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Week 5 Writing Homework

Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
• Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.

  1. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
• Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.
  1. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
• Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.
  1. Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
• Discuss whether eating meat is necessary or if people should switch to plant-based diets for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.
  1. Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
• Debate whether participation trophies are fair or if only winners should be rewarded in sports and competitions.

200 Words Each

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40 thoughts on “Week 5 Writing Homework”

  1. Week 5 Writing Homework
    Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
    2. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    • Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.
    3. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    • Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.
    4. Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
    • Discuss whether eating meat is necessary or if people should switch to plant-based diets for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.
    5. Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
    • Debate whether participation trophies are fair or if only winners should be rewarded in sports and competitions.

    200 Words Each
    TOPIC 1: Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

    Imagine this, the night before you discovered this great game and you couldn’t stop playing, you were addicted. You stay up all night playing the game that in the morning you wake up a disaster. Dark circles surrounding your eyes, never leaving them alone, your face as pale as a ghost, you can hear so much moaning, your brain isn’t thinking properly. This is what could happen if you have unlimited screen time. Your parents don’t care, so you think it’s fine to play games as long as you want. Except that’s wrong. Having unlimited screen time can result in many problems. You will start failing in school, and it’s bad for your health. This is why there should be restrictions on how much screen time you are allowed.
    I strongly believe that there should be restrictions on how much screen time you are allowed because it can start leading to problems with your academic life. Kids that have unlimited screen time think that they can do it all day and night. This means that instead of studying for tests or doing your homework, you would just play games and watch TV. Your grades would start going down and you would start failing. No one would want that. Being on technology a lot means that you might start thinking that it’s ok to cheat. You might start taking shortcuts into homework and essays. For example, ChatGPT. Students might start using ChatGPT to write their essays for them which can make you think that you can cheat whenever.
    Research indicates that too much technology can cause sleep disorder, stress, anxiety, difficulty when concentrating, cyber-bullying and eye strain. There are so many problems with having unlimited screen time that can affect your health. Having unlimited screen time can make you stress and anxious. You can get stressed from negative comments on the internet, maybe cyber-bullying and more. Not only you get stressed, but it becomes a bit difficult to concentrate.
    In conclusion, there should be restrictions on how much screen time you are allowed to have because it can affect your grades at school and your mental health.
    TOPIC 2: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
    I am certain that not everyone should get a trophy because of the following reasons. If everyone gets a trophy it can make you believe things that might not be true, the people that deserved to be recognised won’t be, and sometimes things can happen that hurt your self-esteem.
    Firstly, if everyone gets a trophy then sometimes bad things can happen. You might get really proud about it and maybe start bragging, but the bad thing is that someone could say to you, “You know your not that good, everyone got a trophy.” Those things can hurt your self-esteem and maybe even more. You might start to think that your not good enough.
    Another thing is that the people or students that deserve to be recognised, maybe the people who won the races, don’t really get the recognition. Everyone could get so obsessed and start bragging that they are the best swimmer or runner or whatever the competition was about when the people who actually practiced, tried their best and won never got the applause or cheers that they deserve.
    In conclusion, I believe that not everyone should get a trophy and only the winners should get it because things can happen that tend to hurt your self-esteem, you can start getting self-absorbed and the people who won or maybe tried their best, don’t get the recognition they deserve.
    TOPIC 3: Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    I strongly believe that it is better to learn at school rather than at home. This is because, you can get the right amount of learning time every day, it’s harder to lose focus in school, you can get good support and feedback from the teachers, and you won’t feel like slacking off and being lazy.
    First of all, if you learn at school instead of at home than it can benefit you later on. You will get better grades and get the right amount of learning time that you require. If your homeschooled than you might feel like it’s ok to get lazy and take lots of breaks. Whereas if you are at school than you are focused, and you are able to concentrate better. You focus more at school because school is designed for learning and there are less distractions. For example, if you are at home than you might be tempted to watch TV, play games, play with your pet and more.
    Secondly, learning at school means you can get great feedback and support from the teachers and classmates around you. When your at home, your parents might not give you the best feedback and they might let you take more breaks and do easier work. Except in school, they give you a good amount of breaks and a good 30minutes to 1 hour of each subject. They design there timetable so that you get the right amount of time for each subject, the right amount of breaks and can offer you co-curriculars that you can choose from if you want to.
    In conclusion, it is better to learn at school rather than at home because you get the right amount of time for each subject, it’s harder to lose focus at school, you can get support and feedback from the teachers and classmates around you and it will end up benefiting you later on in your life.

  2. Imagine a society where children as young as two years old staring at screens, their eyes manipulated into watching television and playing video games on end, with satanic algorithms designed to addict and consume, the evil suction so powerful that it would be difficult to stop once started. The demonic device is almost a sentient being created to draw people into a unescapable black hole, defined by the darkness of its consequences. As children grow up addicted to these screens because of unlimited screen time, the consequences start appearing. From being more isolated, physical health consequences and becoming addicted, the aftermath of unlimited screen time can be fatal. However, if children have restrictions that can help regulate how much screen time they have, it can reduce the risk of the consequences stated above and help them live a healthier life.
    First of all, unlimited access to screen time can result in feeling less social or isolated. For example, if children have unlimited screen time, they will be less willing to go outside and be social with others face to face, but instead stay inside the house and look at their devices. Not only does this have a negative effect on their wellbeing, it’ll disrupt their social network. If we have restrictions on screen time, this will first of all, reduce the amount of time spent on devices but also make a bar where you have to stop, so you can’t keep on going. This will give children more time to go outside, play with friends and connect with other people. To implement this, I believe that we should have a certain limit of screen time per day for “play”as a law. Some countries only allow children to play video games on weekends, which can also be applied to this scenario. Hence, restricting children’s screen time can prevent them from the consequences of unlimited screen time.
    In addition, unlimited access to screen time can result in physical health consequences. All screens give off a blue light that can damage our eyes in the long term. This can result in having sight issues, which are permanent and irreversible. Since sight issues are so final, we need to make sure it doesn’t happen at all, by giving restrictions on screen time so children can avoid facing the consequences of sight loss. Although there are many solutions to this, such as anti-blue ray glasses that prevent any of those harmful blue light rays from reaching your eyes, the easiest solution is to implement a law that states some restrictions such as two hours of screen time per day for entertainment purposes.
    Furthermore, unlimited screen time can cause children to become addicted to devices. Devices have many features that can make children addicted to them. One of them is social media. Social media platforms are actually designed to keep you watching, to become addicted. Someone could scroll through TikTok for an hour without even realising. This is because social media feeds you short content which not only reduces your attention span but keeps you watching. If we don’t have a limited amount of screen time set for children, social media can get in the way of our lives, and cause them to be stuck to their devices. One way to solve this is to, obviously implement a policy, but another is to use the Parental Controls on devices. Parental Controls can set time limits on your children’s devices, making it easier than ever to regulate your child’s screen time.
    Ultimately, screen time should be restricted because of its devastating impact on children, with negative effects such as social isolation, sight loss and addiction. With restrictions to regulate screen time, our generation will be able to avoid those consequences and grow up to be healthier and smarter.

  3. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

    Imagine a child glued to a screen, eyes wide and unblinking, completely lost in the digital world. Hours pass, the sun sets, and yet they remain, trapped in an endless scroll of videos, games, and messages. Is this the future we want for kids? While technology is a powerful tool, it can also be a dangerous addiction. Kids should not have unlimited screen time because it can negatively impact their health, social skills, and overall well-being.

    Technology provides many benefits for learning and entertainment. Educational apps, online research, and interactive games can help children develop important skills. For example, learning platforms like Duolingo and Khan Academy make studying fun and engaging. Additionally, technology allows kids to stay connected with friends and family through video calls and messages. However, while these benefits are useful, too much screen time can lead to negative effects that must be considered.

    Spending too much time on screens can harm children’s health and well-being. Studies show that excessive screen time can cause eye strain, sleep problems, and a lack of physical activity. For instance, kids who play video games for hours may not get enough exercise, leading to gaining weight and other health issues. Moreover, too much screen use can affect social skills, making it harder for children to interact with others in real life. This is why setting limits is crucial.

