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Week 5 Writing Homework

  1. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
    1. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    • Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.
    1. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    • Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.
    1. Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?
    • Discuss whether eating meat is necessary or if people should switch to plant-based diets for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.
    1. Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy?
    • Debate whether participation trophies are fair or if only winners should be rewarded in sports and competitions.

    200 Words Each

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49 thoughts on “Week 5 Writing Homework”

  1. 1. **Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?**

    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.

    Their small faces, once full of life, are now ghostly in the screen’s cold glow. Eyes wide, unblinking; seeing everything, yet nothing. Their hands, meant to hold, create, and reach for the world, now only swipe, tap, scroll. Do they hear the laughter outside? Do they feel the warmth of the sun? Hours vanish, childhood fades, replaced by endless, empty flickers. This is the true reality of screens in this present day.

    Students are spending way to much time on screens. They are becoming addicted. As they are chained to screens, they do not have time to study, resulting in negative performance at school. Not only only this but children may stay up late looking up at screens, reducing sleep. Also the blue light omitted from i-pads and electronic devices corrode vision, and makes it harder to sleep.

    We must add restrictions to save our future generations. I believe that for the restrictions, we should allow only fifteen minutes a day for entertainment. If the use of screens is because of education (Scholarly), than children should be allowed to use their screens till their lesson is over or homework complete.

  2. Technology & Screen Time: Finding the Right Balance
    Technology has revolutionized the way we learn, communicate, and entertain ourselves. While it offers incredible benefits—especially for kids, with educational apps, creative tools, and ways to stay connected—too much screen time can have negative consequences. Excessive use of devices has been linked to poor sleep, difficulty focusing, and even social withdrawal.

    Research suggests that children who spend more than four hours a day on screens are at a greater risk of anxiety, depression, and lower academic performance. Additionally, screen addiction can take time away from crucial activities like outdoor play, reading, and quality family interactions—all of which are vital for cognitive and emotional growth.

    That said, technology itself isn’t the enemy—it’s all about balance. Rather than eliminating screen time entirely, parents can set healthy boundaries and prioritize meaningful usage. Interactive learning platforms, educational games, and video calls with loved ones can be great tools, whereas mindless scrolling or endless gaming sessions should be kept in check.

    By fostering a balanced approach, kids can enjoy the benefits of technology without sacrificing essential life skills. Setting reasonable limits ensures they grow up tech-savvy, socially engaged, and mentally well.

  3. Sports and Competitions, should everyone get a trophy?

    You stand proud among a line of your teammates, yearning for the chance to get a trophy but to your utter shock and disappointment, you aren’t the recipient of any of those shiny metallic cups of glory. This leads into a controversial discussion, should everyone get a trophy? The clear and non controversial answer though is yes.

    Several children when competing in sports and competitions dream of the chance to be able to get a trophy. Most of these children don’t achieve their dream and this is very mentally damaging to them as it gives them a sense of not being “good enough” for the award. A study that surveyed about 40 participants of a local football competition showed that before the comp their spirits were high with confidence but once they didn’t get an award, they became less motivated to achieve their goal. With everyone receiving a participation trophy, people will still get rewarded. A participation trophy wouldn’t be the only trophy though as specific ones will be given to standout players but everyone will get a trophy nonetheless.

    Young children are having zero confidence and are having the wrong mindset all due to the fact that only select people receive trophies. With a participation trophy, everyone will be fulfilled and their confidence will remain high.

    Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat?

    Each year hundreds of people called vegetarians sustain a zero meat and insufficient protein diet due to “animal rights” that are non-existent. The truth is that people should be eating meat. It is in fact better for animals to eat cattle, chicken and other popular meat than not.

    Cattle, chicken and other domestic meat animals all share one trait, they were grown to be eaten. Most of these animals would have no purpose in their short lives other than eat and get eaten. Even if they weren’t killed, even using their other natural purposes wont work. For example, a cow that is raised to be eaten will produce little milk and will create very bad tasting milk too. The same goes with chicken. Chicken that are raised to be killed are normally very bad at laying eggs and their eggs are most of the time fertile meaning that they are completely inedible. Furthermore, some of these domestic food animals do harm to the environment. For example, cows fart very regularly. These farts are made of a concentrated gas of hydrogen, co2 and nitrogen. These gasses float up into the atmosphere causing pollution. If we weren’t to eat these cattle, our skies will basically be made up of cow fart!

    No matter if animals have “rights”, the animals that you and I eat are made up of animals that are designed to eat and eat only. Not eating them due to animal rights will only cause more harm to the animals and environment, not help it.

  4. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?

