Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
• Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
- The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
- Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
- Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
- Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
200 Words Each
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4 thoughts on “Week 5 Writing Homework”
Hi, just wondering, do we have to do all the topics or do we just choose a few??
Hi, Annabelle. You may do all the topics if you can. 🙂
Week 5 Writing Homework
Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
• Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
2. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
• Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.
3. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
• Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.
4. Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
• Discuss whether eating meat is necessary or if people should switch to plant-based diets for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.
5. Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
• Debate whether participation trophies are fair or if only winners should be rewarded in sports and competitions.
200 Words Each
TOPIC 1: Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
Imagine this, the night before you discovered this great game and you couldn’t stop playing, you were addicted. You stay up all night playing the game that in the morning you wake up a disaster. Dark circles surrounding your eyes, never leaving them alone, your face as pale as a ghost, you can hear so much moaning, your brain isn’t thinking properly. This is what could happen if you have unlimited screen time. Your parents don’t care, so you think it’s fine to play games as long as you want. Except that’s wrong. Having unlimited screen time can result in many problems. You will start failing in school, and it’s bad for your health. This is why there should be restrictions on how much screen time you are allowed.
I strongly believe that there should be restrictions on how much screen time you are allowed because it can start leading to problems with your academic life. Kids that have unlimited screen time think that they can do it all day and night. This means that instead of studying for tests or doing your homework, you would just play games and watch TV. Your grades would start going down and you would start failing. No one would want that. Being on technology a lot means that you might start thinking that it’s ok to cheat. You might start taking shortcuts into homework and essays. For example, ChatGPT. Students might start using ChatGPT to write their essays for them which can make you think that you can cheat whenever.
Research indicates that too much technology can cause sleep disorder, stress, anxiety, difficulty when concentrating, cyber-bullying and eye strain. There are so many problems with having unlimited screen time that can affect your health. Having unlimited screen time can make you stress and anxious. You can get stressed from negative comments on the internet, maybe cyber-bullying and more. Not only you get stressed, but it becomes a bit difficult to concentrate.
In conclusion, there should be restrictions on how much screen time you are allowed to have because it can affect your grades at school and your mental health.
TOPIC 2: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
I am certain that not everyone should get a trophy because of the following reasons. If everyone gets a trophy it can make you believe things that might not be true, the people that deserved to be recognised won’t be, and sometimes things can happen that hurt your self-esteem.
Firstly, if everyone gets a trophy then sometimes bad things can happen. You might get really proud about it and maybe start bragging, but the bad thing is that someone could say to you, “You know your not that good, everyone got a trophy.” Those things can hurt your self-esteem and maybe even more. You might start to think that your not good enough.
Another thing is that the people or students that deserve to be recognised, maybe the people who won the races, don’t really get the recognition. Everyone could get so obsessed and start bragging that they are the best swimmer or runner or whatever the competition was about when the people who actually practiced, tried their best and won never got the applause or cheers that they deserve.
In conclusion, I believe that not everyone should get a trophy and only the winners should get it because things can happen that tend to hurt your self-esteem, you can start getting self-absorbed and the people who won or maybe tried their best, don’t get the recognition they deserve.
TOPIC 3: Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
I strongly believe that it is better to learn at school rather than at home. This is because, you can get the right amount of learning time every day, it’s harder to lose focus in school, you can get good support and feedback from the teachers, and you won’t feel like slacking off and being lazy.
First of all, if you learn at school instead of at home than it can benefit you later on. You will get better grades and get the right amount of learning time that you require. If your homeschooled than you might feel like it’s ok to get lazy and take lots of breaks. Whereas if you are at school than you are focused, and you are able to concentrate better. You focus more at school because school is designed for learning and there are less distractions. For example, if you are at home than you might be tempted to watch TV, play games, play with your pet and more.
Secondly, learning at school means you can get great feedback and support from the teachers and classmates around you. When your at home, your parents might not give you the best feedback and they might let you take more breaks and do easier work. Except in school, they give you a good amount of breaks and a good 30minutes to 1 hour of each subject. They design there timetable so that you get the right amount of time for each subject, the right amount of breaks and can offer you co-curriculars that you can choose from if you want to.
In conclusion, it is better to learn at school rather than at home because you get the right amount of time for each subject, it’s harder to lose focus at school, you can get support and feedback from the teachers and classmates around you and it will end up benefiting you later on in your life.
Imagine a society where children as young as two years old staring at screens, their eyes manipulated into watching television and playing video games on end, with satanic algorithms designed to addict and consume, the evil suction so powerful that it would be difficult to stop once started. The demonic device is almost a sentient being created to draw people into a unescapable black hole, defined by the darkness of its consequences. As children grow up addicted to these screens because of unlimited screen time, the consequences start appearing. From being more isolated, physical health consequences and becoming addicted, the aftermath of unlimited screen time can be fatal. However, if children have restrictions that can help regulate how much screen time they have, it can reduce the risk of the consequences stated above and help them live a healthier life.
First of all, unlimited access to screen time can result in feeling less social or isolated. For example, if children have unlimited screen time, they will be less willing to go outside and be social with others face to face, but instead stay inside the house and look at their devices. Not only does this have a negative effect on their wellbeing, it’ll disrupt their social network. If we have restrictions on screen time, this will first of all, reduce the amount of time spent on devices but also make a bar where you have to stop, so you can’t keep on going. This will give children more time to go outside, play with friends and connect with other people. To implement this, I believe that we should have a certain limit of screen time per day for “play”as a law. Some countries only allow children to play video games on weekends, which can also be applied to this scenario. Hence, restricting children’s screen time can prevent them from the consequences of unlimited screen time.
In addition, unlimited access to screen time can result in physical health consequences. All screens give off a blue light that can damage our eyes in the long term. This can result in having sight issues, which are permanent and irreversible. Since sight issues are so final, we need to make sure it doesn’t happen at all, by giving restrictions on screen time so children can avoid facing the consequences of sight loss. Although there are many solutions to this, such as anti-blue ray glasses that prevent any of those harmful blue light rays from reaching your eyes, the easiest solution is to implement a law that states some restrictions such as two hours of screen time per day for entertainment purposes.
Furthermore, unlimited screen time can cause children to become addicted to devices. Devices have many features that can make children addicted to them. One of them is social media. Social media platforms are actually designed to keep you watching, to become addicted. Someone could scroll through TikTok for an hour without even realising. This is because social media feeds you short content which not only reduces your attention span but keeps you watching. If we don’t have a limited amount of screen time set for children, social media can get in the way of our lives, and cause them to be stuck to their devices. One way to solve this is to, obviously implement a policy, but another is to use the Parental Controls on devices. Parental Controls can set time limits on your children’s devices, making it easier than ever to regulate your child’s screen time.
Ultimately, screen time should be restricted because of its devastating impact on children, with negative effects such as social isolation, sight loss and addiction. With restrictions to regulate screen time, our generation will be able to avoid those consequences and grow up to be healthier and smarter.