Day 3 Writing Homework


Imagine finding a mysterious key hidden under an old tree in your backyard. When you try to use it, something extraordinary happens.

Write a narrative (story) about what the key unlocks and the adventure that follows. You can use the characters and objects on this page OR you can make up your own.

Think about:
Who the main characters are and where they are.
What the key unlocks and the challenges it brings.
How the story will end.

Remember to:
Plan your story before you start.
Choose your words carefully.
Write in sentences.
Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs.
Check and edit your writing.

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2 thoughts on “Day 3 Writing Homework”

  1. One Autumn day me and my sister were playing with bubbles. Saskia (my sister) started laughing so hard it brought a sound of joy to my ears. As I was blowing bubbles a cool gentle breeze pushed the bubbles onto my face! Saskia laughed so hard she tripped over a huge bump on the ground next the old oak tree. I helped her up off the ground and while she was wiping off wet dirt, I grabbed a thick stick that had fallen off from the old tree and started digging into the wet soil.
    Later my sister grabbed a stick and started helping me dig until finally we saw a … shiny…..KEY! But it was a very ancient key. “Well there’s nothing to open using this key around here, so maybe we should sell it.” suggested Saskia. “NO! I shouted. “Lets look to see if there might be a key hole .” “Good idea!” Then on the other side of the oak tree we saw a bright, sparkly golden light shining which almost blinded the two of us. It was like magic drawing the two of us towards it. As we got closer I realised the light was coming from a keyhole on an old wooden door. “Do you know what this means?” I turned back asking her. “. . .no.” she replied in an unmotivated mood.” It’s an entrance to a magical land with adventures to come. ” I said to her. I took the old gold key and carefully unlocked the tree door. A rainbow light shone out towards me and Saskia’s face. As magic swirled deeper in my heart it felt as if I belonged here and it was inviting us. We started walking further into the magic.It was are little secret.

  2. I was digging in front of an ancient Beech tree when my shovel hit something hard. I pulled it out with enormus strenth and in my hand lay a gold key with glistening gems. A wooden door I had never seen glittered in front of me. I pushed it open and stepped into a magical world. It had crystal flowers everywhere, fairies fluttering, magic wands floating in the air and butterflies.
    One fairy came and said,” Hi my name is Bess. I show you the magic of flowers. ” I nodded. Bess picked a flower up and gave it to me. As soon as it touched my hand, it started to play soft music. WOW! Bess smiled and flew away.
    I picked a wand from the air and it was warm like sunshine. I knew it was time to go home because the key melted in my hand. I said bye to Bess, opened the door and I was back to the normal world. What an adventure!

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