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Week 2 Writing Homework


Write a short story about a day that started normally but ended up changing everything. Describe what happened, how your character felt, and how life was different afterward. (500)

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19 thoughts on “Week 2 Writing Homework”

  1. One time long ago on a perfect warm day. I decided to go and practice some golf. With such perfect weather it would be great and I would have a fun time but, little did I know that this story might just change my whole life time experience. It is a crazy story so read carefully.

    It all started in the morning with a beautiful glowing sunrise brighter than ever. I thought just why not go practice some golf today I mean the weather today is so fine. Well at least this was how I planned to be what happened was totally different. So here is how it went.

    I would normally do my swing first for around two hours for some warming up for my body then I would go to the putting green to practice my stroke, distance and pace for around an hour and a half. Finally, I would then go and do my short game which is chipping for around an hour to make my chips skills the correct way.

    But, when I was in the middle of doing my putting my friend Jeff asked if I wanted to go and play 18 holes, of course I said yes then I set off on the first hole. I was playing extraordinary scores only pars and birdies with just a few bogeys it was amazing I was so pleased with myself. The par was 74 and I had shot 78. I was extremely happy and amused by what a score I got. I was so happy you could even tell on my face how happy I was. It was like I was the happiest little girl that has ever lived!

  2. The sun shone warmly on to my apartment just like every single day, but today when I woke up there was a tingling in my finger tips, a thought that something new would happen today. I pushed the thought away, my life was as monotonous as it could possibly get, nothing special ever happened to me. I hastily dressed for word, had a quick breakfast and headed for the door. The feeling was still there, a warning that something would happen. I opened the door and stepped out, right in to a elegant, tall woman.
    “Elliot?” the woman asked uncertain, but hopeful.
    “Do I know you?” I asked
    “ I am your family, and you don’t belong here, you disappeared from us ten years ago”
    She hesitated before shoving a gold key with my name etched on to its side. That couldn’t be true, I had lived here for years. The woman seemed to notice the expression on my face because
    she added “What is your first memory?”
    My mouth opened, but nothing came out.
    “The key opens a room in the storage unit, you’ll find answers there” she said.
    The next morning I woke up so early the sun didn’t even rise, I walked to the unit right down our street and sure enough the key unlocked a room. Paper was scattered everywhere, I looked at everything there was a resume, a certificate and even a diary but I had a different job, a different mind, a different life. I slowly pieced together information and when I finally realised the truth, it hit me like a stampede of bulls. I had suffered from total amnesia and simply walked away from my old life. I knew the truth, and now I had a option, to find out more about my past or continue my boring monotonous life. I went to my apartment and thought about everything, I would unravel facts from my past, after all if you never try and do some change everything would be stuck in a cycle. The next week was all spent on reconnecting with family members, and join parties in the honour of the return of me. On Sunday I climbed up the mountain and watched the last illuminated parts of the land dimmed, the sun had set.

  3. The sun began to rise, smiling gently down on me, and the soft breeze tickled my skin, just like every normal spring day. I ambled slowly along the path through the thick, evergreen trees, forming an archway above me. It seemed as if nothing wrong could happen today, but unknowingly, I was wrong.

    “Amber Beswick?” Questioned a tall, plump woman.
    “I’m sorry, were you talking to me, because my name is Amber, but not Amber Beswick,” I grumbled uncertainly. Who was this stranger? But more importantly, why was she speaking to me?
    “Do you know your last name?” She asked inquisitively.
    “Not really,” I replied. The woman gave a “just what I thought” look. Strangely, she handed me a letter, and of course I read it.

    “ Dear Amber,
    You probably don’t know this, but your family and I have been searching for you for years, and by now everyone has realized that you were kidnapped and had amnesia. Will you come back with me.
    Mum,” it read. My jaw dropped and my eyes grew x100 larger. This whole time, I had been with a fake family! I was livid.

    But the answer to the question was so obvious I didn’t even need to say anything.

    And as I walked slowly through the exit of the bush trail with my mother, the sun finally curled up into it’s bed.

  4. The sun hung in the sky, casting a long breeze over the town of Kellyville. Varoon relaxing on the soft, luxurious couch watching the latest movie, Hunger Games. The windows shining like a sun. As the morning past by, Varoon was just gazing into the crystal-clear sky with birds continuously flying smoothly. He was just having an ordinary day sightseeing the beautiful sky hanging over the ocean, The pristine, clean ocean began to ripple.

