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Week 6 Writing Homework

  1. Writing Homework: Write a persuasive piece on the topics below
    – Should Homework be banned?

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  1. Envision a world when all children do when they get home from school is watch Youtube or play video games. Soon they become addicted and won’t even come out to hang out with their friends anymore. When it is way past their usual bedtime, they are still wide-eyed staring at their computer, scrolling shorts. Homework shouldn’t be banned because they help students understand what they learn in class, it teaches valuable life skills and it prepares students for academic and professional challenges.

    First and foremost, homework plays a crucial role in reinforcing what students learn in class. Practice is essential for mastering new concepts, and homework provides an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned. Without homework, students may forget important material, leading to gaps in their education. It also allows them not to fall behind in class resulting in a positive attitude in the room and outside as well. Homework helps cement knowledge and build a strong foundation for future learning, which is certainly very important.

    Moreover, homework teaches students valuable life skills such as responsibility, time management, and self-discipline. When students complete assignments on their own, they develop independence and problem-solving skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Having these skills as a trait will be beneficial in different environments around them. These skills are essential for success in college and the workplace, where individuals must meet deadlines and manage their tasks effectively. That is why homework is beneficial and cannot be banned.

    Last but not least, homework prepares students for future academic and professional challenges. Many careers require individuals to work on projects and tasks outside of designated hours. By completing homework, students learn how to manage workloads and meet deadlines, skills that are crucial in any profession, this will allow students to do their job and career easily. Homework also helps students develop perseverance and resilience, which are key traits for overcoming obstacles in life. Homework definitely is essential.

    All in all, home is a beneficial task that must not be banned. It plays a crucial role in reinforcing what students learn in class, it teaches students valuable life skills such as responsibility, time management, and self-discipline and it prepares students for future academic and professional challenges. As the old saying goes, ‘Pain is for the greater good.’

  2. Writing Homework: Write a persuasive piece on the topics below
    – Should Homework be banned?

    Picture this, you arrive home exhausted every single day as you tediously lean on the door to open it with agony and groggily flop onto the couch. Then suddenly, just as you think that the perpetual school day is finally coming to an end, you remember that you have a mountain of homework to do. This is just one reason why homework should be banned. Some reasons to believe this are that students are already tired, it reinforces their hate of school and stops them from spending time with their family.

    Firstly, homework should definitely be banned since students are already tired after working relentlessly for the whole day. For many students, going through the whole school day is very tiring and tedious. To make things worse, many students also have to walk, cycle or catch a long distance home. After working for so long they are ready to flop onto their bed and succumb to the peaceful presence of rest. Except having to do their homework after school stops them from doing this and forces them to continue to work hard even though they deserve to have a break by now.

    Secondly, do you hate school? Unfortunately many students already have a dislike or wariness to school even without homework. They find a whole day of listening to the teacher and working hard quite dull and irritating. Then when the students are sent home with more work to do then this just reinforces their wall of hate. Going through a day of school knowing that they will not be able to rest or take a break just sullies their mood even more.

    Lastly, imagine returning home after a long boring day of school to straightaway work on your homework. Your parents are only completely free at this time when you and your siblings return home. Except your homework keeps you from spending time with them. Homework can be an insurmountable barrier between students and family, since they must complete it before they get the pleasure of spending time with their family. The students may spend hours on this without having time to even speak to their parents. Is just finishing off some classwork more important than their whole family?

    In conclusion, there is no doubt that homework should be banned. This is because students are already tired after a tedious day of school and then have to complete more work. Homework also makes students hate homework even more. Finally it stops students from spending time with their family. So homework should be banned for sure.

    Picture this, students sit in their classroom with their eyes mesmerised and glued to their screens. Their teacher is explaining something but the students cannot pull their eyes away from their mobile phones as their eyes watch their screens in agony. This is just one reason why schools should definitely ban mobile phones. Some reasons to believe this are that it is bad for their eyes, it makes cheating easier and distracts them from the learning and classwork.

    Firstly, schools should certainly ban mobile phones since it is bad for their eyes. The light emitted from any device and the vibrant colours on mobile phones force people’s eyes to strain. This is destructive for the eyes and can cause your eyesight to rapidly deteriorate over time. Students’ eyes also have to sustain them for the rest of their life so if their eyesight gets damaged so early in their life then they may not be able to live and study as easily as they could with fully capable eyes

    Secondly, have you ever used a calculator to cheat in a maths question? When phones are allowed at school then it makes it easier for students to heat in class. For example if the teacher was going to give an assignment on a history topic, then someone might get onto their phone and ask AI to write a text for them. This would be unfair and not allow them to actually display their learning.