    The best approach is to balance screen time with other activities. Parents can set daily limits, encourage outdoor play, and promote hobbies like reading or sports. For example, a rule of two hours of screen time per day allows kids to enjoy technology while still having time for other important activities. Schools and families should work together to ensure children use technology wisely without becoming dependent on it.

    In conclusion, while technology has many benefits, too much screen time can be harmful. It is essential to find a balance to keep children healthy and socially engaged. Parents should set reasonable limits and encourage a mix of activities. By managing screen time wisely, kids can enjoy the advantages of technology without facing its negative effects. Let’s take control before screens take control of us!

  4. Week 5 Writing Homework

    Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    With technology becoming a big part of daily life, the question arises: should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be limits? On the one hand, technology can be very useful. It helps children learn, connect with others, and access information easily. For example, educational apps and websites can make learning more interactive and fun. However, too much screen time can have negative effects. It can cause eye strain, disrupt sleep, and even make children less active. Spending too much time on screens may also reduce face-to-face interaction with friends and family, which is important for building social skills. Therefore, it is a good idea to set limits on screen time, ensuring that kids have time for physical activity, outdoor play, and spending time with others. Parents can encourage a healthy balance, where technology is used in moderation, and other activities are prioritised. In conclusion, while technology can be beneficial, too much screen time is not good for children’s overall well-being, so it’s important to set limits.
    The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    Plastic has become a major problem for the environment. It is not only harmful to wildlife but also takes hundreds of years to decompose. Many animals, especially marine creatures, mistake plastic for food, which can harm or even kill them. Because of this, some people believe plastic should be banned to protect animals and the planet. On the other hand, plastic is cheap, useful, and convenient. It is used in packaging, medical equipment, and many other important products. Banning it completely could make things more expensive and difficult. However, there are alternatives to plastic, such as biodegradable materials, paper, and glass. Recycling is also an important solution. People can make a difference by reducing their use of single-use plastics, recycling more, and choosing sustainable options. If everyone made small changes, it would help reduce plastic waste. In conclusion, while banning plastic completely may not be the perfect solution, it is important to use less plastic and find better alternatives to protect the environment.

    Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    Education is important, and there are different ways to learn: traditional school or learning at home. Traditional schools offer a chance to socialise with classmates and participate in a range of activities, like sports and music. It also provides a structured environment with teachers who guide the students through lessons. This helps students develop social skills and discipline. On the other hand, homeschooling or online learning allows children to learn at their own pace. Some children may find it easier to focus without the distractions of a classroom.
    Homeschooling also gives families more control over the curriculum and schedule. However, homeschooling might not provide the same social opportunities that school does. It could also be difficult for parents to manage their child’s learning while balancing other responsibilities. In conclusion, both methods have advantages and disadvantages. While school is great for socialising and structure, homeschooling can offer flexibility. The best choice depends on the child’s needs and the family’s situation.

    Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
    There is a growing debate about whether people should stop eating meat. Some argue that eating meat is necessary for health, as it provides important nutrients like protein and iron. However, many believe that a plant-based diet is better for health, the environment, and animal rights. Factory farming, where animals are raised for meat, can be cruel and harmful to the environment. It contributes to pollution, deforestation, and climate change. Switching to a plant-based diet can reduce the demand for meat and help protect the planet. In addition, plant-based foods are often healthier, with less fat and fewer calories. Many people also choose not to eat meat because they believe it is wrong to kill animals for food. There are many delicious alternatives to meat, like beans, lentils, and tofu, which provide the same nutrients. In conclusion, while eating meat is not necessary, people can choose to switch to plant-based diets for their health, the environment, and the well-being of animals.

    Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
    In many sports and competitions, all participants receive a trophy or medal, not just the winners. Some people think this is a good way to encourage everyone to join in, while others argue that it is unfair and sends the wrong message. Giving everyone a trophy can make children feel special, even if they didn’t win. It can encourage them to keep trying and enjoy participating without focusing only on winning. However, some believe that trophies should be earned, and only the winners should be rewarded. This way, children learn the value of hard work, effort, and achieving goals. It teaches them that winning requires dedication and perseverance. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance. Participation should be praised, but it’s also important to recognise those who put in extra effort to succeed. In conclusion, while everyone should be encouraged, giving trophies to everyone may not always be the best way to teach children about competition and achievement.

  5. 1.

    In today’s world, we often feel emotions and anxiety, especially with the rise of technology and screen time. Kids spend a lot of time on their phones, tablets, and computers, which can sometimes make them feel overwhelmed. The question many people ask is, “How much screen time is too much?” Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be limits set?

    Technology has many benefits, such as helping kids learn new things. With the internet, kids can access educational videos and interactive games that make learning fun. It can also help them stay connected with their friends, even if they’re far away. In today’s world, learning technology can be counted as a skill.

    However, too much screen time can be harmful. Spending hours on devices can lead to eye strain, headaches, and lack of sleep. Kids who use screens too much may miss out on physical activities, which are important for their health. Social skills might also be affected, as they could become too focused on online relationships instead of face-to-face interactions.
    To address this issue, perhaps a law should be introduced to limit the amount of screen time for kids. Parents and schools could work together to ensure that kids spend enough time away from screens, focusing on things like outdoor activities and face-to-face communication.
    In conclusion, while technology has its benefits, it’s important to find a balance. Too much screen time can have negative effects, but with proper regulations and guidance, kids can enjoy technology without it taking over their lives.
    It’s heartbreaking to see how much plastic is hurting our planet. The oceans are full of plastic waste, and animals are suffering because of it. Turtles, birds, and fish are choking on plastic or getting tangled up in it. This is why banning plastic is so important. If nothing changes, more and more animals will die, and the Earth will be covered in plastic for hundreds of years.
    Plastic is dangerous because animals mistake it for food, which kills them. It also takes forever to break down, so it fills up landfills and makes beaches dirty. There are better alternatives, like using paper, metal, or even plant-based materials that break down naturally. Reusable items, like shopping bags and water bottles, can also make a huge difference. People should make the choice to stop using plastic whenever possible.
    Everyone can make a difference by reducing plastic use and recycling more. Small changes, like choosing eco-friendly products, help the environment. If everyone works together, plastic pollution can be reduced.
    To help even more, the government should pass a law banning plastic bags and packaging in stores. This would force companies to find safer, better materials and protect animals and nature. It’s time to act before it’s too late!
    It’s so frustrating to think about how difficult it can be to learn. School can be overwhelming for many students, while homeschooling or online learning sounds like it could be more flexible and comfortable. But which is better? It’s hard to ignore that both traditional schooling and homeschooling have their advantages and challenges.
    At school, students get to interact with their friends and teachers face-to-face. This helps with teamwork, making friends, and learning how to communicate better. School also offers a structured environment, where students follow a set routine that keeps them focused. However, for some, school can feel stressful, with noisy classrooms or too much homework.
    On the other hand, learning at home or online can feel less stressful. Students can work at their own pace, take breaks when needed, and even choose what environment works best for them. However, without a teacher there to guide them, it can be harder to stay motivated and focused. Some might miss the social part of school too.
    In the end, it depends on the person. While homeschooling offers flexibility, traditional school provides structure and social opportunities. To make it even better, schools could offer more online options for those who need them, allowing for a balance of both worlds.
    Eating meat causes feelings of sadness and confusion for many. The idea that animals are harmed for food doesn’t seem necessary, especially when there are other ways to stay healthy. Some believe that eating meat is essential for health, but it’s worth considering whether plant-based diets can offer a better alternative for everyone, including animals.
    One reason people continue eating meat is that it provides protein and important nutrients. However, experts suggest that plant-based foods like beans, nuts, and vegetables can provide these same nutrients and improve health. A well-balanced plant-based diet can be just as nutritious and help people live longer.
    Another major concern is the environmental impact of meat production. Raising animals for food uses large amounts of water, land, and energy, contributing to pollution and climate change. Switching to plant-based diets could significantly reduce the strain on the environment and help protect the planet for future generations.
    From an ethical standpoint, the treatment of animals is troubling. Many animals are confined to cramped, uncomfortable spaces and subjected to cruel conditions. This raises questions about whether causing such harm is justified.
    To address these concerns, a law should be passed encouraging plant-based diets. By doing so, people could improve their health, protect the environment, and treat animals more kindly.
    The idea of giving everyone a trophy in sports and competitions feels unfair to some. It can be hard to understand why everyone should be rewarded, even if they didn’t win. While the thought behind participation trophies is to encourage effort, it raises the question of whether this actually teaches important lessons about hard work and success.
    On one hand, participation trophies aim to make everyone feel proud of their efforts, regardless of the outcome. They help build confidence in young people and encourage them to keep trying, even if they don’t win. However, some believe that these trophies might lessen the value of winning and make it seem less special.
    In contrast, many argue that only winners should receive trophies. Rewarding only those who achieve the best results can help teach the value of competition, determination, and skill. It shows that hard work can lead to success, which can be an important lesson in life.
    A middle ground could be rewarding everyone with recognition, but saving trophies for those who excel in the competition. This way, everyone is acknowledged, but winners still earn the special recognition they deserve.
    To make things fair, there could be a law stating that trophies should be earned through performance. This would ensure that everyone understands the true value of competition and hard work.

