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Week 10 Writing Homework

Homework : Should cities encourage and embrace graffiti as a form of urban art and expression? Write a persuasive essay arguing in favour of this position, addressing potential counterarguments.(500 Words)

Interview Question:
Tell me about a book you really enjoy reading. What is it about? What are the characters like? What do you think about how the world of that book is represented? (200 words)

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5 thoughts on “Week 10 Writing Homework”

  1. Graffiti, often seen as a contentious issue in urban environments, has evolved from its roots as vandalism to a legitimate form of artistic expression and urban commentary. Cities should not only tolerate graffiti but actively encourage and embrace it as a valuable component of urban art. This perspective not only enriches the cultural fabric of cities but also supports social and economic benefits that counterbalance the potential drawbacks.

    Firstly, graffiti offers a unique avenue for artistic expression that is accessible to a broad spectrum of individuals. Traditional art forms are often confined to galleries and museums, spaces that can be exclusive or intimidating. Graffiti, on the other hand, democratizes art by placing it in public spaces where anyone can engage with it. This accessibility fosters a greater appreciation for art and creativity, particularly among marginalized communities that might otherwise lack representation. By embracing graffiti, cities create a more inclusive cultural landscape where diverse voices and perspectives can be expressed and celebrated.

    Moreover, graffiti can serve as a catalyst for community engagement and revitalization. In many urban areas, neglected or abandoned spaces become canvases for graffiti artists, transforming them into vibrant, visually appealing areas. For instance, neighborhoods that have supported street art initiatives often experience a decline in vandalism and crime, as these projects foster a sense of community pride and ownership. Cities like Melbourne and Berlin have demonstrated how strategic support for graffiti can lead to cultural revitalization and increased tourism, benefiting local economies and creating dynamic urban environments.

    Critics argue that graffiti contributes to urban blight and reduces property values. While it is true that unregulated graffiti can lead to visual clutter and damage, this concern is mitigated by the implementation of controlled and sanctioned graffiti zones. By designating specific areas for graffiti and encouraging artists to work within these spaces, cities can balance the aesthetic concerns with the benefits of urban art. Furthermore, the practice of legal graffiti can actually enhance property values by transforming previously undesirable areas into attractions that draw visitors and potential investors.

    Another common counterargument is that graffiti promotes illegal activity and is associated with gangs. However, this perspective overlooks the fact that many graffiti artists are motivated by personal expression rather than criminal intent. By providing a legal framework and supportive environment for graffiti, cities can channel this energy into positive, community-oriented projects. Educational programs and workshops for young graffiti artists can also redirect their creativity into constructive avenues, reducing the likelihood of involvement in criminal activities.

    In conclusion, cities stand to gain significantly by encouraging and embracing graffiti as a form of urban art and expression. Far from being a source of urban decay, graffiti has the potential to enhance cultural vibrancy, foster community engagement, and stimulate economic growth.

  2. Graffiti was anonymously made to express and show ideas and personal opinions in public and anonymously. While it is disrespectful, it is also a way of expressionism, and so we can’t completely throw it away. I personally believe that we can’t ban graffiti. My reasons are that it is a form of expressionism, grafiti inspires many artworks, and many people would disagree with the act.

    Firstly, it is a form of expressionism. Similar to the artwork, ‘The Scream’ it was painted to show how Edvard Munch was feeling when he was drawing the picture. Same as Beethoven’s ‘For Elise’ he was expressing how much he liked Elise. Though he might not have gotten her, he was still showing his feelings. Grafiti is exactly similar. Grafiti is one of the biggest forms of this, and if we completely ban this, it is basically throwing away one of the biggest forms of this art.

    Secondly, graffiti inspired many artworks. Take the famous Banksy. He himself is anonymous and he expresses. Similar to graffiti right? These things go hand in hand. Banksy inspired graffiti and graffiti inspired Banksy. Take the little girl with the ballon. Then look at love is in the bin. Quite similar. This then proves my point that grafiti inspires many artworks.

