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Week 2 Writing Homework

Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

Interview Questions (100 words each)
1. What does being a good student mean to you?
2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

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55 thoughts on “Week 2 Writing Homework”

    Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    Interview Questions (100 words each)
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. He looked at the squiggled, smudged writing, confused. His large eyes widened as he opened the jar. His bony fingers trembled as his gold ring was put up against the glass. The faint writing that had confused him since he got this family heirloom matched the writing on the jar perfectly. His palms started to sweat furiously. He ran back home and into his room and stared at it more. As he stood in front of his gold trimmed, fragile mirror, the glass started to glow. So did his whole body. His baggy jeans, thin framed glasses, and all of his pendants and rings started to become and eerie, blue glow. His ring pulsed as the writing soon became clear. He had so many questions. Suddenly the glow stopped. Except on his mirror was some writing. The same writing on his ring and the glass jar. “Open the jar once more to discover the secrets to the family’s ancestry.” After a moment of internal debate, he opened the jar once more. Inside was a small silver scroll. He took it out of the jar. Then the whole room turned dark, and the glass jar faded away.
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. Through his thin, silver glasses were hints of white. They shined just like his outfit. Everyday Liam wore jeans with specks of gold, his t-shirt was bright red with white stars, just like the ones he could see in the sky. Every night he would say to his parents, “The stars look so bright tonight,” and they say, “Liam you say that every night!” Except it was true. Although every night something strange would happen. At exactly 9:00pm every night, Liam would look at his gold trimmed clock and then he would look up at the sky. The stars suddenly disappear then reappear after a minute. He would count the seconds, and it never changed. He was always awake at 9 since he didn’t go to school, all the school’s around him were too expensive. Except he longed to go to school so he could study and learn more about space and the stars. The weirdest thing was that he always asked his parents why the stars would disappear then reappear, but they never could understand what they he was trying to say. After he stopped trying to explain what he saw to his parents, he became even more interested. That’s why he always added stars onto his clothes when he makes them, to remind him of the stars.
    QUESTION 1: What does being a good student mean to you?
    Being a good student means that I am hardworking, I remember to bring in my homework and participating actively and trying my best. I always try to listen and focus in class and participate actively in group projects, discussions and more. I make sure that in group projects everyone has a say and can pitch in their ideas and that no one feels left out. I’ve never forgotten to do my homework, and I always bring my homework assignments in on time. I’m really hardworking and I use my time efficiently. For example, if we have an assignment that we have 2 weeks to finish it within and I haven’t finished it, then I will use our study to finish it. I always try my hardest and I never give up. That’s what it means to be a good student to me.
    QUESTION 2: What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    If I see someone being treated unfairly then I would try and help them. I always like to see the best in people and help people if they need help. For example, if I’m on the playground and I see someone getting bullied or being treated unfairly then I would try and help them in the best way possible. I would first go see if their ok. Then I might ask them what’s wrong. Once I know the situation, I would be able to help them in the best way I can. I would stay by there side and make sure their ok. I love helping people because it makes me feel happy and good. I know violence is not the way to go so I use my voice to help people.
    QUESTION 3: If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    If I could meet any historical figure, then I would choose to meet Martin Luther King Jr. I would choose to meet him because he is really inspirational and stands up for what he thinks is right. He stood up for the right to vote, desegregation, labour rights and many other civil rights. I would ask him a few questions. 1: “How did it feel to stand up for your people’s civil rights?” 2: “How did it feel to win a Nobel Peace Prize?” 3: “If your were here right now, in 2025, would feel happy that all your work paid off?”