  6. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.

    Limits should be placed on children’s screen time to maintain a healthy balance between digital activities and other essential pursuits. Although our devices provide many advantages, including access to educational materials, creative tools, and chances for social interaction, too much screen time can adversely impact children.

    Advantages of technology comprise improved education via interactive applications and web-based classes, access to worldwide concepts and cultures, and the acquisition of digital skills essential for upcoming professions. Technology can assist children in maintaining connections with friends and family, particularly when face-to-face interactions are restricted.

    Nonetheless, the disadvantages of unlimited screen time provide substantial evidence that it tends to have significantly more harmful effects than beneficial ones. Extended time spent in front of screens has been associated with problems such as sleep disturbances, eye fatigue, and reduced physical activity, potentially resulting in health issues. It can also adversely affect social abilities by decreasing in-person interactions. Additionally, too much screen time can subject children to unsuitable material or harmful social media effects, impacting their mental well-being and self-worth.

    To conclude, a moderated strategy with limited screen time can enable children to enjoy the advantages of technology while reducing its hazards. Parents and guardians must carefully observe and direct their children’s online activities to promote positive behaviors.

    The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    Prohibiting plastic can greatly aid in safeguarding wildlife and the Earth. Plastic pollution represents a significant danger to wildlife, as numerous animals confuse plastic with food, resulting in consumption and entrapment. This frequently leads to harm or fatalities for marine creatures and birds. In addition, plastic waste requires hundreds of years to break down, inflicting lasting damage on the ecosystem.
    Options to replace plastic consist of utilizing reusable bags, bottles, and containers, choosing paper or biodegradable substances, and promoting companies that implement eco-friendly packaging. By selecting eco-friendly alternatives and minimizing the use of single-use plastics, people can contribute to the fight against plastic pollution.
    Informing people about the effects of plastic on the environment and supporting policy reforms can also promote beneficial change. Promoting recycling and getting involved in beach cleanups are additional methods to decrease plastic pollution and safeguard wildlife.
    In summary, prohibiting plastic is essential for the health of wildlife and the Earth. Through intentional decisions in our everyday activities and by endorsing efforts that advance sustainability, we can collaborate to build a cleaner and safer environment for all creatures.
    • Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference. 200 words

    Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or Home?
    Conventional education and homeschooling/online education each present unique benefits and obstacles. Conventional education offers students opportunities for social engagement, extracurricular pursuits, and an organized learning setting. It also enables direct interaction with instructors, which can improve comprehension and involvement in the educational experience. Conversely, homeschooling and online education provide adaptability, customized teaching, and the capacity to accommodate unique learning preferences. Learners in these environments can progress at their own speed and concentrate on subjects that intrigue them. Moreover, homeschooling and online education can be advantageous for students who might face challenges in conventional classroom environments for different reasons.
    The success of conventional education compared to homeschooling or online learning ultimately hinges on the specific needs and preferences of each student. Certain students flourish in a conventional school setting, whereas others might succeed better with homeschooling or virtual education. When selecting the most suitable educational method for a student, it is essential to take into account aspects like learning preferences, social engagement, and academic objectives. In the end, a blend of various educational choices might be the best strategy to address diverse learning requirements and guarantee student achievement.
    • Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective. 200 words
    Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
    • Discuss whether eating meat is necessary or if people should switch to plant-based diets for health, environmental, or ethical reasons. 200 words
    The need for consuming meat is a debatable issue, with strong points made for each perspective. From a health standpoint, although meat offers a plentiful supply of protein, vitamins, and minerals, numerous studies indicate that a carefully curated plant-based diet can supply all necessary nutrients and could lower the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers.
    From an environmental perspective, livestock farming plays a major role in greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water consumption. Shifting to plant-based diets could alleviate these effects, fostering sustainability and lowering the environmental footprint of food production.
    Ethical issues regarding animal welfare in industrial agriculture have prompted numerous people to support plant-based diets. The way animals are treated in factory farms brings up ethical concerns regarding meat consumption, leading to a transition towards more compassionate and sustainable food options.
    In summary, although meat can fit into a balanced diet, the health, environmental, and ethical reasons for choosing a plant-based diet are becoming more compelling. People might decide to cut down on meat intake or consider vegetarian or vegan alternatives to match their eating habits with their health objectives and principles.

  7. 1.Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions?
    Is screen time the addiction of children? The debate of whether kids should have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions has arisen in the community. Imagine your children receiving grades that are plummeting because of lack of sleep. Think of your children, with bloodshot eyes drooped over their desk, their head in pain. Kids should have restrictions in the context of screen time as it affects children’s sleep patterns, deteriorates school study progress and becomes extremely violent.

    Firstly, children should be accustomed to time limits on screen time because of sleep obesity. Sleep obesity is when children who have unlimited screen time cannot sleep via the blue light that is used to create images on any device. The United Nations Article 87 states that children should have a maximum of 8 hours of sleep. The terrorizing consequence is that students and kids develop short sighted and long sighted, emaciating their vision. Parents should allow a maximum of 20 minutes of screen vision before resting eyes. Therefore, screen time should be restricted.

    Additionally, children should be given time limits because of school study. School study is prominent for life, as it fosters our knowledge. The United Nations conducted a chart, stating that 95% of people in the American Secondary Schools grade’s plummet after watching unlimited television. The consequence is that when students are supposed to be studying, they are watching screen time! The solution should be suspending screen time if their grades plummet! As you can see, screen time should certainly have time restrictions.

    In conclusion, screen time should be restricted because of sleep obesity, school study and inducing violent actions. Put down your device and rest your eyes!

    4. Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
    Is Meat the only way to satisfy our body? Imagine pigs dragged by the ear to the abattoir for their pork whilst cows are killed for their meat. Screams and Grunts of pain and mercy combined with the sound of brazen machinery grinding through their bones. The debate of whether people should stop eating meat has arisen between farmers. People should stop eating meat as it causes disastrous environmental pollution, increasing Animal Welfare and plummeting the availability of resources.

    Firstly, people should certainly stop eating meat as it leads to environmental pollution. The United Nations Framework Convention on Global Warming (UNEP) conducted an experiment stating that animal products correlated to 90% greenhouse gas emissions. The severe consequence is that since animals need more land to breed there has been an approximation of 60 hectares of Ice-Free land consumed by livestock each year! This also means that more trees are cut down, releasing more carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere. The solution is that meat from all animals when entering the market or being imported there will be a 5% fee. Therefore, people should stop eating meat due to Environmental pollution.

    Additionally, people must stop eating meat as it contributes to animal welfare. The United Nations Animal Convention stated that 30% of the world’s freshwater has been used on just treating animal thirst and cleanliness. The deteriorating consequence is that cows and other animals like pigs are kept in confined sanctuaries, with barely no room to move around. This leads them to stress and often physical injury. The process of killing the animal is often done without adequate pain relief and loud noises can harm the animals health as well as well-being. The solution is that there should be a grant of 40% of importing fee. As you can see, animal meat should be avoided at all costs.