    Imagine a child stuck at their home being homeschooled. They have nothing to do whatsoever and are discorded from their friendship and social groups, while they also cannot appreciate the beauty of the natural world. The debate between learning at school and learning at home depends on various factors, including a student’s learning style, access to resources, and social needs. Ultimately, being in the physical classroom will be better for the students’ health, education and social interaction.

    Learning at School offers a structured environment with professional teachers, diverse extracurricular activities, and opportunities for social interaction. It helps students develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills through group projects and discussions.

    Schools also provide access to specialised facilities such as libraries and science labs, which enhance learning. Home schooling is not suitable because it can limit social interactions, requiring parents to actively seek extracurricular activities or community groups for their child’s social development.

    Additionally, parents must be highly involved in the teaching process, which may not always be feasible. Learning form home also does not allow students to go outside and enjoy the natural world instead of artificial. This will be detrimental for the students’ health.

    All in all learning in the physical classroom will benefit students’ health, social interactions and education. It also helps students develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills through group projects and discussions. This is why students should learn at school rather than at home.

    The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?

    Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental challenges today. Millions of tons of plastic waste accumulate in oceans, rivers, and landfills, harming wildlife and human health. Since plastic is non-biodegradable, it remains in the environment for hundreds of years, releasing toxic chemicals and breaking down into microplastics that contaminate water and food.

    One of the most devastating effects of plastic pollution is its impact on marine life. Animals such as turtles, fish, and seabirds mistake plastic for food, leading to fatal consequences. Additionally, plastic waste clogs drainage systems, contributes to land pollution, and releases harmful greenhouse gases when burned.

    Plastic also poses serious health risks. Chemicals found in plastic can leach into food and water, leading to food poisoning, cancer, and other serious health issues or diseases. Humans unknowingly consume microplastics through food and water, posing long-term risks to well-being.

    Banning plastic is a necessary step to protect the environment and public health. Governments must encourage alternatives like biodegradable materials, reusable bags, and stricter regulations on plastic production and disposal. A plastic-free future is essential for a cleaner planet and a healthier society.

  5. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much? Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.

    Miserable children with their freedom completely torn away from them, sit completely mesmerised at tables all day just watching their screens all day long. Now, you are probably wondering how much screen time is too much. There are many advantages and disadvantages of technology but do the positives outweigh the negatives?

    Devices allow us to message anyone anywhere almost instantly. This is one reason why devices are used so much. Devices are very convenient to use, allowing us to complete tasks much faster as well as allowing us to find answers to questions in seconds. Devices are also very helpful and advanced. For example, they allow us to enhance and aid learning at school as well as record different special moments and important details easily.

    Unfortunately devices also have many negatives. For one, they are destructive to our eyesight. This is very important to remember since eyesight, unlike parts of a phone, cannot be fixed and are therefore permanently ruined. We need to be able to see to complete many easy and everyday tasks. If we cannot see, then we will not be able to use devices anyway. Another disadvantage of using a device is that they are made to be hard to put down. When you are using a device, the vibrant colours and options make it hard to remember to take a break from it once in a while. This is why many children have trouble trying to tear their eyes away from the screen.

    To conclude, there are many disadvantages and advantages of using devices. Except I believe that there should be restrictions on how much time children are allowed to spend on the device every day. So screen time should be restricted for children.

    The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned? Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.

    Picture this, you are an innocent harmless turtle and then one day you spot an interesting transparent piece of wrapping floating in the water. So you open your mouth and swallow it. The next day you find yourself struggling to breathe and your stomach feels tight. Suddenly a sharp talon of agony shoots through you and you start to suffocate. There are many advantages and disadvantages of having plastic in everyday items but which side outweighs the other?

    Plastic is very commonly used in many different items. It is often used to wrap simple everyday items like crackers and chips. Many companies use plastic because of how accessible and affordable it is. Some also argue that plastic is great since it replaces paper which cutting down trees are required to make. Another advantage of using plastic is that it can be washed and put in water. This means that plastic sheets for tables and other items can be cleaned and reused once more.

    On the other hand, there are also many disadvantages of using plastic. One is that littered plastic may be blown all the way into the ocean by the wind. When this happens many sea creatures such as turtles may swallow it. This can cause them to die or be in great pain. Sea creatures should not have to suffer because some careless many just mindlessly dropped a chip packet on the floor. Another reason is that plastic takes an exceedingly long time to decompose in landfill. So when plastic is used so often in so many items, there is a lot of plastic just taking up lots of space in landfills.

    To conclude, there are many positives and negatives of plastic being allowed. Except I believe that the negatives outweigh the positives. So plastic should be banned.

    Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home? Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.

    What do you think, is learning from home better or learning at school? There are many advantages and disadvantages of learning from school but you will find out which side outweighs the other in this text.

