Day 4 Writing Homework

Writing Prompt: Create an evocative feature article capturing the essence of Raffles Hotel Singapore, exploring how this colonial-era icon maintains its position as a bastion of luxury while preserving its rich historical legacy. Weave together stories of literary giants, master craftsmen, and dedicated staff to show how the hotel balances tradition with modern expectations. Use rich sensory details to immerse readers in the hotel’s unique atmosphere while examining its role in Singapore’s cultural landscape.

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3 thoughts on “Day 4 Writing Homework”

  1. I arrived at the hotel at noon, and I was dripping with sweat as I stood in the humid weather.I had finally arrived at the luxurious Raffles hotel in Singapore, and the hotel was extremely large and crowded.The hotel had many rooms still vacant, and I soon was shown into my room, where a pot plant was sitting on the drawer next to the bed, and there was a huge toilet too.The room looked big, until I found out that inside the colourful wardrobe was a shiny metal door with the words ‘come in please’ taped on it.I decide to go in and I found a toy set!I realised it was probably lost so I decided to go to the desk to ask for some help.The hotel manager decided to call the person who just left the room to come back. He said he did not own it.We kept asking until the first person to be in the room who is still alive said it was his.The 94 year old human told me he had been here 67 years ago, and his son had lost the whole set.He decided to take it, and give it back to his son.The son was shocked that his toy still looked new, and it was a long time before the manager let me go back to my room., which seemed like the incident took a day, but it just took forty-five minutes.I had good sleep that night, and I saw the beautiful place of Singapore, and I wished I could stay here forever.I am wondering though if there are any better places than Singapore!

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