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Week 4 Writing Homework

Persuasive writing 3 topics (300 words each). Use Pathos, Logos, PECS and PESTLE:
1. Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations?
2. Are smartphones making us dumber?
3. Should school start later?

100 Interview Questions:

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47 thoughts on “Week 4 Writing Homework”

  1. 1. Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations?

    The difference and disparity between the wealthier and the poorer countries has become elucidated in the recent years. The question is simple, should wealthy and rich countries be required to help poorer nations? The answer is a resounding yes, for the ethical responsibility and the practical and economic need.

    Envision a country filled with smoke and haze in the air. The clouded yellow substance dominating our once blue skies. People lie down on the streets, their lungs gasping for clean air, while their insides burn like a furnace, igniting them and giving them excruciating pain. The hospital, once a clean, lonely building is now pack to the brim with people. Their low supply of beds, means that the patients would have to suffer more than they ever have before. Many doctors themselves are on the precipice of extinction. The few that survive, run around trying to tend to their uncountable patients. Trying to cure them before they become out of existence. How can we stand idly by when our neighbours are struggling to survive? The global community should be interconnected, and the suffering of one nation should require other to help them. By offering aid and support, we not only improve lives but also foster global empathy and solidarity.

    Providing aid to poorer nations benefits rich countries in the long run. Financial assistance and infrastructure development lead to more stable economies and reduce the risk of conflict, which could have direct effects on wealthier nations. For example, when countries like the US or China provide economic aid to countries in Africa or South East Asia, they contribute to the development of markets that benefit global trade. Furthermore, when poverty is alleviated, migration pressures decrease, reducing the likelihood of a refugee crisis. It is an investment in a safer more prosperous world for all.

    Wealthier nations should aid poorer countries both financially and economically. For instance, many countries in Africa are aided financially by China. And now, they are thriving by having a deep-water port and additional building and school all built and funded by China. In return, the poorer countries agreed to give China a percentage of their earns so both countries have a fair deal and can both prosper. Without this, African countries would be in a worsened state than they are in the present day, because they are not being supported by a wealthy country like China. The richer nations should use their power and resources responsibly to assist in the global fight against poverty.

    Political: The political benefits of helping poorer countries are undeniable. The richer nation would get the poorer one’s support and hand in nationwide arguments. In return, the poorer country would be helped in wars and financial disabilities.
    Economic: The numerous benefits on the economy help both nations. The wealthier one would help the poorer one be more economically stable. This means that they will provide materials and infrastructure for the country to thrive in harsh conditions. The the richer country, the poorer one could act as a back up in their financial and economical situation went kaput.
    Social: The two countries will be more connected if them help each other and they begin to be more social and trust each other like allies.
    Technological: The poorer nation could be supplied with the new and improving technological advancements from the richer nation, like computers, smartphones and even a face-recognition security system. In return of the favours, poorer nation can advertise the technology to other countries around them and this way, they all get benefited.
    Legal: The richer country will help improve laws and the security in the poorer nation. This way, the poorer nation will become more safe and habitable for people to live in.
    Environmental: A wealthy country might have less resources than the poorer one. So when the wealthy builds fans and solar panels for the poor, the poor might give like gold and iron as a fair deal. This way, everyone benefits.

    The wealthy countries should help the poorer nations for the ethical responsibility and the practical and economic need.

  2. Are smartphones making us dumber?

    In a way, yes, the quick transitions and updates of iphones are making us dumber, technically forcing us to rely on them and using them on a day to day basis. However, smartphones aren’t a bad thing. They are one of the biggest things in development, phones are things we use from a day to day basis and we trust them.

    First I will talk about how they develop rapidly. A new Iphone is released every year, and a new samsung, the same. This is proof that it is a growing industry. Roughly, 18.22 billion phones have been made since the 1850s, and if that isn’t proof of what fast production and evolution is, I don’t know what is. Therefore, phones aren’t making us dumber.

    Next, the usage of phones. Every day, we use a phone, to text or to play. It is something that keeps us together even during a pandemic. Think about what a life saver phones were during Covid, home schooling, meetings and even exams. Around 6 billion people use a phone from day to day basis. Hence, phones aren’t a bad thing.