    When children learn from school they are able to socialise. This is very important because it teaches them teamwork and leadership skills. If children learn from home then they will miss the chance to physically socialise with other children of their age. Another advantage is that when children learn from school they can get physical help from a teacher. At school children can ask the teacher questions and if they are struggling with the task the teacher will be able to see and help them. When children learn from home then the teacher will not be able to see that they are struggling unless they say so themselves.

    On the other hand, there are also numerous disadvantages of learning from school. One of these is that students must get to school in person on time. Many students may live a great distance away from school and need to catch long bus or train rides. This can cause students to miss out on precious and important lessons and fall behind. Another disadvantage of learning from school is that students may be distracted by other children. This is because often many children enjoy chatting with other students during class. This can distract them from learning and listening to the teacher. Except when students learn from home students are able to be in their own home environment and learn to the fullest of their potential.

    To conclude, there are many positives and negatives of learning from school. Except I believe that the positives outweigh the negatives by far. So students should learn from school instead of home.

    Animal Rights: Should People Stop Eating Meat? Discuss whether eating meat is necessary or if people should switch to plant-based diets for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.

    What do you think, is eating meat really necessary? Well, today you will find out which side outweighs the other.

    When we eat meat it gives us many proteins. This is very important since meat is essential to keeping a healthy diet. When people have injuries they often eat a large amount of meat to regain their lost blood. When people just eat plant based foods, they often miss out on very important vitamins. Another advantage of eating meat is that many people find it more appetising than just plants. Meat is served in a vast variety of restaurants and some may find meals with only plants quite appalling.

    On the other hand, when we eat meat we are actually eating part of a dead animal. This can be distressing to many, knowing that an animal was slaughtered just for their dinner. Yet if everyone just switched to plant based diets then there would be no much less hunting of animals and they would be able to live in safety and live a long and fulfilling life. Another disadvantage of eating meat is that many have high levels of fat. This is quite unhealthy as too much fat can affect your blood levels negatively and can even cause you to get Type Two Diabetes.

    To conclude there are many positives and negatives of eating meat but now I will give you my opinion. I believe that the positives of eating meat surpass the negatives vastly. So we should continue to keep eating meats.

    Sports & Competition: Should Everyone Get a Trophy? Debate whether participation trophies are fair or if only winners should be rewarded in sports and competitions.

    Picture this, you had to run the school race. You persevered the whole time and even though you wanted to just slow down and give up many times you still kept going. You were suddenly first in front of everyone and the finish line was coming into view. At that moment you twisted your ankle and intense pain shot out all through your body. You got up once more and started to quickly limp over to the end but then two people got in front of you. At the last moment one more person overtook you and then they were all on the podium with badges and trophies while you missed out by one spot! Well, today you will find out if everyone should get a trophy in sport races.

    When people miss out on trophies and badges in races they feel quite discouraged. This can make them very upset and not want to race anymore. If everyone was given a trophy then no one would feel left out and everyone would be celebrating their great effort and success! Another advantage of everyone getting a trophy in races is that everyone would be encouraged to look forward to and try their best again in the next race. This would mean that everyone would be excited and no one would be nervous or dreading the next race.

    On the other hand, when everyone gets trophies in the races then the people who actually came on the podium will feel quite average and not special. This could mean that they may feel like not trying as hard anymore in the race since they do not get rewarded with anything special at all. Another disadvantage of having everyone get a trophy is that the students may not treat it as seriously. When they know that everyone will get a trophy, why should they even try? The students may decide to just tackle each other on the pavement or just walk and chat to each other the whole time.

    To conclude, while there are many positives and negatives of everyone getting a trophy but I will now give you my honest opinion. I believe that the positives outweigh the negatives by far, so everyone should get a trophy in races.

  6. The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?

    Envision a world where plastic is everywhere, polluting the land, the sea and the sky. Plastic bottles and containers bob up in down in the sea as dead fish drift aimlessly, pulled by the current into the sea, their rotting bodies emanating a horrid smell. Plastic bags float through the air, catching the sing of unsuspecting birds as they assault the cars and people. Plastic wrappers drift across the floor like tumbleweed, people unwilling to bend down and pick them up. The sea is a murky brown and the sky is covered in a thick haze of smoke, people coughing and wheezing from the smog, their lungs forever tainted. Landfills grow in size as people toss plastic relentlessly into bins, unaware of how much damage they are causing, these plastics still buried in the ground after many years. This is the result if we do not care for our world and use plastic carelessly. We should be taking care of our environment and ecosystem rather than damaging it further and polluting it. I believe plastic should be banned for the greater good of the environment.