    Finally, people should stop eating meat as it leads to resource inefficiency. The RSPCA states that 90% of the world’s resources such as water and land have been consumed by farmers and landstock. The abhorrent consequence is that meat production from animals requires substantial amounts of water and this water is flushed into waterways polluting the water. Other pivotal things like grain, wheat and crops will diminish as the farmers have to constantly feed the constantly growing livestock of wheat and crops. Also when land gets smaller, the population of homeless will not have any land to dwell in. The solution is that if farmers stop butchering meat for one week there will be a grant of 200% off tax. To sum up, people should prohibit meat.

    In conclusion, people should stop eating meat because of environmental problems, animal welfare and resource inefficiency. Farmers, lets stop butchering animals for their meat and grow crops for a change instead!

    Schools offer science labs, libraries, sports facilities, and clubs, providing students with hands-on learning experiences that homeschooling or online education cannot fully replicate. Extracurricular activities like music, drama, and sports also contribute to a well-rounded education.
    Will home learning dominate school in the future? Imagine your siblings squabbling in the background while you desperately try to hear what you Mum says. Think of just a complex time schedule for you. The debate of whether school or homeschooling is better has arisen in the conversation of education experts. Traditional schooling is better than homeschooling as it creates social development, structured learning and discipline and access to resources.

    Firstly, traditional schooling is better as it creates social development. Children and students need to develop social skills to make friends and having a friend is an important part of life. This also develops teamwork and cooperation. According to another program of the UN, (UNESCO), 90% of kids made friends when they learnt at school. Imagine everyone playing hopscotch, or laughing while you are excluded. The only way to solve this is to learn at school, which has opportunities for social development among students and staff. Therefore, learning at school creates a boundary for social development.

    Additionally, traditional schooling is certainly convenient as it provides structured learning and discipline. Traditional schools follow a fixed curriculum to ensure students are on the right track and can receive help whenever they need it. Parents can also revise tests that are completed in school. They can also know how their children are going. The ACARA assessment states that 90% of students improved their score, correlating significantly to being taught the right curriculum and subjects in school. Imagine, you have no idea what you have been taught and when a test falls into your hands, you don’t know what to do. As you can see, schools have the traditional curriculum to teach students effectively.

    Finally, schools have access to extracurricular activities after school. They are promoted to teach but also designed to improve students’ enthusiasm at school. For example, javas programming correlates to artificial intelligence understanding, chess relating to the movement and lego is designed to improve coordination. The United Nations article 71 reports that extracurricular activities give 50% education. Think of you bored as you learn about only one subject at home whilst having a combination at school. So, traditional schooling is better than homeschooling.

    In conclusion, traditional school is better than homeschooling as it promotes social development, organized curriculum and extracurricular activities.

    Essay. Should PLastic Be Banned?
    Is Plastic a friend or foe? Imagine dolphins diminishing from the oceans, rubbish floating around the waterways releasing foul odors into the air while the production of plastic increases. Think of microplastics duplicating in your body! The debate of whether plastic should be banned has arisen between environmental experts. Plastic certainly should be prohibited as it creates environmental pollution, causes excessive damage to marine life and leads to detrimental health risks.

    Firstly, plastic correlates to environmental pollution. Each ton of plastic covers more than a hectare of land without intention. This hectare of land could be used to build or construct wildlife sanctuaries for endangered species like the native fauna of Australia, the koala or the Mountain Pygmy Possum. The United Nations (UN) states in article six that the world is increasing its temperature by 15 degrees by the year 2027 if we do not ban plastic. This leads to decreasing animals each year, damaging the biodiversity in each state and increasing the number of endangered animals. This could be solved by creating innovative ways to create new things out of rubbish or donating money to support animal foundations like RSPCA. Therefore, plastic should be eliminated due to the ongoing environmental pollution.

    Additionally, plastic kills Marine Life. Dolphins and other creatures like octopus diets consist mainly of jellyfish and plastic bags are mistaken for them. Plastic piles up like a daunting mountain and some get swept away by the wind and land in the ocean. The UN’s environmental program (UNEP) has conducted an experiment that almost 99% of seabirds will have ingested plastic if it continues to rise. In 2014, a Cuvier’s beaked whale washed up dead on an island with 40 Kilograms of plastic in its stomach. This leads to coral loss and bleaching, decreasing Marine life. Mercury and also other contaminants get into the sea. This can be solved by picking rubbish up in your community or travelling around the world picking up plastic that has found its way into the sea. As you can see, plastic is definitely terrorizing our sea creatures.

    Finally, plastic gets into your skin. Each year when land is not available, plastic is buried in the ground and then covered with soil, later to be used as stadiums or playgrounds. These tiny chemicals in the plastic normally known as Microplastic can’t break down conveniently and meanwhile it releases toxic chemicals into the air. This can leak into your lungs causing respiratory cancer. The United Nations state that 80% of food like apples or citrus fruits when tested using gamma ray, microplastics have been found in them. Do you want to eat no fruit or no food just because of plastic? This can be solved, by using plastic bottles for example as a planting pot. So, plastic is highly detrimental.

    To sum up, plastic should be exterminated because it creates environmental pollution, harms precious marine life and duplicates microplastics. Now, go and start recycling whether at your school, your work or in your community. Remember one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

  8. This is my writing homework

    Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

    The use of technology and screen time has become an integral part of daily life, especially among children. While technology offers numerous benefits, excessive screen time can have negative effects on physical and mental health. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life, focusing on three main points: the impact of screen time on children’s physical health, the effects of technology on mental health, and the importance of setting restrictions on screen time.

    Excessive screen time is linked to a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to obesity and other physical health problems in children.A study by the World Health Organization (2019) found that children who spent more than two hours per day on screens were more likely to be overweight or obese.Prolonged screen time leads to a decrease in physical activity, as children spend more time sitting and engaging in sedentary behaviors.Some argue that screen time can be beneficial for physical health, as some video games and apps promote physical activity. While some games and apps may encourage physical activity, the overall effect of excessive screen time on physical health is still negative. A review of 15 studies on screen time and physical activity found that excessive screen time was consistently linked to decreased physical activity and increased risk of obesity.The negative effects of excessive screen time on physical health are well-established, and parents should be aware of these risks when setting limits on screen time.
    Excessive screen time is linked to increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems in children. A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that teenagers who spent more than three hours per day on screens were more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety (Twenge et al., 2018). Excessive screen time can lead to social isolation, decreased attention span, and increased exposure to cyberbullying and other online risks. Some argue that technology can provide benefits for mental health, such as access to online therapy and support groups.While technology can provide some benefits for mental health, excessive screen time is still a significant risk factor for mental health problems. A review of 40 studies on screen time and mental health found that excessive screen time was consistently linked to increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems (Carter et al., 2016). Parents should be aware of the potential negative effects of excessive screen time on mental health and take steps to set limits and promote healthy screen use habits. As we will discuss in the next paragraph, setting restrictions on screen time is essential for promoting healthy screen use habits.