  2. Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

    Interview Questions (100 words each)
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. He had not been too sure what the language was, but he knew the language started with the letter J. Lucas regretted it, as he should’ve paid attention to culture classes at school. Then he remembered. His grandfather had given him a icy blue ring that had the same language engraved on it. When Lucas arrived home, he quickly sprinted into his tiny bedroom as fast as his skinny, noble legs could carry him. After 10 minutes in search of the blue ring, he noticed a glint of blue to his left. He rushed towards the glint, and there it was. The favourable ring his grandfather gave him before he passed away. He also received a hint that the language was possibly in some Ancient Japanese language, since his family’s ancestral language was Japanese. As time passed by everyday, Lucas kept on gaining more information about the message.
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. He would tell the villagers that each night, stars will disappear and reappear. Well, guess what? They didn’t even believe him except that the fact that it was true. They’re nothing but fools, thought Liam. They just won’t listen to me and see what happens in the sky at 10 pm.
    All of this changed on one Saturday night, at 9:55pm, when people stayed outside, staring up at the sky.
    “What are you doing?” asked Liam.
    “Well, you said stars will disappear and reappear above the village, and so we’re here to see if you lied or not,” answered a villager.
    At 10pm, the event occurred followed by soft gasps at the sky. This event left people jaws dropped onto the ground, trying to recall what happened.
    ” I guess you were correct all along,” whispered a nearby villager.

    What does being a good student mean to you?
    Being a good student means to put in all my effort to working my hardest, trying to receive the highest result. I also try to be a role model towards the younger ones. Another thing is crucial is that I always hand in all my assignments before the due date especially with quality. Focusing and listening in class is one of the prioritised needs for a good student, and I’m all forward to it. I also like to listen and engage with group activities when doing a group assignment. Leaving people out of conversations is something that I wouldn’t do. Instead, I would do the opposite and show all my respect and attention to the speaker. Most people also ask, why giving up when you’ve come so far already? But the thing is, I don’t. I never do. That is what I call being a good student.

    What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    This is a very common situation I see in many places. If I see some one the playground getting bullied, what I would do is walk up to the victim and ask about the situation to see what’s wrong and go discuss the problem with the bully. I also would ask the victim to see if they’re ok. I would also stand up for the victim and tell the bully to stop. Another thing that I would do is to encourage the victim to stand up for himself/herself whenever this situation happens again.
    “Don’t let their taunting get to you. You stand up for yourself, you are on a higher power than them.”

    If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    If I were to choose to meet any historical figure, I would like to meet Galileo Galilei. The reason I chose to meet him was because he was the one who said to the people that earth was the one to orbit around the sun, though many didn’t believe him at that time. He also stood up for himself for thinking about space in a different way than the others did. I would also ask him a few questions.
    Q1: “Did you feel proud of the discovery you made?”
    Q2:”How did it feel when nobody believed you about your discovery?”
    Q3:”If you were to be here, right now, in 2025, would you think people would be happy of your discovery?”

  3. Narrative 1:

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. He looked at the sharp, jagged letters, unable to determine what they spelt. Overwhelmed with curiosity, the scrawny boy scavenged for a rock before plummeting it onto the jar. It instantly shattered apart, pieces penetrating nearby trees and tufts of grass.

    Lucas unwrapped the thin piece of paper, and discovered a model ship. The intricate patterns and designs looked eye-popping with the sails made from excessive detail. At the rear, a small golden plate was visible, with bright red words spelling out ‘Victory’.

    He decided to carry the model back home and examine it further. As he bought a ticket for a bus ride back home, Lucas noticed a mysterious man eyeing him carefully. Choosing not to get himself in any trouble, Lucas quickly hurried onto the bus, followed by the mysterious man.

    Just as Lucas was about to sit on an aisle seat, the man stopped beside and asked him a question, “Hey kid, a hundred bucks for that model plus a new bicycle.”

    However, just as Lucas was about to accept his offer, many other passengers also became aware of the ship he was holding. They started shouting bargains at him, determined to get the model ship. Lucas doubtfully rejected their offers before scurrying back home. The day was becoming more concerning every second he held onto the ship.

    Narrative 2:

    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. They shimmered cheerfully in the evening light, illuminating the sky with hope. Every night, starting from midnight, the village would have a feast. Everybody would be occupied with their food, attempting to gather as much as they could.