    Last but not least, we trust them. Weather, driving conditions and news, all of them we know from our phones. Without them, we would have to video them ourselves then send them to family. How would we be able to do that if there weren’t any smartphones? Therefore, smartphones are a core item that keeps us together. Therefore, smartphones aren’t bad.

    With the points stated above, they are one of the biggest things in development, phones are things we use from a day to day basis and we trust them, smartphones aren’t that bad and they don’t make us dumber, therefore, I hope you believe that smartphones are crucial.

    Should richer countries be required to help poorer nations?

    Yes, richer countries must be supporting poorer nations. This is because Rich countries have a lot of money stored. If we gave 50% of the total to poorer nations, we can save world hunger in 5 years. Today I will be talking about what would happen if we did, how easy it is and the impact.

    First, what would happen if rich countries donated to poorer nations. Firstly, We can solve world hunger in 5 years, we can build permanent residences for people in places like Africa and poorer nations, but also have money to spare. Countries with a high net wage, like China and the U.S.A will have to give money. Therefore richer countries will have to pay the poorer countries.

    Next, how easy it is. You can either buy food and ship it to countries, but that may result in rotting and failure to transport, or sending money in their currency to each person. Also building houses, wells and schools in poorer nations. Therefore rich countries must give money to poorer nations.

    Lastly, the impact. The average age increases from 50 to 70, millions of lives will be saved and hundreds and thousands of people will move out of Africa and start a normal family. Would you really not want that not to happen? Therefore richer countries must give money to poorer nations.

    In conclusion, I think that richer countries must help poorer nations because of what would happen if we did, how easy it is and the impact. I now hope you agree with me.

    Schools should start later

    School, 8.30 start, 3.00 end, repeat that 5 days. Do kids really get enough time to follow their passions and hobbies? Do they really have enough time to connect? But most importantly, do they even want to? Today, I will talk about if schools should start later.

    First, because they will have the time to pursue hobbies. Hobbies are one of the most important things in a childhood, hobbies can lead to jobs and fun. Some of the most important aspects in life. However, if the kid doesn’t have time to do those things they love, they won’t have a fulfilling life. Therefore, schools must start later.

    Next, Will they really have time to connect? When kids get to school, they always come back with homework, and the only time they even have time to talk. So if school starts later, They will have enough time to wake up and talk to their family, then go to school. Therefore, schools should start later.

    Lastly, do kids even want to do this everyday? Of course school is compulsory, but will students prefer it if it started later? Almost 6 in 10 students want school to start at 10.30 every day. This is a clear example of wanting to start school later. Hence, school should start later.

    With my points stated above, They will have time to do their hobbies, they will have time to connect and kids want to start school later. I hope you agree with me that school should start later.

  3. Does any one know where to find the SG prompts because I have been struggling to find them. I would really appreciate if somebody could help me out. 🙂

  4. Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations

    Envision a world where only powerful countries survived, poorer countries struggling in their economic issues and dilemmas. Rich people strut along the streets of America as the people in Kenya struggle in their everyday lives. People live like kings and queens in their adorned homes and live leisurely lives, unaware to the pain and suffering, corruption, and health problems in other parts of the world where people are not as privileged. Sickness prevails and people gradually die, buildings gradually reduced to dust, no longer suitable for a human to live in. In poorer nations around the world, people are suffering as rich countries live normal lives. Should rich countries be required to help poorer nations? The answer is yes, because people are dying, and rich countries have wholesome amounts of extra money that can be donated to other countries. This is why rich countries should be required to help poorer nations.
    First, rich countries should be required to help poorer nations because it has many benefits, such as the fact you can for contracts. Forming contracts between the poorer countries can help economically and politically, so it would lead to help from that country in the future. Helping people in other countries can also make you look like a kind and compassionate leader that helps people, leading to more trust in the nation’s leadership.
    Secondly, helping poorer nations can also make your political image look kind and powerful at the same time, leading to your nation becoming more trusted and welcomed. Rich countries also have enormous amounts of extra money to spare, so that money should go to help building poorer nations and helping them survive.
    In conclusion, rich countries are immensely powerful, with large amounts of power and money at hand. In the future, rich countries should be required to help poorer nations.