    First and foremost, plastic should be banned because it causes detrimental damage to the environment. Plastic is a very flexible material that can become everything, from bags to containers. Fish are caught in plastic cans and bags while birds are dying of eating small plastic parts. Land animals mistake plastic as food and die from eating it. Research shows that over 100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste alone, as 12,000-14,000 tons of plastic are ingested by North Pacific fish yearly. This clearly shows the heavy impact of plastic on marine animals as 1 out of 3 marine animals die from plastic ingestion yearly. Plastic pollution also contributes to killing over 1 million seabirds each year as they scavenge for food, often mistaking plastic for food. As a result, plastic deals heavy impact on animals each year.

    In addition, plastic should also be banned as it is very hard to break down. Plastic is a hard and durable material that can take 20-500 years to degrade. Research shows that 79% of landfills are accumulated with plastic, meaning there are less place to pile up rubbish. As plastic takes hundreds of years to degrade, it is a heavy blow on the earth and people are trying to reduce the damage by creating recycling programs. There is a program where you swap bottles for money, 1 bottle per 10 cents. This encourages people to bring their used bottles and exchange them. When they receive the bottles, they remelt them and remould them again, turning them into brand new items.

    To wrap it all up, plastic is a durable material that has many advantages and disadvantages. However, people cannot ignore the damage plastic bottles and bags are doing to the environment and its wellbeing. As a result, more programs should be implemented to control the use of plastic.

  7. Animal rights: Should people stop eating meat?

    People watch in ignorance as livestock sky rocket out of control. Natural landscapes full of dry barren rock; no longer a fruitful place full of vegetation. The so called “vegans” now destroying the planet where no unique animal can survive. All native species are wiped out and cleared from existence. Should people really stop eating meat? People need to accept the truth: without eating meat domestic animals will overgraze the earth, domestic animals will be in uncontrollable numbers, and unique animals will not survive if domestic animals are not controlled.

    Without eating domestic animals, creatures such as cows, chickens, and goats will rip out all the soil on Earth. Cows, chickens, goats and many other domesticated animals require vegetation to prosper, reproduce and thrive. With “vegans” ignoring meat, these animal will require more attention to as their livestock will not deplete. With these animals’ diet of vegetation, many places once abundant with grass will no become rocky barren deserts. As a result, without eating domestic animals will cause a lack of vegetation on Earth.

    Domestic animals will become uncontrollable due to the amount of “vegans”. With a lack of people eating animal meat, the reduction rate on animals is slowing down dramatically with each coming year. The more people are turning vegan, the less meat the butchery is going to use due to the waste of resources and other supplies. This will lead to an extensive increase in domestic animals that serve no other purpose than being nomadic. This will lead to an explosion rate of domestic animals as more animals are being reproduced.

    A number of exotic animals will not survive the invasion of domestic animals. Many of the worlds most exotic creatures are herbivores or omnivores meaning they all have a common factor of eating vegetation. However, with the increase population of domesticated animals due to the lack of butchering animals. This will significantly affect national animals at hand. For example, a book called “cat on an island” features a vicious cat devouring all the “Stephen island wrens” who are unable to protect themselves thus, they become extinct. On the other hand, if the population didn’t give into being a “vegans”, we would be able to save these species because we can control they wildness predators. If people were “vegans” a significant number of unique animals will be wiped out and extinct.

    In conclusion, refusing to eat meat will: lead to an over population of domestic animals, domestic animals will become uncontrollable, and many unique and endangered species of animals will not survive and will likely be wiped out. For all those reasons, I think people should continue to eat meat.

    Sports and competition: Should everyone get a trophy?

    Image you run a Marathon, 4th place again just short of a trophy. How disappointed you feel after being 4th for another time. Being humiliated by your friends. The silence hanging heavily in the air as you remorse how you lost by simple tasks like getting distracted. No matter how hard you try, that shiny cup is never yours. Everyone deserves a trophy and this is because: participation should be valued over competition, everyone has given hard work into doing their best, and stops unhealthy rivalry.

    Participation should always be valued above competition. This is because people have taken their time out of their schedule to participate in these events. The events should encourage everyone to get involved not just for winning prizes. For example, when everybody wins it is a celebration for everyone and nobody is left out. This will definitely foster more strong friendships relationships and have a positive footprint for the rest of their lives. By ensuring everyone gets a trophy, we can ensure participation is always valued above competition.

    Everyone tries their best no matter what competition it is. We should definitely respect people of their abilities and encourage them to do better. This provides a more positive environment as we are pushing each other to the limit. For example, studies have shown that we work best in a positive environment where everybody helps each other out. Everyone should get a trophy because everyone tries their best no matter how difficult it is and they deserve a small prize for their efforts.

