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Week 2 Writing Homework

Writing Homework :

Write a short story about a pirate adventure in the park. Remember to use lots of descriptive words and sensory details to bring your story to life! What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel during your pirate picnic? How do ordinary objects transform into pirate treasures and tools? Use some of the new words from our list to make your story sound authentically pirate-y and super silly.

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6 thoughts on “Week 2 Writing Homework”

  1. The Crazy Adventure
    Pirates roaming around in the park looking for an adventure. Pirates like to play horns-woggles tricks to play on people. The pirates saw a jolly roger in the park of a maroon place

    They saw pieces of eight on the floor but he was too old to pick it up. There was a fast runner that was running like a leopard. His eyes were shocked seeing the fast pirate, but as soon as he turned around like a turtle, the pieces of eight were gone from the floor.

    The pirate ran as slow as a turtle so he thought that he would call his crew and get that fast runner and do you know what happened they all surrounded the fast runner soon they got it and they were no longer coming to this park ever again.

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