    Are smartphones making us dumber?
    Envision a world where people relied on smartphones and robots, eyes glued to the alluring blue light of the smartphone screens. Everywhere, people are texting and sending text messages to friends and family, unaware of the fact phones are making them dumber. Students begin to use calculator and AI to complete homework, teachers unable to discern which writings are real. People with jobs use AI to complete work and other tasks no longer using their brains and knowledge to author their essays. Teenagers scroll through memes and texts instead of informational texts, homework forgotten. Smartphones are an incredibly powerful tool, having many features like AI and Siri, but have you ever considered what using a smartphone does to you? Well, smartphones actually make you dumber as you no longer use your brain to figure out mathematical equations and complex algorithms as you now have your phone doing them all for you. This is why smartphones make you dumber.
    First are foremost, using a smartphone means that you do not use your brain often anymore. Homework and other work things need you to use your brain and figure out or write new things to help you learn, but now there is AI, people begin to cheat homework and essays, using online material or plagiarism to finish their work so they can play games or watch TV. If you do not use your knowledge and skills, you gradually forget how to do things like math algorithms, leading to you becoming dumber. As you can see, smartphones gradually erode your brain of knowledge, so this is why smartphones make us dumber.
    Secondly, smartphones can make you dumber because you are thinking more about you phone rather than actually educational things. If you were chatting to your friends online before school about random exciting things then going to school to do a test, do you think you would do great on your test? Also, during classes or work, you can start to lose your train of thought as you think about texting your friends or watching YouTube and TikTok. This is why smartphones actually make you dumber.
    In conclusion, smartphones are an incredibly powerful tool that has many advantages and drawbacks. In the future, smartphones should be kept in check so it can only be used in the correct way.


    Should school start later?
    Envision yourself at home playing games and watching TV for over 2 months, forgetting the knowledge learned at school, addicted to the TV. You are eating vast amounts of unhealthy food and waking up at 9am every day, no longer used to the rapid school rush of packing. Your parents no longer care about you and let you do as you please, always watching their phones or watching TV too. Would you like to be like this, accustomed to the holiday lifestyle? Well, schools should not start later as this allows students to forget enormous amounts of knowledge learnt and to unaccustomed to the school lifestyle again. This is why I believe should definitely not start later.
    First and foremost, school should not start earlier because it encourages laziness, and students will take some time to get used to the school lifestyle again. After a long summer break, students will have grown used to waking up late and sleeping late. If the break were extended, students would forget much of the knowledge they have learnt and return to school still addicted to games and TV. This is why schools must not start earlier.
    Next, schools should not start earlier as it would make students dislike going back to school. If you had been on a holiday for 3 months as you were called back for school, would you be unhappy? 2-1-month holidays are more ideal as they allow rest and holidays but still maintains the same mood. Students would be able to stretch back to their normal lifestyle again without complaining. This is why I strongly believe schools should definitely not start earlier.
    In conclusion, schools should not start earlier. Instead, they should be kept as normal, so students are able to stretch back to their normal lifestyle.

  5. Should wealthier countries be required to help poorer nations?

    Over the last few decades the gap between poorer countries and wealthier ones have widened dramatically. These poorer countries will only get poorer over the course of time and the wealthier countries will only get wealthier, so the question is, should these wealthier countries be required to help these poorer nations? The clear answer is yes. This is for the economical health , the wealthy countries will also get more power, and the financial needs of these countries.

    First, there is the economical standpoint of this. Most poorer countries suffer from a lack of economic stability or proficiency. This means that people spend money less wisely and so does the government. Other times it is due to military or political power differences. Poor countries such as Burundi and Jordan are suffering due to ongoing conflict and lack of power. If the wealthier countries were to assist them in this then these countries will have a stronger economy. For example, Chinese companies have started to create trade facilities in poorer African countries. This improved the economy of these countries by having a trade industry and the Chinese also had an enlarged trade industry that now would be international. This goes straight into my second point.