    With everyone having a trophy, it stops unhealthy rivalries. Many people start unhealthy rivalries because they are evenly matched in skill and want to compete against each other. However, sometimes things can get a bit over board leading to unhealthy rivalries. Nevertheless if everyone gets trophies, they won’t be able to indicate or compare who specifically did better in what and where reducing the amount of unhealthy rivalries. This will maintain a positive environment and a place where everyone is recognised regardless of skill level. So with everyone having a trophy, this will dramatically reduce unhealthy rivalries.

    In conclusion, implementing a system where everyone gets a trophy will: make participation valued over competition, recognise everybody tries their best, and it will deplete a lot of unhealthy rivalries. For all those reasons, I think in sports we should have trophies for everyone regardless of skill level or ranking.

    The environment: Should plastic be banned?

    Imagine you are a innocent sea turtle. Casually swimming through the coral reefs when you see a huge smack of dinner. Jelly fish; your favourite snack and you cannot get tired of eating. The closer you approach this huge smack of jelly fish, the more you don’t believe it. Suddenly, the sun casts eerie glows onto these too good to seem true jelly fish and you start chopping them down vicious only to discover you are suffocating with plastic. Your head throbbing from head to toe and your lungs grasping for the unreachable air. Plastic must definitely be banned and this is because: innocent wild life are dying, it is harmful for the environment, and also is harmful for us humans.

    Each year, thousands of innocent fish are dying to plastic or microplastic and this is because of the tons of plastic we throw into the ocean each year. When a country doesn’t have good waste management, they will often dump trucks of rubbish into the ocean killing thousands of sea life each day. Studies have shown that around 250 million metric tons of plastic are being thrown and tossed casually into the ocean and around 1 million guiltless marine animals are being suffocated or choked by plastic. This is why we should definitely ban plastic so we can ensure the protection of many animals. By banning plastic, we can save thousands of fish from dying each year.

    Not only is marine life affected by plastic, the environment is also affected critically. Plastic isn’t easy to recycle and doesn’t biodegrade meaning it takes up to 1000 years to break down a small shopping bag we used at Woolworths. Studies have shown that breaking down plastic not only takes a long time and occupy vast areas of land, but also makes the soil on Earth less fresh and more toxic. The effects don’t stop there though. It makes our waterways poisonous and adds greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. By banning plastic, we can also help the environment recover into a better state than it is now.

    Plastic also affects humans negatively. This is because fish is 6% of our yearly protein gain and because the fish have already eaten plastic, it digests into microplastic causing our stomachs to throb and ache. This also leads to a contamination of water and waterways being clogged with unhealthy sewage. The contaminated water also contains toxic chemicals that will lead to severe headaches. By banning plastic, we can ensure us humans are protecting our health.

    In conclusion, we should without a doubt ban plastic because it causes innocent marine life to die, it negatively affects the environment, and it damages us humans health too. For all those reasons, I strongly believe we should ban plastic.

  8. Education & Learning: Is It Better to Learn at School or at Home?
    • Compare traditional schooling with homeschooling or online learning and argue which is more effective.

    Imagine a small vulnerable child, trapped behind a menacing screen that prevents them from feeling the warmth of a teacher’s encouragement or the sense of belonging, from the laughter of their friends. Their world gets smaller and smaller with each passing day, and starts to feel like an isolated prison in which you can’t escape from.
    In contrast, traditional schooling offers access to resources that homeschooling simply cannot provide. In the classroom, students can interact with teachers who specialize in various subjects, ensuring they receive expert guidance and immediate feedback. Schools also offer a wide access to extra activities which you can do at school. These include science labs, libraries, and sports fields, which are essential for hands-on learning and extracurricular development. Furthermore, the classroom environment fosters excellent collaboration, where students can learn from each other, engage in group discussions, and build social skills that are critical for personal growth.
    In conclusion, traditional schooling is far more than just an academic experience—it is a vital framework for a child’s overall growth. The structure, resources, and social opportunities it provides are essential for building the skills and connections that are impossible to replicate in an isolated, home-based setting. Without the rich environment of a classroom, children are deprived of the support and experiences they need to thrive.