    However, the only thing Liam did was stare at the sky, observing its unusual pattern. The stars would shine bright enough and act like the sun before dimming out and completely vanishing. After a minute, they would reappear, twinkling against the dark sky. Whenever he told his family and friends, they would observe the sky for a second before saying there was nothing wrong with it. Only Liam knew the true answer.

    Everyone saw the stars like decorations. They would admire them for a moment before going back to their own activities. However, Liam saw it as a chance to re-start his life—a chance to not stay in the old village but move to the city. Whenever the stars dimmed, he would think of the terrible things he had done: fighting with his friends, yelling, crying, and violence.

    When the stars re-appeared, it was as if they were giving him another chance. They were giving him the opportunity to try his best. They were whispering next to his ears to tell him that although his family didn’t even have enough money to support his education, he would get a scholarship, and his life would change from then on.

    Interview question 1:

    Being a good student doesn’t just include having to work hard and study hard. A good student, (in my opinion) is someone who can help others in troubling times and benefit the community positively. These aspects can demonstrate fairness, kindness, love, and the urge to make the world a better place.

    We, as people who are classified as the middle to upper class, only interact with people in the same class and wish we had enough money to buy a mansion. Sadly, we have never thought of the people living on the streets, those who need money just for food. Excelling your academics, being kind to others and participating in group activities are only a minor part of the ‘good student’ position. You need to bring out your character strengths to the world.

    Interview question 2:

    Everybody knows fairness is one of the most important key aspects, but why won’t anyone demonstrate it? If I were to see a person being treated unfairly at school, I wouldn’t act like most people: I would go up to confront them, ask the person if he or she is okay, and then tell the teacher.

    The first thing I will do, (and the most important thing to do) is to stay calm. If you suddenly run into the ‘battle’ you might find it gets worse and worse as seconds tick by. Then, confront them with the teacher, or if you are brave, try to tell the bullies to stop. However, in most situations, this won’t work. Tell the teacher about the situation. Try to find a safe spot for the bullied child to rest, and ask if they require anything like medical treatment or water. The most important point is to not lash out at the bullies. This is because you will find yourself causing a bigger problem, resulting in the bullies treating the child more unfairly.

    Interview question 3:

    If I could meet any historical figure, it would be Lewis Latimer. He was the first African-American inventor to contribute to the invention of the lightbulb and telephone. Although this person is unique and not well-known, he has had many positive impacts on the world.

    Not only did he help with the inventions, but he also created hope for all African Americans, their faces painted with joy. It was the first time they saw one of their kind succeed in such an important task. This led to further debates and wars featuring the African Americans versus the ‘white’ people.

    Just one major task can contribute significantly to the world. If I had the opportunity, I would ask him the following questions:

    What was it like helping the invention of the lightbulb and telephone?
    If you were here today, what would you say to all the African – Americans?
    Did you feel accomplished when your life finally came to an end?

  4. Joseph Ticinovic

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.

    One sparkling morning, on the last day of summer, Lucas, a boy who wore a scrabbly shirt and ripped overalls stumbled upon a small, emerald glass bottle that pulsed an eerie glow. Pulled by curiosity, he bent down onto his strong, young knees and picked up the bottle, which had an oak cork. Without thinking, he pulled the cork with his scrubby hands. As he pulled it out, he saw the bottle held a small message. Lucas slowly pulled the paper out with the precision of a nurse pulling out a baby. It was very delicate and weak so he had to be careful. His care reminded me of a gardener digging a small sapling into the ground. The paper held a message in some sort of code. He turned back and walked to his bungalow home, ready for some investigation. His house had brown bricks, a single garage and ivy growing everywhere, as if trying to conceal a great secret. Once he was in his sad little bedroom, he got to work cracking the code. After what felt like an eternity, he finally cracked the puzzle. It read “your life will be full of adventures, just take the opportunities to have them.”