    Secondly, just because a country helps another one doesn’t mean that they will lose any power. It is quite the opposite actually. If a wealthy country helps a poorer country, that country will get international attention and praise. Furthermore, the economical power of the countries will grow as the countries they help will also act as a military base or camp except they also help the country that it is in. For example, iff a country was to set up an oil rig in Jordan, it will give that country an oil industry and will also give Jordan money from that same industry. It is a win-win situation that is beneficial towards both the citizens of the wealthy and poor countries.
    Lastly, the financial needs of these poorer nations must be taken into account. Many developing countries struggle with high unemployment rates, insufficient infrastructure, and lack of access to essential resources such as clean water, education, and healthcare. If wealthier nations were required to assist, they could provide financial aid, expertise, and resources to help stabilize these countries. For instance, initiatives such as the United Nations’ development programs or the World Bank’s financial assistance projects have already helped improve education and healthcare in struggling economies. When these countries receive the necessary support, they can gradually build self-sustaining economies, reducing the need for long-term aid. Moreover, financial assistance does not always mean direct monetary aid. Wealthier nations can also invest in local businesses, infrastructure, and job creation projects. This form of aid allows poorer nations to develop their own industries rather than relying on continuous handouts. For example, microfinance programs have helped small businesses grow in countries like Bangladesh, leading to increased employment and economic independence.
    In conclusion, wealthier countries should be required to help poorer nations because it benefits both parties economically, strengthens international influence, and addresses financial needs. A stable global economy benefits everyone, and by supporting developing nations, wealthier countries can promote long-term stability, trade opportunities, and global prosperity. Helping these nations is not just an act of generosity but a strategic move that ensures economic and political stability worldwide.

  6. Persuasive writing 3 topics (300 words each). Use Pathos, Logos, PECS and PESTLE:
    1. Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations?

    Picture this, you live in a dirty, dangerous and impoverished nation where struggling to fill one’s stomach is normal and everyday you must work endlessly just to make enough money to eat a meagre dinner and feed your children while in other countries people are living lavishly in mansions and eating feasts. This would be horrible to have to live through but in many poor countries this is actually a reality. So to fix this, rich countries should be required to help poorer countries. Some reasons to do this are that poor countries suffer regularly, it will decrease the margin between rich and poor and rich countries already have more than enough money.

    Firstly, rich countries should definitely be required to help poorer nations because poorer nations suffer regularly. This is because poorer nations do not have as much money so it is much harder to get a well paying job and there may be less places to buy healthy and clean food. In poorer countries, robberies are also much more frequent as these people also struggle to make money so they have to turn to stealing in order to make a living.

    Secondly, have you ever seen the stark contrast between a wealthy man and a marginalised one? In many different countries there is a very large gap between a rich person and a poor person. This means that the poor will often be employed by the richer people. This is horrible because the poorer workers may be used by the richer employers and be paid an unfair amount. By requiring the richer countries to help the poorer ones then there will be less of a margin between them and the workers will not be used unfairly.

    Lastly, imagine seeing an extremely wealthy person spending hundreds of dollars wasting money on expensive chocolates while you struggle to even make enough money to buy dinner. Richer countries actually often have enough money already which they use on items that are unhealthy or even close to useless. This money could be put to much better use and help many poorer countries. For example, just the money spent on an unhealthy dessert could provide a much poorer citizen with a dinner or some chickens for their farm.

    In conclusion, there is no doubt that rich nations should be required to help poorer nations. This is because poorer countries struggle to make enough money to survive. There is also a large gap between poor citizens and rich ones which can cause them to be used unfairly. Lastly, wealthy countries already have enough money which could help poorer nations. So it is obvious that rich nations should be required to help poorer ones.

    2. Are smartphones making us dumber?

    Have you ever felt quite sheepish or dumb after using a smartphone for too long? Well, many people believe that smartphones are actually making humans dumber. Some reasons to think this are that they make us rely on it, they hurt our eyes and they keep us from studying.