    Lastly, imagine having the teacher explain a very hard problem in mathematics that is very complicated and that will be put in the test. Except while he is doing this you are just texting your friends on the phone and ignoring him. Phones can be very distracting, especially in class. This is because of the many different apps and options on the phone. In particular, the apps for messaging and playing games are especially distracting and quite addictive as well. So this keeps them from concentrating in class.

    In conclusion, there is no doubt that schools should ban mobile phones. This is because they are destructive to their eyesight as a result of the light and colours. It also makes cheating in class work faster and harder to detect. Lastly, it keeps them from concentrating in class and often causes them to be addicted to the screen. So schools should one hundred percent ban mobile phones.

  3. Topic prompt : Should Homework be Banned?

    Should homework be banned? This is a highly debatable topic and I can already tell that it will have two sides of this argument, one for students and one for teachers. Today I will be discussing the benefits of not having homework and the effects of homework when it is being done by children. If you don’t know what homework is (which you should know), homework is an extra assignments set by your teachers to assumably “boost” your learning. I, personally believe this is false.

    First to the benefits of not having homework. If children don’t have homework, they can be more free, more flexible to do the things they want to do. Not be trapped in an endless spiral of overdue, lost and new homework. Children need to be able to have their own rights and be allowed to decide if they want homework or not with nothing stopping them from having fun. This will help them focus on regular school work and not have to worry about handing in assignments three weeks late and overdue.

    Next to the effects of homework. Finland has no homework, homework in the US is not encouraged and Australia has well… let’s just say a LOT of homework. Studies have shown that 66% of children that perform homework tasks usually get anxiety and stress when doing homework. And when kids stay up late doing homework it gets even worse. Children get into more trouble at school, 28% of them make worse life choices, 20% of homework they are given doesn’t help with anything and a vast majority (88%) of teens say they must stay up late to finish school projects. That is about 59% of children staying up late on a daily basis doing homework. I am pretty sure all of you see the point I’m trying to share here now. This is not what we want our children to to be doing, especially in 2025 where a new generation will be growing up with these same conditions as up if we don’t make a change NOW.

    As you can see now, homework is mostly about learning. Even though you might not realise it, you might mine part of that 33% that actually like homework, but again, all that suffering just to get a few sheets of paper into a school building on time? That doesn’t seem worth it at all, not even a single bit. Teachers should let children relax, play video games and read their James Bond book while drinking a blue berry smoothie. Not making them stay up until four am, doing homework.

  4. Should Schools Ban Mobile Phones?
    Envision a place where students were absolutely glued to their phones, unable to resist the allured of the shining screen before them. In classes, people are desperate to get good marks, resulting in them resorting to cheating using phones and other digital devices. Teachers have to survey the room every day, ensuring no one is watching mindless shorts or playing devious games. This leads to the ongoing debate: should schools ban mobile phones? As an avid supporter of the fact that mobile phones should definitely be banned, and I will convince you of why I believe this.
    First and foremost, mobile phones should definitely be banned as they can distract students from their studies and classes. Research shows that 97% of teens from 11-17yrs use their phones during the school day. This can distract them from their classes and lead to them stressing about upcoming test or exams containing information they may not know as they slacked off. This can lead to their panicking and cheating during tests or overstudying last into the night, leading to decreased awareness. As you can see, phones are a large factor of issues at schools, and they should therefore be banned.
    Next, mobile phones should be banned as they can cause issues such as causing people to cheat during exams and tests. Research shows 35% of teens admit to using a cell phone at least once to cheat at school. 65% of teens report that other students use phones to cheat. 26% of students report using smartphones to store information to look at during a test. 17% of students report taking pictures of test questions to send to other peers. These percentages are incredibly disappointing, so banning phones would be the best alternative then politely asking people to not use phones.
    Last but not least, mobile phones should be banned as it can increase cyberbullying. If you are being bullied and people so you have a phone with you, their may use that to their advantage and start spreading false rumours or gossip about you, which can lead to depressing as everyone will be talking about you. This can lead to students going to therapy or even transferring to a different school. Therefore, mobile phones should be banned.
    To wrap it all up, mobile phones have advantages and disadvantages. If bans are too harsh, schools may use policies to prevent students using phones, such as giving rewards out to people who catch other people using phones or making everyone sign in their phone every day and receive it at the end of the day.

