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Week 3 Writing Homework

WRITING HOMEWORK : Imagine you are either Zoe or Alex. Write a persuasive speech to deliver at the District-Wide Kindness Summit, encouraging other schools to join the Kindness Revolution. Use at least 8 vocabulary words from the list in your writing. (400 words)

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16 thoughts on “Week 3 Writing Homework”

  1. Hello everyone. I’m Alex from the Hills Primary School, and I’m here to invite you to participate in our Kindness Revolution.

    Imagine a school where everyone is full of empathy, treating each other kindly instead of bullying, and where every student feels safe and happy. This is not just a dream – it is what we have created at the Hills Primary School, and I believe that everyone can make it too.

    Since the inception of our Kindness Revolution, we have seen encouraging changes. For example, bullying cases have dropped by 40%, students are much happier, and the academic results have improved by leaps and bounds! It turns out that when students feel cared and supported, they learn better.

    How did we make it? Well, we started by carrying out small acts of kindness like greeting new students with smiles or helping classmates with their homework. As we practised these for a couple of months, the accumulation of these small acts of kindness slowly transformed the culture of our school. Besides, we inculcate students about emotional intelligence, resilience and conflict resolution, enabling them to handle tough situations with compassion. We also focused on inclusivity, ensuring no one felt left out. Additionally, we practised perspective-taking, learning to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. By carrying out these initiatives, it has increased our empathy and enhanced our friendships. Indeed, kindness is contagious! We saw how one kind act inspired another, creating a ripple effect of compassion throughout our school.

    Here are some guidelines if you would like to emulate our Kindness Revolution:
    1. Begin with a Kindness Challenge Week.
    2. Set up a Kindness Club to promote compassion.
    3. Integrate social-emotional learning into your classes.
    4. Celebrate acts of kindness publicly during school assemblies.
    5. Encourage students to speak up when they see unkindness acts.

    Of course, I understand that it is not easy to be kind all the time. It takes courage to stand up for others or reach out to someone who is in difficulty. However, every time we choose to be kind to others, we make our schools better.

    Now, it is time to take action! Just join the Kindness Revolution today to make our schools better. Remember, unity is strength. Together, we can make our schools full of empathy, ensuring every student feels safe and valued. Ultimately, it is not just about achieving academic success – it is about becoming good citizens who can make a positive difference in the society.

    Thank you.

  2. Good morning everyone. I’m Zoe from Hillside Elementary, and I would like to invite you to join our Kindness Revolution.

    So what is a Kindness Revolution? That’s a common question people like to ask. Well, it’s more than just being kind. It means inviting people into your game, building relationships and seeing things from others’ points of view. And best of all, it creates a positive school. Imagine a school where everyone feels included, and everyone helps each other instead of bullying. It seems like a dream-but it’s what we’ve created at Hillside Elementary, and you can do it as well.

    Since starting out Kindness Revolution, we’ve seen significant changes. The bullying crept down a major 40%, students are happier and academic scores are soaring! It turns out that when children are supported, they learn better.

    How did we do it? We started small, making 30 day challenges that included small things like smiling at people and helping others. Gradually, these small acts began to change everything, even our school culture. We included emotional regulation and conflict resolution in every lesson, helping students handle difficult situations.

    We focused on including people, not leaving them out. We practised perspective taking, seeing things in other people’s shoes.

    The best part? Kindness is contagious! When a few people start being kind to each other, many people become affected, and soon, everyone will start being kind, creating a cycle of friendliness in our school.

    Here’s how you can start your own Kindness revolution
    1. Make a Kindness Challenge.
    2. Talk to your local teacher about forming one.
    3. Make a group of enthusiastic students to help you.
    4. Do small acts to help others.
    5. Make speeches to encourage people to help others.

    Remember, being kind isn’t always easy. It takes courage to help people, look from their perspectives and make speeches. But when we do a single kind act, our world becomes a bit better.

    So, who is ready to join the Kindness Revolution? By working together and forming your own at school, everyone will be doing kind acts, and we will try to help the world and be kind to each other. Now, go home, help someone, and make someone’s day.