    Firstly, smartphones are definitely making us dumber since they make us rely on them. This is because after getting used to having a smartphone by your side at all times then you will begin to keep using it. Then when you do not have it your body will not know what to do since it has grown accustomed to having the convenience and accessibility of smartphones. If humans continue to rely on smartphones then we will grow less capable and therefore dumber.

    Secondly, have you ever felt the sharp sting of the eyes after using any device for too long of a session? This happens because your eyes grow tired from observing the elaborate colours and the light emitted from your device. To make things worse the smartphones are one of the smallest devices existing, causing your eyes to have to strain unhealthily so that it can read and understand what is on your screen. This will cause you to not be able to do easy tasks so well anymore as your sight starts to slowly disintegrate.

    Lastly, imagine trying to do your homework and then every ten seconds your phone vibrates and you are overwhelmed by the temptation to see whatever is on it. Phones can be very distracting when studying for many reasons. One is that smartphones very often start to make you addicted. This is because of the accessibility of being able to chat to your friends while being in the safety of your home and also because of the endless amount of games that you are able to play on it. This can cause people, especially children, to not be able to complete homework to the best of their ability which will eventually cause them to fail at school. Is this not becoming dumber?

    In conclusion, there is no doubt that smartphones are making humans dumber. This is because they cause us to become less capable of doing normal tasks on our own. They also strain our eyes and hurt them. Lastly, they can be a very large distraction to studying, causing students to not do as well at school. So it is certain that smartphones are causing humans to become dumber.

    3. Should school start later?

    Picture this, you wake up at five every morning and exhaustedly pull yourself out of bed just to get to school in time. The morning bell is the commencement sound of the endless day of torture where you work endlessly just to keep your eyes from drooping shut. Many students have to wake up extremely early just to get to school in time. This shows that school should one hundred percent start later. Some reasons to think this are that students may not even get to school on time, there are not many things that students have to do after school and students may be tired during school hours.

    Firstly, school should definitely start later because students may not get to school in time. This is because when schools start so early, students who live further away may have to catch a long train or bus ride which can cause them to be late. When students are late it prevents them from being able to perform their best in classwork and this can lead them to not be able to do as well in tests.

    Secondly, have you ever gotten home after school in the afternoon and realised that you have absolutely nothing at all to do? Many students actually have more activities in the morning than in the afternoon. This is just another reason that students have trouble when school starts so early in the morning. Since many students do not have much to do in the afternoon and more to do in the morning, then an obvious solution to this would be to of course start school later and end later.

    Lastly, imagine getting to school and struggling to stay awake while the teacher rants on and on about some kind of ship that was important in the eighth, or was it eleventh, century. Since school starts so early, many students do not get their full ten hours of sleep and have to wake up extremely early just to get to school in time. This can cause the student to be on the brink of collapsing during class. Also when students are tired, they do not absorb as much of the learning as normal which can cause them to not do very well at school.

    In conclusion, there is no doubt that school should start later. This is because many students live far away and may get to school very late. Many students also have less to do in the afternoon than in the morning as well. Lastly, many students are very tired during school because of how early they need to wake up just to get to school in time. So school should start later for sure!

  7. Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations?

    The differences between tier 1 countries and tier 3 countries have gradually become more elucidated over the coming decades through the continuously developing technology: healthcare and education alone are self driven factors. However, many countries are stuck in doubt asking themselves one question. Should richer countries help poorer nations develop? The answer is an ultimate yes, for ethical responsibility, the practical and economical needs.

    Paint an image in your head of a country where skies are always dark filled with hot haze and pollution but it just never rains. The only supply of food withering under the hot scorching sun. Your body malfunctioning and with every passing day, your lungs grasps desperately for uncontaminated air. The furnace of heat swarms you like a cloud of bats biting deeper and deeper into your flesh; carefully sketching the next few months of suffering. The hospital was once clean only now to be covered with people disrespecting the equipment around them. Not only are the hospitals packed with people, the doctors are subtly disappearing; becoming extinct with each passing generation. The few that survive with long existing pain run abounds the hospitals trying to cure uncountable amounts of patients. How can we stand idly and blankly when our neighbouring countries are suffering and on the brink of extinction? By offering aid and support towards them, we not only improve lives, but also foster relationships and grow economically together as a team.