    Setting restrictions on screen time is essential for promoting healthy screen use habits and mitigating the negative effects of excessive screen time.A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found that parents who set limits on screen time had children who spent less time on screens and had better physical and mental health outcomes. Setting restrictions on screen time helps children develop healthy screen use habits, such as taking breaks from screens and engaging in physical activity. Some argue that setting restrictions on screen time is overly restrictive and can lead to negative effects, such as increased stress and anxiety.Setting restrictions on screen time is not about being overly restrictive, but about promoting healthy screen use habits and mitigating the negative effects of excessive screen time. A review of 20 studies on screen time restrictions found that setting limits on screen time was consistently linked to improved physical and mental health outcomes in children. Parents should set limits on screen time, encourage physical activity, and promote healthy screen use habits to help children develop a positive relationship with technology. By setting restrictions on screen time and promoting healthy screen use habits, parents can help children reap the benefits of technology while minimizing its negative effects.
    In conclusion, the debate surrounding screen time and technology use among children highlights the need for a balanced approach. While technology offers numerous benefits, excessive screen time poses significant risks to physical and mental health. By acknowledging these risks and taking proactive steps to set limits, promote healthy screen use habits, and encourage physical activity, parents and caregivers can help children harness the benefits of technology while minimizing its negative effects. Ultimately, a thoughtful and informed approach to screen time and technology use is essential for promoting healthy childhood development and laying the foundation for a lifelong positive relationship with technology.
    The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    Plastic pollution is not just an environmental issue—it’s a global crisis that is suffocating our planet. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste are carelessly discarded into the oceans, rivers, and landfills. The results of this negligence are catastrophic, affecting everything from marine life to human health. The oceans, once teeming with vibrant life, are now overwhelmed with plastic, choking the very creatures that call it home. Marine animals, from the tiniest plankton to majestic whales, are dying because of the plastic we refuse to manage. As plastic piles up, it does not just pollute the environment—it contaminates our food chain, poisons ecosystems, and contributes to the ever-growing threat of climate change. The World Economic Forum has painted a terrifying picture of the future: by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish. This grim prediction is a wake-up call—a moment to reflect on how far we’ve gone in polluting the Earth, and how urgently we must act to save what remains.
    Every piece of plastic we toss away contributes to the slow, silent death of marine life. More than 100,000 marine creatures—fish, dolphins, turtles, and seabirds—lose their lives every year because of plastic waste. These animals do not deserve to die in agony because of our carelessness. They mistake plastic for food, swallowing it and slowly suffocating as it clogs their digestive systems. Plastic bags that float like jellyfish in the ocean are eaten by sea turtles who mistake them for their favorite meal. Whales, the gentle giants of the sea, are found with their stomachs full of plastic, their bodies slowly decaying under the burden of what we’ve left behind. The thought of these majestic creatures, whose existence once symbolized the beauty and power of nature, now fighting for survival against our waste, is heart-wrenching. But it’s not just the visible destruction that matters—it’s the unseen horrors. Microplastics, tiny fragments of plastic that break down into the water, invade the bodies of even the smallest organisms, contaminating the entire food chain. These particles accumulate in the fish we consume, entering our bodies and putting our own health at risk. We are poisoning ourselves. Our shortsightedness in using plastic has set off a chain reaction of destruction, and it is our responsibility to undo the harm we’ve caused. Some people argue that plastic is simply too convenient to ban. But the truth is, the convenience of plastic comes at an unimaginable cost. Plastic is cheap, yes, but the long-term consequences—environmental devastation, loss of biodiversity, and harm to our health—are far too expensive. We must think beyond convenience and recognize that the price of inaction will be a future where oceans are devoid of life, and our planet is irreversibly damaged.
    The good news is that there is hope. The future does not have to be one of destruction and pollution. We have alternatives—materials that can replace plastic and reduce the damage we’ve done. Bioplastics, made from renewable sources like corn and algae, offer a glimmer of hope. Unlike traditional plastic, which lingers in the environment for centuries, bioplastics break down naturally, reducing waste and pollution. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has shown that bioplastics can cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70%, helping to fight climate change while solving the plastic crisis. This is not a pipe dream—it is a practical, sustainable solution that can help turn the tide on plastic pollution. But bioplastics are not a perfect fix. Critics point out that they still compete with food crops for land and resources, and the infrastructure for composting bioplastics is still limited. However, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. We must not dismiss bioplastics because they aren’t perfect; instead, we should invest in improving their production and distribution. Moreover, we must embrace other alternatives like glass, metal, and paper—materials that have long been used in packaging and have a much smaller environmental footprint than plastic. These are not pie-in-the-sky ideas but real, tangible solutions that can help us reduce the flood of plastic waste. The transition to alternative materials will not be easy, but it is necessary. We owe it to future generations to start moving away from plastic. A commitment to using biodegradable or recyclable materials can help protect the environment and reduce the need for ever-increasing plastic production. It is time to embrace the power of innovation, creativity, and sustainability, and commit to making a change.

    While the scale of plastic pollution is staggering, the power of individual actions should not be underestimated. Each of us has a role to play in this crisis, and the decisions we make every day can help turn the tide. The University of California found that individuals can reduce their plastic waste by up to 50% simply by making conscious choices—using reusable bags, water bottles, and avoiding single-use plastic items. While one person cannot solve the problem alone, collectively, we can create a massive impact. We need to understand that every piece of plastic we refuse to use is one less piece in the ocean, one less piece poisoning marine life, one less piece contributing to the global pollution crisis. Simple acts—refusing plastic straws, supporting plastic-free businesses, reducing packaging waste—can help spark a larger movement. When we choose to reduce, reuse, and recycle, we become part of a powerful shift in consciousness, inspiring others to make similar changes. But even though individual actions are important, we must recognize that they alone will not be enough. This is why we must push for systemic change. We must demand that governments and businesses take responsibility for the plastic crisis. While personal choices matter, lasting solutions require broad policy changes, such as bans on single-use plastics and support for alternative materials. The power of individuals to create change is immense, but only when those efforts are supported by larger structural shifts will we begin to see the real impact.
    Plastic pollution is not a distant threat—it is happening now. Every piece of plastic we discard today has consequences for our planet tomorrow. But it is not too late. We have the power to stop this destructive cycle. We can protect marine life, restore our ecosystems, and safeguard our health by switching to alternative materials and making responsible choices in our daily lives. By banning plastics, supporting sustainable alternatives, and making conscious decisions, we can create a future where plastic pollution no longer ravages our oceans and communities.
    The cost of inaction is too high. Our children and grandchildren deserve to inherit a planet that is full of life, not one suffocating under plastic waste. It’s time for all of us to take responsibility—for the future of the planet, for the future of wildlife, and for the future of our children. The time to act is now. The Earth cannot wait.
    Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    Education is the foundation of our future, shaping who we are and who we will become. With the growing demands of modern life, the question arises: is it better to learn at school, surrounded by classmates and teachers, or is learning at home the way forward? While school has long been considered the standard for education, the flexibility and personal empowerment that comes with learning at home offer undeniable advantages that can provide a richer and more fulfilling experience for many students. The truth is, for many, learning at home is not just an alternative; it is a way to thrive.

    One of the most compelling reasons to learn at home is the ability to learn at your own pace. In a traditional classroom, students are often required to keep up with a fixed curriculum, which can leave some students behind or force others to move too quickly. At home, students are free from this pressure. They can spend more time on topics they find difficult, ensuring they master concepts without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. On the other hand, students who grasp material quickly can move ahead without waiting for the rest of the class, keeping their enthusiasm and momentum intact. Learning at home empowers students to take control of their education. The ability to design your own learning schedule, to dive into topics of interest, and to skip over what isn’t relevant fosters a sense of independence and self-motivation that is rarely found in traditional schooling. This freedom ignites a love of learning that is based on curiosity and passion, rather than the rigid structure of exams and deadlines. For many, this environment of autonomy breeds a deeper understanding of subjects and encourages lifelong learning habits that carry far beyond the classroom.
    Home provides a safe, familiar, and comforting space for students to learn. For children who face bullying, social anxiety, or other challenges in a traditional school environment, home offers an escape from the stress and emotional turmoil of social pressures. The emotional and mental toll that school can take on some students is often overlooked, but it is real. The constant comparison to peers, the pressure to fit in, and the fear of failure can negatively impact self-esteem and academic performance. At home, these pressures dissipate, allowing students to focus on their studies without fear or distraction. Additionally, homeschooling or learning at home allows for more individualized attention and support. Parents, tutors, or online educators can provide the one-on-one guidance that many students desperately need. This personalized approach can help students build stronger relationships with their educators and receive the support they need to flourish. In turn, this closer relationship fosters a deeper sense of trust, confidence, and self-worth, which can be life-changing for children who struggle in the typical classroom environment.

    Flexibility is one of the most powerful benefits of learning at home. The rigid structure of traditional schooling often stifles creativity and innovation. Students are told when to eat, when to take a break, and when to focus. At home, however, learning becomes more fluid. Students can take breaks when needed, step outside for a walk to clear their minds, and even combine learning with real-world experiences, such as field trips or hands-on projects. This ability to adapt learning to suit individual needs fosters a more holistic approach to education that considers the emotional, social, and physical well-being of the student.Moreover, learning at home allows for a deeper connection with family. Parents can actively participate in their child’s education, ensuring that they are not only academically supported but emotionally nurtured. This connection strengthens family bonds and allows for a more nurturing, well-rounded approach to learning.