    Thank you.

  3. Hello everyone! I’m Alex, and today, I stand before you with an invitation—a call to action—to join the Kindness Revolution. We live in a world where kindness is often overlooked in favor of competition, but I believe we can change that. Together, we can create a culture in our schools and communities where kindness is the norm, not the exception.

    At the heart of this revolution is empathy—the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s the foundation of human connection. Imagine what could happen if every student in our district practiced empathetic listening every day. By truly hearing one another, we can foster social cohesion, bringing people together who might otherwise feel isolated.

    One of the keys to this revolution is compassion. Compassion is more than feeling sorry for someone; it’s about taking action to help them. Through prosocial behavior, like acts of altruism, we show that we care not only about ourselves but about the well-being of others. And when people feel supported, they are more likely to offer that same kindness in return. It becomes a cycle—a ripple effect of kindness spreading from one person to the next.

    But to sustain this movement, we need resilience. Changing the world, or even just one school, isn’t easy. There will be setbacks. However, resilience means bouncing back from those challenges, staying committed to the cause, and inspiring others to do the same.

    Our revolution is built on inclusivity. No one should be left out, no matter their background, race, or abilities. Every student, teacher, and community member has a role to play in this movement. Through social-emotional learning, we can cultivate emotional intelligence, teaching ourselves to recognize, manage, and express our emotions in healthy ways. With these skills, we can not only avoid conflict but use conflict resolution to create solutions that benefit everyone.

    This is what the Kindness Revolution is about—an ongoing effort to make our schools safe, welcoming, and caring places for all. If we join together and commit to this movement, we can turn our schools into environments where kindness flourishes, and where every student feels valued and seen.

    So, are you with me? Let’s make kindness the foundation of our communities and change the world, one act at a time. Thank you.

  4. The Kindness Revolution

    It was a regular day at lunch, and Zoe, with her best friend, Alex, were sitting on the playground bench, chatting away. From the corner of Zoe’s eye, a large group of primary school seniors were taunting and teasing a young girl. “Hey! You there! What are you doing?” She caught them red-handed and surprised. One stepped forward, looking like the ringleader or spokesperson. “Well, we don’t have anyone to play wi-” He was yanked back by one of the elder ones. He certainly didn’t look very kind and was now growling and muttering despicable words under his breath. “Actually, I was wondering if you would like to play with us?” Zoe spoke up. The meanie melted and that sneer on his face was wiped away instantly. He tilted his head and gently spoke up. “I would love that,” The club members seemed confused as but stepped forward anyway. Moments later, they were frolicking around, sprinting as fast as they could run. “I’m amazed how just how the tiniest dose of empathy, compassion and inclusivity can do so much,” Zoe explained. “Let’s start a kindness initiative!” Alex proclaimed. After school, they met up at the local library, with Zoe explaining homemade notes as if she had planned ahead of time. They were decorated with hearts, positivity, and smiley faces. “We can do this. For everyone. For the people out there who’s power is emotional intelligence. For the community. Let’s go!”

    The next day, they were outside the school counsellor’s office, the grand door looming like an unbidden nightmare. “Alright, let’s go over one more time…” Zoe and Alex spoke in hushed tones until ten o’clock. This was when they had scheduled the meeting, ten sharp. The door flung open and Mrs. Heather, the kind elderly lady that they thought would be the perfect opening act for the Kindness Revolution, stepped out. “Come on in!” She ushered them inside. “Do begin explaining, Zoe,” She smiled patiently. “Well, we’ve come here today because we believe that kindness can become a positive reinforcement for our school,” Zoe began. “Did you know that kindness can make us feel happier, and when others are joyous, dopamine, a chemical, gets released and the person’s concentration memory, mood, learning and attention? It can improve study results, attitude towards things, and makes them focus during class!” Alex unrolled diagram after diagram, and ten minutes later, Zoe had finished her inspirational speech. A smile of absolute ecstasy spread across Mrs. Heather’s face. “Oh! This is marvelous! I will arrange a meeting for the staff soon. Prepare a good explanation for that!”