    Providing assistance to undeveloped countries will significantly boost the economy of the rich country. With the development of financial aid and infrastructure continuations, economies will be widely more economically stable and reduces the risk of civil wars and wars around neighbouring countries. For instance, when larger and wealthier countries such as USA, Russia and China add south east Asia countries and countries in Africa, it helps prepare those countries for trading routes for further expansion of one countries access to goods and resources. In addition, when African countries are suffering periods of droughts and poverty, richer countries will be affected of the lack or abundance in resources due to the fact that African countries provide most of the essential resources such as iron and other metals. By aiding poorer countries, both the richer and poorer countries will benefit in different ways. In this way, providing assistance will benefit the rich and poorer country.

    Political: The benefits politically are enormous. Having a helping country will build stronger bonds between two countries and increase political stability within the poorer country.
    Economic: The poorer nations could provide resources for the richer country in return for economical stability and growth leading to a development of infrastructure.
    Social: The richer and poorer country will bond together and will be allies to aid each other.
    Technological: The richer nation could supply technology such as higher scientific medical practices and methods to save lives while the poorer nations could develop the resources needed to discover other technologies.
    Legal: The richer nation will help install better laws and security to ensure the lives of the poorer nations are more safe and habitable for the poorer nations residents.
    Environmental: The poorer nation could provide the richer nation with more minerals such as aluminium and other metals to benefit studies done in the richer nation.

    In conclusion, I believe richer countries should aid poorer countries for the benefit of the two. With richer countries installing security and increasing stability economically and politically while the poorer countries could provide resources required in investigating more about our world. For those reasons, I think richer countries should help poorer countries.

  8. Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations:
    I strongly believe that rich countries should be required to help poorer nations. Helping poorer countries is not just a choice but a necessity, helping stabilize the world. Helping poorer nations will lead to greater global peace and prosperity, and the benefits to richer countries are undeniable.
    Firstly, rich countries have a duty to help address critical issues like poverty, hunger, and disease in poorer nations. Many poor countries simply cannot provide the necessary resources or infrastructure to support their people. Richer nations, however, have the financial power, technology, and expertise to make a significant impact. They must step up by investing in education, healthcare, and vital infrastructure like schools and hospitals. These actions will help poorer nations become self-sufficient and develop the tools they need to thrive.
    Furthermore, helping poorer nations is crucial for ensuring global stability. When these nations grow stronger, they become more valuable trading partners, which directly benefits the global economy. By reducing poverty and instability, rich countries reduce the risk of conflicts, mass migration, and other global crises that ultimately affect everyone. The interconnected nature of today’s world means that every nation must contribute to creating a peaceful and prosperous environment.
    In conclusion, rich countries must help poorer nations, not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it is essential for the well-being of the entire world. The actions of wealthier countries will lead to a more interconnected, stable, and prosperous future for all.

  9. **Scholarly Week 4**

    Persuasive writing 3 topics (300 words each). Use Pathos, Logos, PECS and PESTLE:

    **Should Rich Countries Be Required to Help Poorer Nations?**

    Imagine this: Children in the world do not have enough water or food, and are living in poverty. They are starving and haven’t eaten for a week. Now stop imagining, because this is the true reality many kids face daily. Today I will be persuading you why richer nations such as the USA or Australia, should be required to help poorer nations. This not only includes money, but food, water and shelter.

    Firstly, if richer nations help poorer nations the world would be more stable. A lot of the time, there is an imbalance of money and power between the government and the citizens. This can allow the military to get involved in stopping protests on the streets or other military operations. But if poorer nation get helped out, it is likely that protests will be almost non existent, as citizens will have the supplies they need, therefore being happier than before. For example, DRC has this issue. Every day, there are many protests, arguing to have proper rights, like and education and food. This is one reason why richer nations should help poorer nations.