    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

    Every night, just before 12 AM, the lights in the night sky would flicker off, but only Liam seemed to notice. Since a young age, Liam fostered a love of stargazing. To him, it was like his worries were washed away when he stargazed, like when rain washes down a dirty river. His parents had seen his love for stars and the Milky Way, but they often ignored his interest. For example, the first time he noticed the stars flicker off, he called his parents over and showed them, but they just replied lamely, “it’s probably just that a cloud has covered the stars.” It was as if they were trying to hide a secret, as ivy hides a hidden door. Liam began to become sick and tired of their denial of what he saw, so he decided to do some investigations on his own. One morning at the crack of dawn, he jumped out of bed, threw his dirty, ragged white shirt over his head and slipped on his pair of what had once been some blue denim designer pants. His heart beating with excitement, he slid his whitewashed window up and leapt out. He then hopped onto his creaky old bike and pedalled to the library.

    Interview Questions (100 words each)
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

    1. What it means to be a good student to me is caring for others, like my parents care for me. Also, for me it means to push my peers in academic learning so we can all grow and learn together. Thirdly, what a good student means to me is being kind to everyone, even the teacher. Fourthly, being a good student is bringing in my homework to honour my teachers’ efforts to produce the homework. Lastly, being a good student to me means looking out for people who are getting bullied and try to stop bullying from happening by either getting the teacher involved if worse comes to worse or maybe I can stop it myself.

    2. What I do when I see someone treated unfairly is first address the situation, to see who “apparently” is in the right or wrong. I don’t always fully believe them though, because if one of the children habitually bullies, they might not be telling the truth. What I then do is ask the onlookers and bystanders questions. Once I ask enough people questions to have solid evidence and trust my gut feeling, I try to give the unfairly treated person what he wanted and I tell the other to leave him alone, but there is one other case. Let’s say there is a punch up and no matter how hard I try to stop, they won’t, so that’s when I call a teacher over or if there is no teachers around, I may have to use my fighting skills to break it up.

    3. If I could meet any historical figure and ask them a question, it would be Archimedes of Syracuse (he invented pi). The question I would ask is, how does pi (3.14159) work? I would ask this because in later years of school we will do it more, and I would want a deeper knowledge than everyone else so I can get higher marks. Many studies have shown that if you have a deep knowledge of specific things, you tend to do better in exams that test your ability on these topics and even in daily jobs. Why do you think the geniuses who invented the equations that we use today were the best at solving them? It was because they knew them inside out and the fact they were prodigies.

  5. annlianliugmail-com

    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    Being a good student goes beyond just earning high grades; it’s about embracing a positive attitude toward learning and growth. A good student is curious and seeks to understand the world by asking questions and exploring new ideas. They stay organized, complete tasks on time, and manage their responsibilities well. Respect is also essential—toward teachers, classmates, and even themselves. A good student listens carefully, collaborates with peers, and helps others when needed. They view challenges as opportunities to improve and see mistakes as a natural part of learning. Most importantly, they are committed to becoming their best self every day.
    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    When I see someone being treated unfairly, I believe it’s important to step in and do what I can to help. I would start by calmly assessing the situation and, if it’s safe, speaking up to defend the person. Sometimes, just standing beside them or saying, “That’s not okay,” can make a difference. If the situation feels serious or beyond my ability to handle, I would immediately tell a trusted adult, like a teacher, counselor, or parent. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and I think standing up against unfairness is key to creating a better environment for everyone.
    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    If I could meet any historical figure, I would choose Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. As a musician who plays the French horn and piano, I’ve always been amazed by his incredible talent and ability to compose so much beautiful music at such a young age. I’d ask him, “What was your process like when writing music for the piano and other instruments? How did you keep your creativity flowing, especially with all the challenges you faced?” I’d love to learn how he managed to stay so dedicated to his craft, and how he balanced his passion for music with the difficulties he dealt with in life.

