round and though my compass was broken it appeared to be fixed. I made a turn perpendicular to where I was meant to be, Finding myself at the edge of the flowing waters! As I edged nearer to the still water, I reached my arm out to the edge of my reach and found my arm invisible! My curiousness overwhelmed me as I rowed my way to the still water. But as I passed the border the boat was no longer water bound.
    Dear Diary,
    It has been 24 days since I passed the border and finding the way back seems like a needle and a haystack. As I finally had myself some peace, a gargantuan tiger-like monstrosity had made its way to my temporary living establishment and its humongous legs turned my home into a pile of dust! It’s teeth were drooling with blood and its eyes were staring into my soul. I thought it was over for me but luckily enough, I happened to burst into a lovely little hobbits house! The house was so miniscule that my legs reached the rim of the refrigerator! And has been my home for the past three days.

    Dear Diary,
    It has been a month and a half since I passed the border and I’m afraid that this will be my home, forever. I have begun to understand the way of the land as I have heard the whispering trees. they whisper to the animals and the air, they control the weather, they’re the heart of the forest. They give you guidance when in need and solace when in distress. Turn the skies golden when you’re feeling blue. The are my New Haven.
    Dear diary,
    Though my days are filled with sorrow, I have begun to hear not only the trees but the animals as well. Though don’t talk to each other nor the trees they seem to recollect their thoughts by speaking to themselves. I have also come to know that the island itself is supernatural. When rain seeps through the trees and drenches the mulchy forest floor the trees seem to curve into all sorts of shapes protecting this sacred habitat. Maybe I was wrong about this, maybe I’ll enjoy my stay after all.

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