    The future of education lies in recognizing the power of learning at home. The rise of online courses, digital resources, and the ability to connect with global educators shows that learning no longer needs to be confined to a physical classroom. With the right tools and a supportive environment, learning at home can be just as effective—if not more so—than traditional schooling. It allows students to thrive in a space where they feel safe, supported, and empowered to pursue their passions.
    The traditional school system has long been the backbone of education, but it is not the only way to learn. Learning at home offers unparalleled flexibility, freedom, and emotional support that many students need to succeed. By creating an environment where students can learn at their own pace, free from social pressures and rigid schedules, we empower them to become self-directed, confident, and lifelong learners. Home is not just a place of rest; it can be a place of growth, discovery, and endless possibilities. Now, more than ever, we must embrace the power of home learning and recognize it as the future of education.

    Should People Stop Eating Meat? A Case for a Plant-Based Diet
    In today’s world, where health, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations are all at the forefront of global conversations, it’s time to reconsider our relationship with meat. While eating meat has been ingrained in many cultures for centuries, the evidence is becoming undeniable: we must shift towards plant-based diets for the well-being of ourselves, our planet, and the animals we share it with.

    First and foremost, a plant-based diet is better for your health. Scientific studies have consistently shown that reducing meat intake, especially red and processed meats, can dramatically lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Plant-based foods are packed with fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients that support overall health, reduce inflammation, and promote better digestion. By eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, we can nourish our bodies with the nutrients they need while reducing our intake of unhealthy fats and cholesterol. While it’s true that some nutrients like vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids need to be carefully sourced from plant-based alternatives or supplements, the health benefits of eating fewer animal products are overwhelming. A plant-based diet isn’t just a trendy choice; it’s a proven way to enhance longevity and quality of life.

    But the benefits don’t stop at our personal health. The environmental impact of meat consumption is enormous, and continuing to eat meat at current levels is unsustainable. Meat production is responsible for a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. Livestock farming, particularly cattle, releases methane—a potent greenhouse gas—and contributes to the deforestation of vital ecosystems. Moreover, meat production consumes an immense amount of resources: water, land, and food. It takes thousands of liters of water to produce just one kilogram of beef. By switching to a plant-based diet, we can reduce water consumption, conserve natural resources, and decrease the strain on land used for animal agriculture. The environmental toll of factory farming is vast, and the most impactful change we can make is to reduce our reliance on animal products. Every meal is an opportunity to vote for a greener, more sustainable world.

    Ethically, the argument is even clearer. Factory farming, where most of our meat comes from, is notorious for its inhumane treatment of animals. These animals are often subjected to overcrowded, filthy conditions where they suffer pain, fear, and stress throughout their lives. Many are confined to cages too small to move freely, and their suffering is almost unimaginable. In the modern world, where alternatives to animal products are more accessible than ever, we cannot continue to justify this cruelty. Animals are sentient beings that can experience pain, stress, and fear, just like us. It’s time to recognize that we have a moral obligation to protect them. By choosing plant-based foods, we align our actions with compassion and respect for life. No longer should we turn a blind eye to the suffering that is caused when animals are raised and slaughtered for food. Every meal is an opportunity to choose kindness over cruelty.
    The need for change is urgent. While some may argue that eating meat is a natural part of the human diet, it is no longer necessary for survival or good health. We now have a plethora of plant-based options that provide all the nutrients we need without the detrimental effects on our health, the environment, or animal welfare. By embracing a plant-based diet, we can reduce our carbon footprint, protect our planet, and ensure that future generations inherit a world where animals are treated with dignity and respect. It’s time to take responsibility for the choices we make every day. The transition to a plant-based diet may not be easy for everyone, but it is a powerful step toward creating a healthier, more sustainable, and more compassionate world. The future is in our hands—let’s choose wisely.

    Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
    Imagine a young child running down the soccer field, eyes wide with excitement as they dribble the ball toward the goal. Their small feet push the ball with eager determination, but their movements aren’t perfect. They may not be the fastest player or the one with the most goals, but they’re giving it their all, learning with every step. The sun shines brightly, casting long shadows on the field as their teammates cheer them on, offering encouragement, support, and smiles that make the child feel like a true part of the team. The sound of laughter and shouts fills the air, and the child, in that moment, knows they are not alone. At the end of the game, regardless of the score, every player receives a trophy. Each child’s eyes light up as they hold their trophy with pride, knowing that their effort has been recognized. Their hard work has been acknowledged, and they now understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves, something that values participation just as much as achievement.
    This is the power of participation trophies, and it’s an essential practice that we should wholeheartedly embrace in sports and competitions. Rather than undermining achievement, giving everyone a trophy fosters inclusivity, builds self-esteem, and motivates kids to continue participating, learning, and growing. It’s a practice that celebrates not only the outcome but also the process—the effort, the teamwork, and the resilience each child demonstrates as they play.
    First and foremost, giving everyone a trophy ensures that every participant feels included, regardless of their skill level or performance. Sports should be a space where individuals come together to experience camaraderie, teamwork, and personal growth. Trophies are a way to reinforce this message—celebrating the contributions of each player, no matter how small. By awarding trophies to all players, we prevent children from feeling excluded or discouraged, particularly those who might be less experienced or who struggle to perform at a high level. This approach sends a powerful and inclusive message: everyone is valuable, and their participation matters. It’s not just about the most skilled players or the team that wins—every child deserves recognition for showing up, learning, and working as part of a team. This inclusivity helps kids bond with their teammates, build lasting friendships, and develop a deeper understanding of what success truly means. It’s not just about winning; it’s about showing up, giving your best effort, and having fun along the way. When children experience this kind of inclusive environment, they learn to appreciate the journey, not just the destination.
    Furthermore, participation trophies play a crucial role in building self-esteem and confidence. In youth sports, the primary goal should be to encourage growth, personal development, and a love of the game. It’s essential to emphasize the importance of learning, rather than focusing solely on competition. A trophy is a tangible symbol that acknowledges the effort a child has put into their training, commitment, and involvement, even if they didn’t win. For many children, especially those new to a sport, receiving a trophy can provide an essential confidence boost. It serves as a reminder that their hard work is noticed and appreciated, which can be a powerful motivator to continue practicing and improving. Without this recognition, kids might feel discouraged by the competition, leading them to quit prematurely, missing out on the opportunity to develop their skills and love for sports. Participation trophies remind them that their effort, dedication, and perseverance are just as valuable as the victory itself. Rather than reinforcing feelings of failure, participation trophies celebrate the effort, which helps build resilience and fosters a positive mindset for future challenges.
    Lastly, participation trophies help foster continued engagement in sports and other activities. When children are rewarded for participating, they are more likely to stay involved, keep learning, and enjoy the process along the way. Kids need to understand that competition isn’t just about winning, but about growth, perseverance, and developing lifelong skills. If the emphasis is solely on winning, children who don’t achieve top rankings might feel that their efforts are unimportant or insignificant. Trophies for all participants ensure that every player, regardless of their skill level, feels acknowledged and motivated to keep improving. This positive reinforcement encourages kids to return to the field or court, fostering a love of the game and reinforcing the importance of teamwork. It reminds them that sports are about personal growth, fun, and the connections they make, just as much as they are about performance. When children feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to return to the activity, which, in turn, helps them develop both their skills and their passion. This cycle of recognition and reinforcement is crucial for their development and continued involvement in sports.
    In conclusion, giving everyone a trophy is more than just a feel-good gesture—it’s a powerful tool for promoting inclusivity, building self-esteem, and encouraging continued participation in sports and other activities. It shows children that their efforts are appreciated, regardless of the outcome. By adopting this practice, we create an environment where every participant feels valued and motivated to keep pushing themselves. Trophies should be a reminder that success is about effort, growth, and perseverance, not just about winning. When all children are recognized for their contributions, they learn that the journey, the growth they experience, and the friendships they make are just as important as the final score. This approach to recognition helps kids build confidence, foster a sense of belonging, and develop a lifelong love of sports—one that’s driven not by the scoreboard, but by the joy of the game itself.