    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. The sun hung low, casting amber light across the desolate beach. The soft hum of the waves was the only sound as Lucas walked alone, his feet sinking into the cool, damp sand where the tide had receded. The beach felt abandoned, as if the world had forgotten about it. Summer was slipping away, and with it, the warmth he had come to love. He ran his hand through his hair, brushing away the salty tang of the ocean breeze.
    His eyes, with the weight of the heat, suddenly caught a faint glimmer beneath the sand. A small, smooth shape, partially hidden from view. His curiosity aroused, Lucas knelt, brushing the sand away with careful fingers. The glass jar was old, its surface scratched, yet the way it gleamed in the light suggested it had once been something precious. The air felt still around him, as if nature itself was watching.
    He uncorked the jar with a soft pop, and inside, there was a piece of paper—yellowed, brittle, like it had been waiting for him for decades. As he unrolled the fragile sheet, his breath caught. The symbols on the paper danced before his eyes. They were swirling, looping in a way that seemed almost alive. They weren’t letters he recognized—no alphabet, no familiar shapes. The lines twisted into impossible formations that seemed to shift and pulse under his gaze, as if they were alive with some secret, ancient knowledge.
    The wind stilled, the waves now silent. The world around him felt suspended, holding its breath. Lucas turned the paper over, hoping for an explanation. But it was blank. He looked up, expecting to find the usual vast, open sky—but the clouds had thickened, turning a deep, ominous gray. The air felt charged, heavy, as if the earth itself was whispering a warning.
    A strange energy prickled at the back of his neck. He stuffed the paper back into the jar and quickly sealed it. His hands trembled. Without another glance at the beach, he turned and walked away, the jar weighing heavily in his bag. The rain began to fall, cold and sudden, as if the storm had been waiting for him to leave.
    A strange energy prickled at the back of his neck. He stuffed the paper back into the jar and quickly sealed it. His hands trembled. Without another glance at the beach, he turned and walked away, the jar weighing heavily in his bag. The rain began to fall, cold and sudden as if the storm had been waiting for him to leave
    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. It wasn’t the kind of thing most people would think twice about—the way the night sky seemed to breathe, as though it held its breath for a single moment. But for Liam, it was impossible to ignore. Every night, as the clock struck twelve, the stars would vanish into a soft, velvet blackness, leaving nothing but the cold emptiness of the universe.
    Liam’s home was in a quiet village nestled between rolling hills. The cobbled streets were always empty at midnight, the houses quiet and still, each one tucked beneath thick, sloping roofs. The air was crisp and smelled faintly of pine, as if the trees were whispering secrets just out of earshot. But none of this felt as alive to Liam as the sky did, flickering in and out like a distant memory.
    One night, he decided to do something he had never done before. He crept out of bed, quiet as a shadow, and slipped through the back door of his house into the stillness of the night. The village square, always peaceful, was eerily silent, save for the soft murmur of the wind rustling through the leaves.
    Liam walked toward the edge of the village, the path winding into the dense forest. The trees stood like silent sentinels, their branches twisting high above, but it was the sky that held his gaze. As the stars blinked out, Liam felt the unmistakable pull of something, something beyond the stars.
    The seconds seemed to stretch into infinity, and just as suddenly as the sky had gone dark, the stars returned, bright and unchanging. Liam stood there, heart racing, when he saw it—a figure, glowing faintly, standing in the shadows of the trees. It was tall and thin, its shape blurry and shifting. The air felt thick with anticipation.
    “Not all secrets belong to the sky,” it whispered, its voice a soft echo in the still night.
    Before Liam could react, the figure faded into the forest, and the stars blinked out again. But this time, Liam knew: he was no longer the only one watching.