    Secondly, this is benefiting the countries more than they think. If richer nations like Australia help poorer nations, it is likely that other countries will praise this action, an may be pressured to do it. This helps starving families in Africa, as well as Australia’s reputation. Also, countries can make economical profit. China has been helping many African nations, and has established many trading centres along the way. This allows ships to stop by to refuel, saving lots of time and money.

    In conclusion, rich countries should be required to help poorer nations, as it will make the world more stable, and they will profit largely, as well as their reputation going up.

    **Are smart phones making us dumber?**

    Imagine this: Children addicted to smartphones, almost like their tethered by a chain. They cannot stop watching YouTube or playing games. This is the sad reality of this generation. Smart phones have done more harm than good. Although they are useful for things like connecting will friends all over the world, and having fun with your friends, the cons out weight the pros. This is because smartphones cause addictions, and are very distracting.

    Firstly, smart phones cause addictions. Children are addicted to phones and cannot stop scrolling. For example, they plan to do a task, but then there like, “I’ll just watch YouTube for five minutes”. In reality, this five minutes becomes an hour, and than they realise that they haven’t done any work. If we took away smartphones from every child, they would be a lot more productive, and would get a lot more done. In their free time, in stead of playing or watching screens, they could be reading and equally if not more enjoyable book. This is one reason why smartphones are making us dumber.

    Secondly, smartphones are very distracting. For example, a student is preparing for an important exam, when they get a notification from their friend. How are they supposed to focus? They will be trapped in this paradox of texting friends, and not preparing for the test. An then when the exam comes? All they would have done is text their friends, and not have learnt the material needed for the test. This is another reason why smartphones are making us dumber.

    In conclusion, smartphones are making us dumber, as they cause addictions so no work can be done, and they are very distracting, leading to almost no work getting done.

    **Should school start later?**

    Students are forced to wake up early in the morning every day, and not get enough sleep, just because they need to get ready for school. This is why I believe school should start later. My first point is that students will be extremely tired when they go to school, and secondly,

    Giving students more time to sleep will improve their academic performance. After obtaining the recommended amount of time, students will be more alert and have more energy. They will be able to sit through their classes and not feel tired, therefore starting to pay attention to lessons in class. According to a 2021 research study in NSW, they studies the local schools and looked at how students’ grades changed after delaying the time their school started. According to the study, the results showed that students’ grades did improve by 4.5% after opening an hour later. Just by delaying the school’s opening time by an hour, there was a visible increase in grades. This is one reason why school should start later.

    Secondly, this allows teachers to have more time to prep and get ready. If we make the school times start later, teacher will not be so rushed and have more time to plan their lessons, resulting in more engaging lessons. Not only this, but teacher will be allowed to sleep in, generally being more patient and kind towards their students. It was proven by a 2019 study that when teachers got their desired amount of sleep time, they were happier and could teacher more efficiently.

    In conclusion, I believe that we should make school times start later as teacher can rest more, as well as students will be able to focus better.

  10. Should rich countries help poor nations?
    Take a look out of the world, what do you see? You see poverty, floods, pollution and, worst of all, wars, and then we see peace, a world of future lying ahead of us where we prosper harmoniously, but we are far behind that what we can do is get rich countries to help developing ones.
    I believe that there is good in everything, but good or not, we still have a massive problem ahead of us: Pollution.

    Firstly, rich countries should contribute because some rich countries are the reason countries have problems with the environment,.Rich countries contribute to pollution by releasing more greenhouse gases, leaving the developing ones to bear the brunt of the environmental issues. In contrast, rich countries can get back up quicker with the resources the yeild while poorer countries can’t.

    Secondly, poorer nations have extreme equality barriers to amenities like food, water and even the right healthcare rich countries should be morally obligated to help these countries as the can’t support themselves yet even so rich countries should also donate money to fund for long term food water and medicines for people in developing countries.

    Thirdly, if richer countries help poorer countries recover, the world will be more globally diverse. This will allow for the spreading of culture and trading equality for all countries, separating our differences so our world can be in harmony.

    In conclusion rich countries helping poor countries is a must if we wish to be in harmony and enhance our technology it all can happen from donating a bit to help save this world.

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