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Week 10 Writing Homework

Prompt: Should cooking education be made compulsory in all schools from primary level onwards? Consider the scientific, social, and economic implications in your response.

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6 thoughts on “Week 10 Writing Homework”

  1. Did you know that 40% of children are more likely to adapt healthy foods after experiencing cooking lessons? They can understand what is healthy for them. I think cooking is really important and should be made compulsory in all schools above primary level. This text will explain further.

    Firstly, kids can be more independent. If they cook, they will most likely to learn to prepare and cook for themselves. In the future, it can help your child with learning life essentials. This can lead to your child being more flexible in daily situations and being alone.

    Additionally, cooking can lead to many children making healthy choices. They will be more conscious of what they put in their dishes. It will lead to it becoming more nutritious and healthy. They will add more vegetables knowing that there is vitamins, fibre and minerals. Also your children will reduce the amount of additives, processed foods and other products that could harm your body.

    Finally, cooking can help with many other subjects. For instance, if necessary, when measuring how much of something you need in a recipe, you need to know how to convert it. Another one is English and it boosts your vocabulary in food conversations. Science also is one and it helps you understand what are the positive products and how they benefit your body.

    In conclusion, I believe that it should be compulsory for all kids to learn to cook beyond primary school levels. Cooking can help from just daily to life essentials. Furthermore, it can help you in the future making kids more resilient, healthier and life beneficial needs to help with your kids development.

  2. You might think that teaching your child to cook is useless but teaching children to cook is very beneficial. If a child learns to cook, they develop the knowledge of what is healthy and what is unhealthy, and they decide to make healthy dishes after. Learning to cook will help academically as people who learn to cook tend to focus more on tasks. Cooking also helps people bond with cultures like unfamiliar cultures like different foods like Japan likes Sushi and China is dumplings.

    Primally, teaching children to cook helps them stay healthy. Studies have shown that many children are becoming obese. By showing them what is nutritious and delicious, children are more likely to quit eating chips and junk food and eat their favorite vegetable. Cooking is also about trying different things as there are different ingredients for a different dish. For example, sushi doesn’t have sauce and spaghetti doesn’t have salmon, avocado and prawns. So, eating their own dishes helps them eat diverse types of vegetables and a lot of different healthy foods. So, learning to cook should be essential.

    Furthermore, learning to cook improves a child’s academic abilities. In mathes learning to cook helps a child learn how to measure, add, subtracts. Imagine that you are preparing a dish for your family and the dish says one share, so you must multiply by 6. It also helps with reading as you are constantly reading the instructions in the recipes. They will also learn about nutrition, which will help them in science as they learn about which vitamins help which parts and much more. Do you want your child to be knowledgeable or you to be knowledgeable? If you do, then make sure that learning to cook is essential.

    Thirdly, cooking allows people to dig deeper into other cultures. Every culture has a specific food they like such as China likes dumplings, Japan likes sushi and English like meat. Imagine having to cross a whole continent just to try some sushi. Would you want that? Learning to cook offers children the chance to dive deeper into food and make it. You might live in Australia but still eat dumplings as you know where to go to get dumplings in your local town. You might like sushi and be in Italy but still be able to eat it. Being able to cook gives you the ability to eat anything you fancy and not to be hungry. So, learning to cook should be essential.

    In conclusion, learning to cook should be essential as when a child learns to cook, they develop the knowledge of what is healthy and what is unhealthy, and they decide to make healthy dishes after. Learning to cook will help academically as people who learn to cook tend to focus more on tasks. Cooking also helps people bond with cultures like unfamiliar cultures like different foods like Japan likes Sushi and China is dumplings. So what do you think? Do you want cooking to be essential?

  3. Should cooking education be made compulsory in all schools from primary level onwards?

    Imagine a world where everyone was healthy, no one starved, and people were happy. Then think of one with obese idiots that cannot cook, and eat junk food all day. Which one? Obviously the first one, right? Cooking education should definitely be made compulsory from primary level onwards. This is because kids will be more independent, learn to make healthy food choices, and also help in academics.

    First of all, kids will be more independent. They will be able to cook themselves, therefore resulting in them not relying on others to make their food. For example, take that you are home alone, hungry and tired. If you studied cooking before, you wouldn’t starve. But if you hadn’t, you would probably stay hungry until your parents come home. Thus, kids should learn cooking.

    Furthermore, kids will learn to make healthy food choices. If they understand what foods are healthy and which ones are not, they will learn to eat healthier. For example, many people control how much of each ingredient they put into a dish. They may count their calories, just to stay fit. Learning to cook gives you the benefit of deciding on your food choices, and helping your body stay healthy. Therefore children should learn to cook.

    Last but not least, it will help kids in academics. When you are cooking, academics is necessary. For example, baking a cake would require mathematics and english, math for calculating the number of each ingredient required, and english for reading the labels. It is a significant part of cooking, so your academics would be enhanced. Hence, children should learn to cook.

    To wrap it up, schools should make cooking education compulsory because it helps kids be independent, it makes them make healthier choices, and it enhances their academics. What do you think?

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