  6. 1. Continue the story
    On the last day of summer, as waves crashed against the shore and seagulls circled overhead, Lucas’s fingers brushed against something smooth beneath the warm sunburnt sand – a glass jar containing a message written in mysterious symbols he’d never seen before. As his left arm reached to grab it, his bright red scar began to pull against his skin, a dominating presence that pained him through his onyx tuxedo, his alabaster tie floating in the wind. But the true story had already started when his bony fingers reached towards it. The writing absorbed the warm sunlight, it now glowing and glistening with a titian colour. With his other hands massive fingers, he delicately and carefully looked at the script, every check, a new layer of mysteriousness forming. Yet as he held it, memories became clearer and clearer though not in the way he wanted.
    As he once again began to hold on to the bottle, memories of shared games with his brother floated like water and ink in his mind – some bitter, most sweet, all painful. The familiar scent of chrysanthemum brought both peace and pain, each message read out by the bottle a mystical presence that was both considerate and evoking. Suddenly, it became clear what the inscription said. “Pain in memories.” He once again looked at his scar, it no longer looking like a haunting presence that was left behind by his brother when they fought but rather a proof of his willpower. Then the sky turned dark and the moon came over to block the sun, the words still echoing in his mind from the battle.
    2. Continue the story
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. They glowed ethereally every night in the evening light, illuminating the sky with hope. However, something strange happened at 9 PM every day, the stars would temporarily vanish just to reappear again within 30 seconds. Everyone saw the stars like decorations. They would admire them for a moment before going back to their own activities. But Liam saw it as an escape from this world, an opening to another dimension, but one that would cease to be reachable for short periods. Whenever the stars disappeared, he would think of it as retribution for his bad deeds and the reappearance as a second chance to reach back out. A new opportunity to make amends. His tattoo of a heart just under his chin had been drawn over with a star, which glowed in the moonlight just like his silver, shiny clothes. But he knew what that tattoo meant even if he did not want to remember. It was a painful memory…

    Interview W2

  7. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. Time and time again he tried to show his parents… Siblings… Anyone! But once he got them outside, it had stopped and the stars where back in the sky, their unwavering gaze staring down upon them.

    His parents believed that their son was doing nothing but bluff and bluster, his siblings thinking he was genuinely insane. Yet… He knew what he saw. You couldn’t mistake thing like this, so it just made him so mad that everyone thought he was!

    He knew this must mean something. And on one cold winter night, the wind a howling tempest, Liam crept up to the attic, listening to the creaking timbers warring for supremacy against the legions of wind. He stared out through the circular window and gazed at the stars. He watched them disappear- Then appear in their anomalous lunar cycle. He thought back if he had ever seen this before this week. No… He… He hadn’t. Now that he thought deeply about it, he had never seen so many stars in the sky.

    So they can’t be stars. Then… What are they?

    In the next few days, he kept track of the stars- And to his horror, every night more and more came.

    While he wistfully peered at them, he suddenly noticed something. One was moving- And quick! And it was coming his way! He jumped out of the attic moments before a gargantuan crash exploded. He then felt his senses dimming and dimming as everything was blurry.

    He staggered up a few minutes later. He pushed a piece of redwood off his chest and stared at what had hit the house.

    It was a strange steel orb- Still blinking minute after minute.

    A few minutes later help came- But not ambulances and police patrols. Soldiers clad in bulletproof vests and submachine guns came in moments later, accompanied by men in dark coats and a distinctive earpiece. I was taken to the hospital after that with the rest of the family. But in the next few days the truth came out.

    All this time I was unbothered to read the news, yet it gave an obvious answer. Diplomatic relations between us and global superpowers and turned sour and small clashes had began at the borders. These orbs were drones armed with machine guns and flammable liquid. As the news noted, the Central Intelligence believes they blinked once at midnight to make sure they were all working and functional. That drone had malfunctioned and fallen to the ground. Because it was a problem with propulsion, the fuses had not activated and hadn’t detonated.

    But we were not safe nonetheless.

    There was still an armada loose in out skies.