  5. Imagine an exhausted teenager, getting up at six in the morning, struggling to leave the comfort of their bed. They have to fight their natural sleep patterns just to get to school on time. And when they finally come home after a long day, all they want is to sleep, but they can’t. Homework is waiting, demanding their attention and stealing their chance to rest.
    But then, think about the same teenager working hard to study but still falling behind in class. Without enough homework, they miss out on the practice they need to keep up.
    This is a problem that most schools have and this is also why I strongly believe that we should not ban homework but it shouldn’t be compulsory.
    If homework is not compulsory, it will be more flexible. When students aren’t forced to complete assignments, they have the freedom to manage their time based on their personal needs. For example, some students might need extra time to rest after a long school day, while others may want to focus on subjects they find more difficult. Allowing homework to be optional lets students work when they feel most productive or when they have the energy to do so. This flexibility helps prevent burnout and ensures students can focus on areas where they need more practice. In the end, removing the requirement for compulsory homework creates a more balanced and personalized learning experience that can better support each student’s individual needs.
    In conclusion, I strongly believe that homework should not be compulsory. This is because it will become more flexible and will benefit all students, from their wellbeing to academics. By giving students the choice, we can foster a healthier and more effective learning environment that respects their individual needs and helps them thrive.

  6. Should Homework be banned?

    Imagine you come back from soccer and realise you haven’t finished your school ‘homework’. Your body throbbing as the clock ticks until 2 am in the morning of Monday. Your wake up for school at 7 am and your muscles fail to work. Your mind is frozen nevertheless, you have to wake up for school. Imagine the pain of slouching during class and being penalised for detention after school all because of that useless 3 pieces of paper. My three points to support his are: most homework do not contribute to one’s dream career, you will have no time for extra-circulars, and it negatively affects our wellbeing.

    Many standardised homework offered in school do not contribute to your overall success in your career. No matter how excellent you are at English or Maths, it doesn’t boost your architecture skills or your drawing skills. Instead, it offers a irrelevant concept for you to understand through homework that has little or absolutely no use in your future career. By doing homework, you are taking time off working on what is necessary for your career and by banning homework, we can ensure students are working towards there overall goals. By banning homework, we can help students work towards there dreams such as architecture and drawing without wasting unnecessary effort towards other subjects.

    You will certainly have no extra time for other circulars. Doing your homework means that you will not be able to do any other extra-circulars because you will have to focus on studying and completing assignments related to homework. This creates an unbalanced and unethical life because you aren’t given the freedom of choosing your rights and activities you are interested in. Furthermore, this creates an environment where you are forced to do certain things that you will definitely not enjoy and squeeze out all the space for sports and other lessons such as drawing. This will negatively impact your wellbeing and by banning homework, we can ensure a balanced life style and have extra time for passions and hobbies.

    However, banning homework doesn’t come without negatives. Many people argue that without homework, you cannot revise and learn necessary skills such as basic math that will contribute later in life. Though this may be true, we don’t need to have huge sums of homework stacked on top each other doing complex theorems that wouldn’t help in daily life. We should still learn about maths but not to the extreme and only learn what is necessary. This ensures we can not pressure ourselves and also maintain an educated life. By banning homework, we can still enjoy our daily lives with less stress of homework but still be educated.

    Homework will without a doubt, cause a decrease in wellbeing. Many students report feeling pressured and stressed because they haven’t completed their homework. Not only does homework pressure students, but it also affects their contribution to class because of sleep deprivation and fatigue. This affects a student’s learning journey and will not have any further use than making students feel uncomfortable. This will negatively impact a students wellbeing and attitude towards learning while also pressuring them to the limit where they stress out and have mental breakdowns. By banning homework, we can ensure a positive wellbeing amongst ourselves.

    Just like being stripped off stress maintains a better future, the simple act of banning homework will positively impact students of all ages. Through banning homework we help students increase wellbeing, give students time to do other activities they want to do, most of the time the standardised homework concepts have no use to their future career. The evidence is crystal clear: schools that have banned homework have reported students to be more energetic due to the excessive increase of sleep, have a wide array of approaches to problems because of their experience with different circulars, and understand their dream jobs better by focusing more on the key concepts of their ideal career. However, these are just some tiny positives that scratch the surface of a much wider and deeper ocean. By banning homework, students can spend more time with families because they have more free time to spend with each other. By banning homework, students also feel more socially connected as they start to realise other people with the same passion as they have. It also helps people ensure they all have a positive learning environment through a better wellbeing. So the choice is in our hands: should we ban homework for the greater good, or stick to the old boring teaching methods. Lets ban homework for a more healthy and positive future.

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