  9. 1) When we imagine the life of a young teen or above, we always think of things like blogging, scrolling and of course, theseboth link to a device. I had a friend who got her phone when she was four. Some find this unrealistic and of course she grew up… addicted to it.
    This is not the first time this has happened, although we’ve encountered social media bans and screen timers, this doesn’t dodge the fact that a device is a device. But I do not believe bans are necessary.
    As we latch on to challenges in our daily life a screen is a great way to release dopamine and relief from a long day. But having the screen read ‘app timed out’ wont stop people from sashaying to the next or grabbing another device. Sometimes a device is how someone maintains their relationship with someone far away or for work reasons for some people their device is a crucial aspect of life.
    For many a ban would stop them from having self control, especially teens for them never to learn to stop addiction could seriously affect the rest of their life like addiction to smoking, drugs, achohol, etc. It would be ludicrous to have someone spend so much money on a ban and it not being achnowledged what a waste! We are all aware that at some point someone will speak up and rebel againt these bans, If the fact is clear why implement it if the idea’s substance comes to an end?
    Personal responsibility is hard but many of us dont possess it some do so why those people the suffer? At some point humans will learn to edge of their devices and clear for the generations to come.
    2) Landscapes are withering by the moment, our sea life is decreasing and us as humans are unaware our earth can collapse in just a second. Banning plastic, its like a disease being cured. Simple enough to say no to a plastic bottle of water on a boiling day but mantaining this lifestyle has never been easy. We use plastic on a day to day basis like a pack of chips, straws, shopping bags and even a take-away coffee.
    Banning plastic could secure our environmental status for a number of years by clearing oceans and beaches, cities etc. Few of us will walk past a ziplock bag on the floor and pick it up and easily throw it in the bin what if we had whole communities picking up litter, then towns, cities and countries.
    If we take plastic and use it for our advantage what will come of our earth every part of nature will be tossed away as trash swimms the street and we trudge through without care not only with our wildlife fade but in the process so will we.
    We claim to be the revoloution of animals possess more knowledge, be more communicative and inventive. If we’re higher than other animals we must act like it we hog the globe as if it was designed just for us but no, we must share it like it was shared with us from the very beginning. Once plastic is gone we will return what earth once gave us.
    3) Vaccinations! Masks! Lockdown! These are the effects of Corona Virus, or more commonly known as Covid 19. These weren’t the only things that were influenced by it, one many kids experienced was homeschooling. Homeschooling could possibly have been a big mistake influencing laziness toward education like gaming below the camera in a class zoom.
    Homeschooling was a bit of a mess so coming back to school encouraged order in our daily lives, I had friends that didn’t do the homeschooling work at all so getting back to our normal lives was a relief. Homeschooling was done on a device that made us zombies to our screen as we frantically did our work. It was easy to loose focus or intrest so being away from school had zero positive impact on our education.
    If we were to bring back homeschooling, yes our education would wither as would our selves kids like me would become friendless and separated from humanity as their antisocialism engulfs them. We can’t expect a kid to hold it together after such an encounter with this great sadness of not seeing their friends or teachers, I know some of us have remembered that all to well.
    We should all be greatful to be back in our class, eating with our friends and learning productively I and many other students are extremely lucky to be back at our second home, our school. We are all happy that the pandemic is over and we have our educational palaces back but if another one comes we must not succumb to the undorderly fashion we once prevayed.
    4) Just imagine a happy lamb frolliking along the plains, he has friends and is free. Now imagine it going back to the barn and his mother has disapeared, then his dad, then his siblings and as soon as it hopes it dosen’t get worse…It’s next! Many animals disapear through a year and they all go one place our plates!
    Of course being vegetarian is hard to maintain, but it definitely dosen’t need to be enforced. Meat is crucial to a healthy balanced diet. Without the iron meat produces, it can increase iron deficiencies throughout the population.
    This is something to keep in mind, although if we stop eating meat, animals will over populate and thats not the laws of nature, plant eats CO2 zebra eats plant lion eats zebra. The cycle of conssumption of animals has been implanted since animals grew hungry. As well as if we don’t eat meat we will become unhealthy for its natural for humans to have meat in their diet.
    Maybe its natural for a lamb to sometimes have to be the fuel for another animal, just as the wheat it was fed, and the sunlight that was fed to that. If we change the laws of nature…we might change ourselves in the process.
    5) Score! Zoom! Cheer! And the winner is…Everyone? Lots of us spend our lives perfecting a skill, like a sport, a hobby or a talent, we all love a good reward when we deserve it. When we are awarded for one of our skills we feel acomplished like we’ve really achieved, our life-work.
    When we think about a time we’ve felt like this, there has always been a second and sometimes third they usually get rewarded too. Now imagine a participant that slouches and dosen’t try, what if they got the reward you so desperatley worked for, what if everyone did?
    The issue with this is that people will stop putting effort in and talent and such would be irrelevant to competions. This will put many jobs in a hard situation as they can’t find the people they need with effort that is prior to their skillset.
    So we can all agree that reward comes with skill and care, if this hasn’t been aquired then why shall we watch as someones skill is put to waste just make someone else have pride in nothing? As competions arise will we do whats right or whats wrong? Will us as our nation watch ourselves crumble through reward not being given when time is right? Maybe thats just question of how hard we try.

  10. Xavier Serravalle

    1. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
    I strongly believe that, no, kids should not have unlimited screen time. In fact, they should have carefully managed and constant restrictions as this will allow and encourage better sleep, foster creativity, encourage physical activity, reduce the risk of addiction and improve social skills and academic performance. Without the implementation of boundaries, unchecked and excessive use of screen time will lead to eye strain, poor posture, obesity, sleep problems, addiction, anxiety, stress, shortened attention span leading to horrible academic performance, aggressive and violent behaviour, less family time and poor communication.
    Limiting screen time will improve sleep quality by reducing the impact of blue light on melatonin production. Better sleep allows kids to focus on homework study in school performance as well as having more opportunities to interact with family members and peers, strengthening communication and social skills. Time away from screen will promote better creativity and imaginative activities such as, drawing, writing and problem solving. Reduced screen time protects mental health by preventing anxiety, addiction, depression and low self-esteem. It’s important to find the right balance between screen time and other activities that encourage healthy growing and development. Having limits helps kids have self-discipline, be active and stimulates social interactions.
    2. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    • Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.
    Without a shadow of a doubt, plastic should absolutely be banned – for the sake of the entire planet and all living things. Every year, millions of tonnes of plastic has been discarded and left in our oceans, lakes, rivers and landscapes, suffocating life and poisoning our eco-systems. Animals are suffering unimaginable harm as they ingest or become caught in plastic waste. Sea turtles mistakenly eat plastic because they recognize it as jellyfish, and they slowly choke to death. Birds die from stomachs full of plastic, unable to digest any other food. Fish and other marine mammals are caught in nets, leaving them to panic, drown or slowly starve to death. These innocent creatures are paying the price for our wrong-doing and our irresponsibility.
    Plastic is a deadly killer. It never truly disappears; it breaks down into tiny particles called microplastics, infiltrating our food, poisoning everything. We are all drinking, eating and breathing microplastics without even noticing the damage it does to our health. We can no longer ignore this catastrophic problem- it is time to ban plastic. There are so many alternatives – paper, glass, metal, bamboo and biodegradable materials that are affordable. It’s our moral responsibility. We must stop prioritising cheap and convenient plastic over life. We must act now, before all species vanish and our planet becomes uninhabitable. Ban plastics now.
    3. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    • Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.
    I believe it is tremendously better to learn at school than to learn at home. There are numerous reasons why learning at school is superior at home – the organized schedule, interaction with other students, accessibility to resources, encouragement and motivation and assistance from teachers and staff. Learning at home is eminently distracting, finites challenges for students who are advanced, narrows feedback, increased isolation and lacks time constraint. This lambastes students making them feel depression, anxiety, frustration, distress, anguished, dismayed and dejection. Learning at school rejects all these problems and stages of emotions we can encounter, making it a much better place to socially interact and feel incentive. In the classroom, students aren’t just taught by teachers—they are mentored, guided, and inspired by individuals who are dedicated to unlocking their full potential. They have access to resources, science labs, sports fields, art programs—all of which spark creativity, foster teamwork, and give students the opportunity to discover their passions. Traditional school is where students learn to stand tall in the face of challenges, where they learn accountability, and where their futures begin to take shape. It’s in this setting that they develop social skills that last a lifetime, and in every classroom, there’s a spark of possibility. Traditional schooling is about so much more than grades—it’s about shaping resilient, empathetic, and capable individuals who will go on to change the world. It’s an investment in the heart and soul of the next generation.