  9. wait i lacked a word, i missed the word homeschooling

    Imagine a small vulnerable child, trapped behind a menacing screen that prevents them from feeling the warmth of a teacher’s encouragement or the sense of belonging, from the laughter of their friends. Their world gets smaller and smaller with each passing day, and homeschooling starts to feel like an isolated prison in which you can’t escape from.
    In contrast, traditional schooling offers access to resources that homeschooling simply cannot provide. In the classroom, students can interact with teachers who specialize in various subjects, ensuring they receive expert guidance and immediate feedback. Schools also offer a wide access to extra activities which you can do at school. These include science labs, libraries, and sports fields, which are essential for hands-on learning and extracurricular development. Furthermore, the classroom environment fosters excellent collaboration, where students can learn from each other, engage in group discussions, and build social skills that are critical for personal growth.
    In conclusion, traditional schooling is far more than just an academic experience—it is a vital framework for a child’s overall growth. The structure, resources, and social opportunities it provides are essential for building the skills and connections that are impossible to replicate in an isolated, home-based setting. Without the rich environment of a classroom, children are deprived of the support and experiences they need to thrive.

  10. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
    Picture a starving beast, the apex predator, waiting to devour its prey. Silent but noticeable. Staring right into their minds. Trickery. This sounds perfectly like a description of a smartphone. Many childhoods are now simply scrolling away on their devices, or playing video games all day. While technology can offer minuscule benefits towards educational exposure, it pushes long lasting pernicious effects such as cyberbullying which can lead to depression, erodes their communication skills such as identifying body language and enthralls kids and traps them into a vicious, bloodthirsty cycle of video games which causes addiction leading to hindrances in school work. A screentime restriction would be crucial to a child’s development, as it’ll remove the downsides of technology.

    Excessive screen time, especially on social media, can negatively affect self-esteem, as children can face cyberbullying. Studies have linked high screen time with increased anxiety and depression in young people. A 2014 study found that about 17% of students reported being victims of cyberbullying. The study linked these experiences with a higher likelihood of developing depressive symptoms, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. While critics argue that cyberbullying is easy to avoid, many students do not know how to tackle the issue, and additionally, even one experience can still drastically harm their innocent minds. Excessive use, specifically happening on social media platforms, can cause major mental damage from cyberbullying, and the most effective way to counter the issue, is to strike a social media restriction.

    While technology can connect people, overreliance on digital communication will hinder the development of in person social skills, such as reading body language, empathy, and communication nuances. Even in my experience, I was in a conversation with a peer, and they failed to understand my sarcasm and body language. I was dismayed about the situation, and it had come upon me that I could notice that he spent most of his time online. Again, a screen time restriction would be effective to combat the issue, as it would help improve communication skills.

    The engaging nature of video games, apps, and social media can lead to a device addictiction, where students may find it difficult to stop using technology, even when it interferes with other aspects of life like school and homework. A very recent study found that excessive video gaming could lead to “gaming disorder,” which significantly affected school performance. The study was dishearteningly shown that children who spent more time playing video games procrastinate on homework or worse, skipping the task entirely. Additionally, it was proven that the select kids who had parental set screen time performed better on exams, and could easily concentrate during class. Excessive use of technology can cause an addiction which severely leads students down a wrong path.

    Overall, I believe that even a restriction or a ban will fix all of the cons like cyberbullying, fixing communication skills and a low performance in school. By setting clear boundaries, we can foster both educational and mental growth, guiding students onto a path that leads to a brighter and more successful future.

  11. Please Please Please mark:
    2025 Year 6 Term 1 Scholarship Specialisation Writing Homework:

    Technology & Screen Time: How much is Too Much?
    Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.

    Envision a nightmarish realm ensnared within the callous clutches of the merciless creature of evolving technology, reduced to a barren wasteland unrecognisable from centuries camouflaged beneath ignorance and neglect. Helpless parents shriek in anguish as they watch their child, eyes hypnotised by the captivating allure of social media, pale from lack of sunlight and healthcare, their innocent childhoods stripped away by the soulless grasp of their electronics. Technology watches with hollow, sunken eyes upon the world plagued by its creation, a satisfied grin stretched across its stark features, thirsty with bloodlust, awaiting for the fall of humanity and the rise of an era where computers conquered the world. These images not only represent the revolutionising impact that technology has had on our lives, but also the prediction of an impending future not too far away. With the capability to stop technology’s accumulating insurgence still within reach, it is our duty as humanity’s soldiers to prevent this nightmarish prophecy from coming true before it is too late.