    Varoon started to head to the bakery. As he walked into the bakery, the scent of freshly baked cookies immediately came to his nose. His tummy had a slight rumble, he knew that he needed those cookies to start off the day. Those scrumptious cookies were being gazed by the other customers. He even started to drool; he couldn’t want any longer. Finally, he decided to eat them, he munched and crunched them rapidly.

    After filling up his tummy, a slight burst came out of his tummy. At first glance, no one saw it and he did not care about it. Then walking gently and carefully to his car. He started to feel a vibration from his tummy. He knew that this was big problem, but still no one noticed. Suddenly, he started plumet down from his car on the road. Everyone came to him, cars beeping not knowing what just happened.

    He started to cry in tears, not because he was hurt but because he was embarrassed. Varoon woke up from terrible night’s sleep in hospital bed. Varoon felt hurt but mostly embarrassed and confused. The doctors explained about how this monstrosity happened and why. He was not paying attention. He did not know that if he ate those cookies he would be done. After leaving the hospital, he just relaxed on the couch to continue watching hunger games.

    It was now still lunch, the sun rising a little more. He was sleeping comfortably on the bed trying to think of endless possibilities of how he collapsed. He was indifferent from his morning self. As lunch was soon coming to an end. Varoon was thinking of what to eat, then he thought brilliantly that he would eat those scrumptious cookies. Varoon began quickly running to his car. He joyfully ran to the bakery. Again, with the scent of the fresh, amazing smell of cookies.

    He immediately, ate and munched the cookies like he was a dog at a dinner table. The moment that the cookie went through his throat, he passed out, his sole left his body; he was on the ground like a zombie. Everyone was shocked of what has just happened. The employee harbingered “that he will be taken to the hospital and STAY CLAM!” Varoon was now lectured by the doctor about this incident and what he has done.
    This time Varoon was listening and asked that “So my nutritious level will be twice and I have to eat 2 times more nutrients?” Varoon felt like a bee losing his dad. He was devastated and shocked and the same time. Varoon now learned that it is important to take care of his own health and always listen to the doctor.

  5. I woke up to a lovely dawn I opened the curtains and gazed at the sun. It was slowly rising up majestically. However the sun seemed dim, and there was a rumbling sound I didn’t notice earlier. Suddenly I heard shouts and screams resonating from outside I got up and ran to the door. A crowd of people were pointing in the sky there was an asteroid coming down to earth. Soon the crowd dispersed to all different directions.

    Suddenly a rocket came down . “Please pack your belongings we are going to Mars.” A solider said. I sprinted to my house and packed hurriedly. I threw in clothes, towels, water, packed snacks, a supply of tooth brush and paste. I topped it off with my favorite scarf and pillow. I also tossed a blanket in. I zipped up the luggage case, grabbed a backpack, and raced to the rocket.

    The solider let me inside “please occupy cabin 21” he said calmly. I climbed on a ladder going up to floor 21-24. And found door 21. The cabin was actually better than I expected. White walls with a prepared clean white bed, there were also white drawers, closets, and couches. There was also a separate room with a bathroom. Out of the blue the rocket suddenly launched.

    “Hello this is your captain speaking, all cabins have are now occupied,” “we shall now proceed to Mars,”. I looked out of my window as we rocketed into space I saw every thing in bird-eyes-view. Then once we left the atmosphere, I could see space, stars and constellations glimmered in the obsidian black sky. There then unfolded a TV that provided instructions on how to strap yourself to the bed, toilet and couch. I strap myself to couch and relax. I know I will be here for a while, but I just have to except it.

  6. As I walked out of the school gate, I wondered why my mum was not on the phone working. Instead, she had a big smile on her face, holding her hands up ready to hug me. She took my backpack and told me some exciting but sad news while we walked home. I had received an offer to join the opportunity class and if accepted, would change schools by this Friday.

    With only 2 days left of learning, I was determined to say goodbyes to each and every one of my friends. The next day, when I got to school in the morning I immediately spread the news to my friends. They were devasted. They were not going to see me again. When everyone was notified, the bell rang for class.

    I had to find a solution to continue our bond. In class I was gazing out the window thinking about what to do next. First I thought that we could share messages but many of my friends do not have a phone so that would not work. Maybe I could do it the old-fashioned way, using pen and paper.