  11. dineshaggarwal13yahoo-com

    Imagine this world, you are playing video games at night, but something is different, your mum doesn’t call for you to got to bed. You think this is a utopia, and continue playing all night, chugging bottles of energy drinks to stay awake. However, in the morning you are sleep deprived, eye circles as big as baseballs and eyebags dropping down to our cheeks. This is the reality of no screen time. You will be disadvantaged at most things in school and co-curricular and just loose passion for other things that are not video games. I strongly believe this type of binge watching can interfere with the kids’ grades, since too busy watching a screen, they won’t have anytime to any study. This can stunt cognitive development in the minds which can stop kids from achieving the potential they could. This also doesn’t allow for enough if at all social development. While staying at home watching tv, kids won’t interact with each other enough, making no room for new relationships and social development. I without a doubt believe having a screen time is important because without it these are the levels of insanity the child can go up too and not having a screen time is just not right if you want your child to strive to his best.
    This is the world, everyone gets a trophy, the hard workers don’t get enough recognition and the kids who didn’t try get to brag about their so called “achievement”. Everyone getting trophies is only suitable for infants, so that they don’t feel bad because their minds haven’t developed enough to fight loss. However, when you’re a bit older, around 11 or 12 it changes. The matches get competitive and giving everyone a trophy would take the point out of the competition, because the reason teams were working hard and winning their games is because the wanted the trophy and the recognition. In professional football if everyone got a trophy or a medal no one would watch the games, because there’s no suspense in who’s going to win the game or who’s going to win the trophy because no matter the outcome everyone is getting the same reward. Now no one will want, to try, and it will detriment sports significantly. In conclusion I believe the only scenario everyone gets trophies is for infants or little kids, otherwise giving out trophies like its food doesn’t fit.
    Should I homeschool my child or send him to school, is a common question asked by parents. Homeschooling offers your child to learn from the curriculum and extra bits and pieces that you want your child to learn. However, it isn’t ideal for social development as they won’t be interacting being with other kids that often. This can also turn into fear, and detriment the kid’s future by them not being socially confident. Whereas in tradition schooling allows children to learn what the government thinks their minds are ready to learn at that age. Sports and other co-curricular activities allow children to communicate and build relationships with their peers. If their minds are above the average level, there are many opportunities to get into a school or a special class that fosters kids who’s minds are different and need more challenges to use their brain to the best level.

  12. Joseph Ticinovic

    1.Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
    Imagine being brainwashed, overweight, sick, tired, not being able to sleep, having eye-bags and eyes that continually hurt. These are only some side-effects of having too much screen time. The three reasons why children shouldn’t have unlimited screen time is that it will hinder social interaction, it will lead children to becoming unhealthier and it may lead to inadequate sleep cycles.
    My first reason on why children shouldn’t have unlimited screen time is that it will hinder social interaction. Let me explain. You see, children must learn how to interact face-to-face, otherwise they will not be prepared for the real world, which is full of social interactions. To back up this point, a recent study showed that around 20% of children could not strike up a conversation with children their own age, younger or older. To stop this from happening, I would ask the Australian government to pass a law, restricting children from having more than one and a half hours of screen time per day. This leads onto my second point.
    My second reason on why children shouldn’t have too much screen time is because it will cause a much higher percentage of children to be less healthy. You see, if children are on screens for too long, it will eventually cause people to put on weight. Imagine not having clothes that fit, droopy eyes and being sick much more often. To fix this problem, I would push children to do the 40-20 rule. For every 40 minutes on screens, do 20 minutes of hard exercise like running, skipping, etc.
    My last point on why all children shouldn’t have too much screen time is that it may lead to inadequate sleep. Many children complain that they don’t sleep due to seeing things that have affected them on the internet, or simply just having screen-time to close to the time the child falls asleep. To stop this from happening, I would suggest that students not use technology more than 2 hours prior to the time they fall asleep.
    The three reasons why children shouldn’t have unlimited screen time is because it will hinder social interaction, it will lead to children becoming less healthy and it may lead to inadequate sleep cycles.
    2. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    Imagine cute penguins in agony due to mistaking plastic for food. This could have all been avoided if we banned single use plastics long ago.
    My first reason on why plastic should be banned is because it kills thousands of marine animals every day. Recently, many whales have washed up on shores dead. Since when did that happen? When scientists opened one whales stomach, it had around 40kg of plastic in it. Also, many animals are entangled by plastic, leading to them being easy prey.
    Another reason why single-use plastics should be banned is because it omits microplastics. Most of our food is filled with them due to it being covered by plastics. Over the years, if you consume a fair amount of this, it may lead to health problems.
    My last reason on why single-use plastic should be banned is that it can’t be recycled. The plastic just gets smaller and smaller and can’t be reused. Also due to how light it is, it can escape into drains, causing clogs.
    Due to these reasons I have stated above, this is why plastics should be banned.
    3. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    It is better to learn at home then at school for many reasons and I have stated a few below.
    One reason why it is better to learn at home is that you can finish work earlier. You see, a lot of time is wasted at school, from stoppages to people asking questions. At home, you can avoid all this and finish earlier, leading to more enjoyment and free time.
    Another reason why it is better to learn at home is that there are less distractions at home. At school, there are many times when the class is in a frenzy, leading to lack of concentration, making the child feel frustrated. This is not a problem at home.
    My last reason why children should study from home is that you are not slowed down and you can work at your own pace. You see, in schools, there may be people who need more help than others, slowing the pace of the more advanced child’s learning, whereas at home you can work at your own pace and as a result, finish quicker.
    Due to these reasons that I have stated above, this is why I firmly believe that school at home will lead to more benefits overall for all children, no matter the skill level.

    4. Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
    Imagine being sick, unhealthy, pale and feeling like you’re hollow. These are some side-effects of not eating meat. People should never stop eating meat. Here are some reasons why.
    Firstly, meat is one staple food we need in our diet to stay strong, fit and healthy. Many studies have shown that vegans do not feel their best and meat eaters do! Why do you think the cavemen were so strong? It was because they ate meat.
    My second reason on why we should all eat meat is that it provides us with iron, zinc, B vitamins and a high source of protein. Meat is one of the main sources of vitamin B12 in our diet. This provides us with all we need to stay focused, happy and healthy.
    My last reason on why we should all eat meat is that it helps the brain function and grow. Many studies have shown that without meat, our brain grows much less. Especially in childhood, when our brain is growing and developing, children all need ample meat so that their brain can expand.
    These reasons that I have stated above is why we should all eat meat.

    5. Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
    Imagine being arrogant and someone who doesn’t try. These are some side-effects of getting participation awards. It is a very popular delusion that we all should get participation trophies. We shouldn’t and here are some reasons why.
    My first reason on why children who are not winners shouldn’t get a trophy or participation award is that children will not have to put in effort to get a trophy. This doesn’t teach perseverance and a hard work ethic.
    Another reason why all children should not get a reward, is because it is too expensive. If every child in a league was given an award, it would cost many thousands of dollars, leading to financial strain for sporting clubs.
    My last reason on why not all children should get an award is because it may lead to arrogance. You see, if a child is continually receiving medals, they may find themselves thinking, “I am the best.” This is not a reality and if a child goes into life thinking that they are the best, soon they will realise they’re not.
    Due to the three reasons I have stated above, this is why children who don’t win shouldn’t get a trophy or reward.

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