    Technology can be extensively damaging towards our bodies physically, its impact encompassing both adolescents and elders. The most commonly known detriment of using computers, laptops, iPhones, and iPads is eye strain. As we direct our attention to the computer screen, it can become harder to pull away once you start. Multiple eye studies have concluded that when we hyperfixate on a specific task or thing, our concentration subconsciously makes us blink less, reducing the amount of moisture in the eyes to below the proper level. This can cause the blurring of vision, a higher likelihood of dry eyes, and several other sight-related problems that can hinder the vision and can last long-term. A nickname for these effects is known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), its symptoms ranging from eye discomfort and reduced vision, to headaches and neck pain primarily caused by prolonged focus directed onto the computer screen. Advocates for implementing screen-time restrictions for their kids argue that said time limits can help balance out physical with technological activity, stabilising the equilibrium between screen-time and bodily health. People against these restrictions claim that the general focus on reducing screen–time overlooks the potentially positive benefits that technology may bring with appropriate usage. In replacement of simply cutting down the amount of time used, children can adopt a more balanced approach in using technology, in ways that can even encourage physical activity. Games, especially dancing games, such as Dance Dance Revolution and Beat Saber are great examples of video games with a physical focus, aiding adolescents with their bodily development. But even with these potentially positive benefits of games that encourage physical activity, the negative impacts of extensive technological usage still remain and can continue to contribute to sedentary behaviors. Sometimes simply balancing screen-time isn’t enough, and many children today still struggle to regulate their screen-time. Even with the benefits of a balanced technological usage, time restrictions are still the best option we have so far, and it is a responsibility for parents alike to help their children manage their screen-time with these restrictions.

    Technology’s social impact on our minds is significantly pernicious, its effects chiefly ranging from decreased social interactions to mental disorders that can crucially impair interpersonal intelligence. The screens of iPads, iPhones, laptops, and similar pieces of technology have the ability to keep the victim’s eyes drawn to the screen, offering almost an unlimited source of entertainment for hours on end, encouraging isolation from the rest of society and limiting social interactions in general. According to a survey in 2020 conducted by the Pew Research Center, 40% of adults believe that technology is having a negative effect on their relationships, greatly reducing the amount of social interactions and contributing to more superficial conversations. By July 2020, a tremendous 58% of all customer interactions were digital. Dr. Michael Nagel, the professor of cognition and learning, human development and early learning, neurological development in children and adolescent psychology at the Queensland university, states that technology as a kind of ‘displacement’ effect on children, restricting their interactions with other humans during their most important developmental stages of social and emotional ability. This may result in higher levels of isolation and loneliness, which in recent years has been linked to cognitive decline, unhealthy habits, and even premature death. Critics argue that even though the social disadvantages of technology are sound, it’s important to recognise that technology can also enhance social skills in different ways. Online platforms such as Watsapp, Skype, Messenger, and Snapchat provide opportunities for adolescents to communicate, collaborate and create new connections with a diverse array of people. However, while it’s true that technology can supply some opportunities for communication with technology, it often lacks the depth and nuance of face-to-face interactions. With the shallow connections developed by digital communication, adolescents may struggle with important social skills such as reading body-language, tone and non-verbal cues, hindering their abilities to navigate real-world social interactions. With the implementation of screen-time restrictions, parents have the power to aid their children during their social and emotional developmental stages, paving a path stripped from the consequences of limited social experiences.

    Technology plays an imperative role in negatively contributing towards adolescent mental growth, undermining the physiological functions caused by prolonged screen-time that stretch across a predominant percentage of the brain. With the growing concern of technological addiction among children, especially teenagers, popular social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and X have become the root cause of the majority of mental problems and impaired brain development. A study published by JAMA Psychiatry discovered that generally those adolescents who spend 3 or more hours on social media platforms each day have a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and additional mental health issues, the majority of whom reported stronger feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem, and isolation compared to those who don’t. Research suggests that those who spend about 2-3 hours daily on social media have a 20-40% higher likelihood of getting depression or anxiety, potentially rising to a whopping 50% for those who use social media excessively. Online, these mental disorders are primarily caused by manifestations of cyberbullying, such as body images, social comparison, dissing, and other forms of online harassment. The most prominent consequences of excessive technological usage includes sleep deprivation, feelings of inadequacy, and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), contributing to the impairment of adolescent brain development. Screen-time restrictions offer a paradise away from perilous mental problems that accompany social media platforms, significantly reducing the amount of physiological damage caused within the brain. Detractors may argue that screen-time restrictions alone cannot address the underlying causes of negative mental health effects. Simply putting limitations into a child’s screen-time overlooks the benefits and qualities of good online interactions, which can be positive and educational. Advocates state that while it is true that limiting screen-time doesn’t address all underlying causes, it is the crucial first step in reducing the harmful effects. Through limiting screen-time, we are actually preventing the overexposure towards social media and other contributors towards the negative factors of depression and anxiety, overall encouraging healthier offline activities.

    It is imperative we recognise the importance of screen-time restrictions in reducing the disadvantages, either subtle or severe, of technological over-usage for both adolescents and adults. It is our responsibility as parents to prevent the negative effects of social media platforms, and the internet in general from impacting our own children, before our children are lost to the ruthless claws of technology forever.