    If my friends would tell me their addresses, we could send letters to each other. When it was break time, I brought a piece of paper and pen with me surveying my fellow companions. Unfortunately, many have shaken their heads for many reasons like privacy, safety concerns and even a few said that they don’t trust me enough! I sighed and went back to class.

    If I don’t solve this challenge tomorrow, then there is a chance that I will never see my friends again! I thought hard day and night but I still could not find the answer. I decided to do some researching about the new school. It was not too far from the current one. I checked public transport, it connected to all my friends’ train line.

    I was relieved and told them about my proposed solution on the last day. Their reactions were not expected. They did not believe that I would visit them. I told them that I was certain that every day I would meet them on the train.

    Months later, I continuously day after day search for them on the train and I am successful every time. Now they trust me and our connection continues as best of friends.

  7. I sat up and rubbed my eyes groggily, watching the streams of light enter my room. It was an ethereal sight, but for some reason, I didn’t feel as happy as I thought I would. Something seemed… different.

    I decided to go for a run. The weather looked amazing, and I loved the sensation of the breeze in my hair. It was thrilling, and I even saw some butterflies along the way. They danced with vibrant wings, swooping and diving. I smiled, humming jovially. And then, I tripped! I stumbled and wobbled, trying to find my balance, but I fell down. But the most peculiar thing was what I had tripped on. I got up slowly, my leg still throbbing. And then, I saw it. It was a key.

    The key was huge. Big as a large branch. It shimmered in the sunlight, creating dazzling hues of sage green, butter yellow, royal blue and a dark, dark red. I peered at it curiously, and picked it up. A tingling sensation rang in my fingers, and the key shrank! Now it could fit in my pocket. Now, which door did it open?

    I searched for hours, my throat dry and hoarse. A key so big, what could it possibly open? I turned, sighing and wanting to give up. Suddenly, a huge door loomed over me. The key confidently jumped out of my pocket, became big once more, and unlocked the door. All of a sudden, thousands of memories from my family’s past came rushing out, filling my mind with newfound knowledge. It ended almost instantly, and I knew in that moment, my life would be the same again.

  8. rainie-jiangoutlook-com

    Marcus woke up to the sound of his alarm clock blaring beside his bed. It was a typical Monday morning, and he groggily went through his usual routine: a quick shower, a quick breakfast, and a fast walk to the train station. He was running late for his job as an accountant, and the last thing he wanted was another speech from his boss about time management.

    As he strode down the platform, he noticed a small, old man sitting on the bench, grasping a old leather suitcase. The man looked up and locked eyes with Marcus, his eyes intense and pleading.
    “Are you okay?” Marcus asked.
    The old man whispered,” Please, take this suitcase, it is very important. You must keep it safe.” Before Marcus could even respond, the old man disappeared into the crowd leaving behind the leather suitcase.

    Curious but hesitant, Marcus picked up the suitcase and boarded the train. He couldn’t sake of he feeling that omethng extraordinary was going to happen. Throughout the day, Marcus couldn’t get rid of thinking about the suitcase. What could be inside it? Why is it so important? So he couln’t wait to see what was inside it after his work of financial reporting.

    That evening after work, Marcus decides to open the suitcase and see what was inside. Inside, he finds collections of photographs, letters and a worn-out map. In the letters wrote of hidden treasures. In photographs showed locations and the map showed where the treasures are. Intrigued, Marcus decided to follow the clues. Over the next few days, he meticulously planned his journey, gathering supplies and studying the map. He felt a sense of adventure he had never experienced before.

    One early morning, Marcus set off on his. The forest was dense and foreboding, but he went on, guided by the map and the letters. As he ventured deeper, he encountered lots of challenges: bad terrain, wild animals, and bad weather. But, with each obstacle, he grew more and more determined to find the hidden tresasure.

    Finally, after days of relentles spirt, Marcus stumbled upon the hidden treasure. It wasn’t gold or jewels, but a collection of rare, ancient artifacts that had large historical value. The discovery was life-changing. Marcus realized that his life had been missing ourpose and adventure, and this unexpected journey had given him both.

    When returning to the city, Marcus shared his artifacts with a local museum. The artifacts were put on display, and he was a hero. His normal life as an accountant was forever transformed, and he embraced a new career as an explorer and historian. The day that began with an ordinary alarm clock had ended up changing everything.

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