    Lastly, people won’t be happy. People like Shepherd Fairey and Banksy, won’t appreciate this act of banning grafiti. This could lead to protests that will cause trouble. Protests are always messy, loud and controversial. Why would we want to add to all the other problems in our world like wars and racism? You might say that graffiti is messy. However, you could just make specific points legal to graffiti. Take USYD, the graffiti tunnel. This is a place where people are allowed to graffiti and professors and students don’t seem to mind.

    Therefore, with my reasons above, it is a form of expressionism, it inspired many artworks and people won’t be happy I hope that you agree with me the graffiti should not be banned.

    Persuasive writing: Should cities encourage and embrace graffiti as a form of urban art and expression? Write a persuasive essay arguing in favour of this position, addressing potential counterarguments. 500 WORDS
    Interview Question: Tell me about a book you really enjoy reading. What is it about? What are the characters like? What do you think about how the world of that book is represented? 200 WORDS
    Imagine, a world where art is everywhere. All around you are vibrant colours, so much creativity along the walls of buildings. Every step you take, there are patterns underneath you, artists expressing their feelings and creativity. Doesn’t this sound beautiful? There are many positives and negatives of graffiti. So much history behind the scenes of graffiti. People say it’s just vandalism, messy and disrespectful. Although it can be much more than just that. You can express your feelings in all the vivid colours, the cool patterns. What more do I need to say? Cities shouldn’t just tolerate graffiti but actively encourage and embrace it as a valuable component of urban art. This is why graffiti cities should embrace graffiti.
    People might find it hard to express their feelings. Graffiti is one of the best ways to solve that problem. This form of urban art isn’t just a way to express your feelings, but your creativity as well. Graffiti doesn’t have a limit of what you can do. It’s not an art teacher telling you what to draw, and that you’re doing it all wrong. In graffiti, your drawings can never be wrong, no one can tell you that it’s terrible. Whatever you decide to draw, whether it’s a simple lightning bolt, or a complex cat. If you make a mistake, you can easily make something new out of it. The vivid colour, the cool images. They always bring out the cool and creative side of you.
    There are many potential problems with graffiti. It could be disrespectful, messy, can sometimes be inappropriate, maybe it’s even vandalism, damaging property. There are so many problems, but each problem has a solution to it. If your worried about damaging property, then why not have dedicated areas for this urban art. You could have a rule saying, you can’t do graffiti on people’s properties. If your worried that it will get too messy then why not just paint, or spray paint. You can wear some protective clothing. See, all these problems can be solved with a tiny solutions. As I said before, graffiti has many negatives to it, but there are way more positives against it.
    Graffiti is one of the most beautiful and creative ways to express your feelings in artworks. You may not even be feeling anything, you just want to do art. There are so many reasons why graffiti can be bad, and wrong. Except, many people agree that cities should embrace graffiti and that it should be allowed in cities. Maybe only in certain areas. Even though you may not be able to do it anywhere. One area is better than none.
    In conclusion, by embracing graffiti, we can create a more vibrant, happy, economically thriving world. We must see beyond the simple ways of art, and express these new forms of modern art. Together, we can make this a happy and thriving world with just small impacts. We must embrace graffiti!
    My favourite book that I have read was the Scarlet and Ivy series, by Sophie Cleverly. My favourite book in the series was book 1. It’s about 2 sisters who are identical. In book 1, Scarlet is at school, but suddenly she goes missing. The principal asks Ivy to pretend to be Scarlet, so no one suspects anything. While Ivy is at school, she meets a girl called Adriene. Ivy and Adriene try and solve the mystery of what happened to Scarlet. They follow pages from Scarlet’s diary, which Scarlet left behind as clues. Along the way, they figure out that the headmaster is evil and that she locked Scarlet and another girl in an asylum. They find Scarlet and the other girl, but the headmaster follows them. They call the police and in the end the headmaster gets arrested. Ivy starts to go to school with Adriene and Scarlet and they live a normal life after that. Except every book in the series has a new, and intriguing mystery, which is why I love the series so much. Scarlet and Ivy are very similar and are always in for an adventure. They never give up and always try to solve it and help people along the way. I think that the world of the book is represented in a way where the message is that whenever there are bad things, they won’t stay bad for long if you keep persisting through it and never giving up.

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