  12. Technology & Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
    • Should kids have unlimited screen time, or should there be restrictions? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in daily life.
    Their small faces, once full of life, are now ghostly in the screen’s cold glow. Eyes wide, unblinking; seeing everything, yet nothing. Their hands, meant to hold, create, and reach for the world, now only swipe, tap, scroll. Do they hear the laughter outside? Do they feel the warmth of the sun? Hours vanish, childhood fades, replaced by endless, empty flickers. This is the true reality of screens in this present day.
    Students are spending way to much time on screens. They are becoming addicted. As they are chained to screens, they do not have time to study, resulting in negative performance at school. Not only only this but children may stay up late looking up at screens, reducing sleep. Also the blue light omitted from i-pads and electronic devices corrode vision, and makes it harder to sleep.
    We must add restrictions to save our future generations. I believe that for the restrictions, we should allow only fifteen minutes a day for entertainment. If the use of screens is because of education (Scholarly), than children should be allowed to use their screens till their lesson is over or homework complete.
    The Environment: Should Plastic Be Banned?
    • Argue for or against banning plastic to help protect animals and the planet. Suggest alternatives and how people can make a difference.
    How can you sleep soundly at night when innocent little turtles are being suffocated by merciless plastic bags? Fish are starving and all they can eat is plastic. Across the world plastic pollution is a major threat towards all sea creatures. It is without doubt that plastic should be banned.
    According to the University of Plymouth, “Microplastics are of concern because of their widespread presence in the oceans and the potential physical and toxicological risks they pose to organisms.” Imagine going to the supermarket and buying a fish. When you’re about to cook it, it is brimmed with plastic. Milk lids, plastic bags, bits of glass. Fish believe that it is their food, but they can’t make this decision properly without accidentally eating plastic. We must make this decision for them.
    You may be wondering, many products rely on plastic for things like medical, and shipping requirements. Scientists are already working on Bioplastics, which are plastics that take a couple days to break down instead of hundreds of years. Also some other alternative products we could use could be metal, wood or glass.
    In conclusion we must ban plastic as it is affecting marine sea life.

  13. 1.Imagine fatigue, stress, and personal abuse, physically and mentally. Picture training endlessly, putting in sweat, blood, and time working towards a final goal. Capture an arena full of competition, nobody is an ally, you’re in it to win it, and you going to do it by yourself. All this unbelievable effort pays off and first place presents itself to you, a massive trophy is awarded. But look around, every single person who ‘participated’ is admiring their very own ‘winning’. Anger swells up inside you at the fact these undeserving people have been rewarded for doing nothing.
    If everyone received a trophy, there would have been no point to have commenced this event in the first place. Knowing that all players could allegedly win why would anyone give it their all. Furthermore, the proper number one would feel horribly agitated to see all his efforts had been proven useless before his eyes. His opponents all receiving a not-so-special gift.
    To conclude, I do not believe all participants should deserve a trophy for any sporting event. This could lead to less formal competitions, no training, and would be horrible to the person who should be bestowed upon by a prestigious, special trophy.

    2.What if we all had to eat with wooden cutlery that would snap every few minutes. What if nagging kids had nothing to play with. What if drinks would be soaked through in just a few seconds. Plastic plays such a vital role in sustaining our lives, it helps for countless ware we need in this earth. Although it is very unhealthy for our nature.
    Does this have anything to do with the plastic itself though. Maybe us humans are being too picky and choosing not to use these plastic things for new purposes. I believe banning all plastic is not necessary if we do not throw it away all the time. Another way is to become more familiar to safe plastics and what bins they need to go in. Too many people are just throwing recyclable plastics into the first waste can that comes to sight.
    To conclude, plastic doesn’t need to be purged if we do whatever we can do reduce waste that is not needed. We can find new beginnings for our plastic by recycling at home and know where to put our rubbish after we have finished with plastic that is perfect and fine for reuse.

    3.There are many possible options that make up a human diet. There are some foods that are not needed in our bodies and more wanted. However, there are other edibles that can help us a lot, such as vitamins, proteins, and fats, the list goes on. This brings us to the question, is eating meat necessary? I believe so, because it has many of the required components we need to develop physically, like protein, carbohydrate, and iron.
    Although, in having the privilege to have such a sustaining item in our meals we sacrifice lives. These lives being the ones we kill and afterwards, eat. Is this sacrifice worth it? To completely switch to a plant base diet, we minimise the amount of protein and calcium needed to stay healthy. I think we should not completely cut off meat because all of this is just part of a natural lifecycle, and we need what we need. Another reason is that switching eating habit would be horrible to our environment because of the number of plants we would need.
    To conclude, I believe we need meat as it provides important contents. Consuming animals is part of life, and it would be bad for the environment otherwise.

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