    That day, a school assembly was organised hurriedly. “Good afternoon, teachers, and students alike. Today I shall be presenting to you what kindness can do…” Alex displayed their secret weapon- a kindness jar. A few volunteers picked up a note, filled with compliments and kind words. The smiles shone from their faces like sunbeams. “We will have a thirty-day challenge where everyone must show altruism, mindfulness, cultural sensitivity, kindness, and generosity. Finally, does everyone want to join the Kindness Revolution?” The room erupted in cheers, applause, and laughter. Zoe grinned cheerfully.

    All the students had left school soon after, and the classrooms were deserted, with not a child in sight. However, Zoe and Alex lingered behind, eager, anxious, as the staff meeting was at that moment. They entered the furnished teacher room, the twosome gasped in delight. The conference space was beautifully decorated, with real wood chairs and tables, granite surfaces and brand-new dishwashers. Welcoming smiles greeted them patiently, and Zoe started up her speech once again. “It can help classes, boost results and increase concentration and efforts,” She began. “You can teach fractions with sharing, make students collaborate and work together in STEM by building teamwork projects, and many other examples,” Alex added. The teachers leaned forward and listened intently, interested. “We can incorporate kindness into lessons, all you have to do is get creative,” Zoe finished. The staff nodded and clapped, intrigued and ready to start.

    It was the following week that Zoe, Alex, the staff, the students, and parent volunteers opened a ‘Grand Kindness Summit’ for all the local and community schools. The inside of the hall was decorated grandly; streamers, coloured balloons, kindness jars, Zoe repeating her speech onstage, workshops and displays scattered across the place. “Good afternoon, students, and greetings to the staff who have attended today. Feel free to explore and do the different things around today, make some new friends, join the Kindness Revolution!” Mrs Heather addressed the assembly. “Please welcome Zoe and Alex!” She added. “Hello, teachers, students, and parents! We are here today to show you kindness initiative outcome, and why you should install one in your school,” Zoe greeted them. “The results, reported concentration, and charitableness has gone up by fifty-two percent,” Alex explained. “Everyone can have an equal share, the same attitude shown towards them, the exact opportunities everyone has.” Zoe concluded. The room exploded with clapping and wooed.
    Zoe told me afterwards:
    “If you judge people, you have no time to care for them.”

  5. Kindness revolution speech-Alex

    Good morning everyone. I’m Alex from hillside elementary try school, and I’m here to invite you to join our kindness revolution.
    Imagine a school were no one feels left out, where everyone thinks that they fit in and they are comfortable in their school. This isn’t a dream, it’s what we’ve created in hillside elementary school, and you can do it too.
    Since we started our kindness revolution, we’ve seen massive improvements. Was reduced by 30%, students are more relaxed, students have become smarter! it turns out that when feel more safe and supported, they learn better.

    How did we do it? Our expectations big, but we started small, adding bit by bit. Just smiling at someone to saving someone from a bully., school has changed. We taught students about self regulation, gratitude, empathy and conflict resolution.
    Of course, kindness is contagious! We saw one act inspired another, like a wave lashing at everyone.

    Here here are five tips start your own brilliant kindness revolution:

    1.Asking a few people to help you create the revolution.

    2. Encourage students to do good deeds, starting small.

    3. Teach students about good habits like cultural sensitivity, emotional literacy, perspective taking, social, emotional learning and mindfulness.

    4. Teach students to be resilient and not to burst into anger when the problem occurs.

    5. Kindness to promote compassion.

    Remember, being kind is sometimes challenging. you need the guts to stand up for another or reaching out to someone lonely but action-even if it’s small-will help our schools-and our world-a little bit better.

    Who is ready to join the kindness Revolution? Together, we will can create school where every soon feels valued and empathy is the norm because in the end it’s not just about making school better, it’s about helping the world become better and becoming good people and making positive changes in the world.

    You believe me.

    Thank you.

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