  8. Xavier Serravalle

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. Lucas was the vexatious type though his mellifluous voice would have you think otherwise. His face flax like linen; his elongated head twisted ferociously by his grimace; and his mouth smooth with the corners nudged up. His hair shines like that of a jewel and his short, stubby nose was charming and endearing.
    He carried himself in a perfectly straight line from forehead to toes although he felt as if his back and shoulders were leaning backwards every time he strolled aimlessly along the beach. As luck would have it, this time of day was low tide and that exposed a skull shaped glass bottle with a cork lid rammed into so hard it would have required the full force of a brawny hand. Lucas tripped over the protruding container. When annoyance finally turned to curiosity, he bent down to pick up the bottle and discovered, to his surprise, a hand-written note had been carefully settled inside. Now intrigued, he carelessly unravels the inscription. To his discountenance the writing was in a language he did not understand at first glance but seemed familiar from times past. After several minutes of internal struggles he could decipher a solitary word…RSVP.

    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. Liam was not an invisible boy. He often wondered why others couldn’t see him. Although he could relate to the nonconformist traits of Casper the ghost, he did not see himself as an apparition, nor any other famous persona. His face was visibly elastic and relaxed, but you could imagine the contours of worry around his eyes which sparkle slightly despite the solitude of his life. His svelte vertebral column was so straight and unbent that at first appearance he seemed like a skyscraper. Liam didn’t take cognizance of this. His train of thought was that he was unobtrusive though he believed his height brought him closer the night sky and every time he looked up at the splendid starry site questions emanated in him. The answers were shining up there like an inaudible luminescence. They were gleaming right at him, but he just couldn’t grasp them. Every dark and astonishing night, he gazed up and could almost clutch them; but each time, for exactly one minute, as he reached up, the stars would blink off. He became apprehensive and would lose his inclination to tell other people in the village. This only posed another question – why no one else bothered to look up.

    Interview Questions
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    A good student means being a good learner, a positive student leader and a great school citizen. A good learner evaluates and analyses; accepts, reflects and learns from mistakes; persists with challenges; works well independently and in groups; and finds joy in learning. A positive student leader stands up for peers, has clear communication and accepts responsibility. A great school citizen means being well engaged and considers others’ points of view. Being a good student to me means being focused, attentive, organized, and setting goals. Appreciating what I was learning.

    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    I look for an opportunity to speak directly with the person being treated unfairly and see if they are ok and find out how they are feeling. I would ask them if there was anything I could do to help them. I would speak to them with kindness. I would listen to what they had to say and offer a positive comment for the time ahead. If I can’t offer direct support. I would speak to someone else I trust about the situation.

    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    I would meet Adolf Hitler. I would like to understand directly from him why he perpetrated the Holocaust and genocide of millions of jews. Why he believed Germans were superior and why he hated communism and the Soviet Union. Then I would try my hardest to convince him of otherwise. I would do this by being a talking directly to him about what the future could look like. About what peace and prosperity could be. I would give him information on the equality of races. I would not leave him alone until I have convinced him.

  9. Echoes of the Reich.
    The air lingered with the aroma of chips as people milled around, engrossed in their conversation. The fiery sun scorched down like an irate orb in the sky, casting shimmering diamonds amongst the tidal waves. Lucas, with a grin spread across his face, sashayed about the beach while his Dad fished. Then Lucas noticed something unusual sticking out from a clump sand-a small tin jar. That had washed ashore. Uncorking the cork, with his bony wrists he saw the enigmatic pattern. It had convoluting stripes, smudges and squiggles. Racing back home, to Mrs Smith his cryptography teacher. Her house was covered with white bricks, and a vine draped over the chimney as if concealing a secret. Filled to the brim was ripe strawberries, pumpkins and tomatoes twirling around their stem like a graceful ballerina. Barging inside, Lucas could smell the fresh baking of homemade scones and jam tarts.
    “This is a Nazi Code. It is a map, showing the way in- or out, of the Echoes of the Reich!’’ commented Mrs Smith, patting Lucas’s shoulder with her hands. What was the secret from this message? Where had even found the map? Would it be dangerous to follow this map or was it a decoy? Lucas’s words swirled in his mind, racing like runaway trains, as questions collided with a growing sense of dread…
    The Stars Lullaby
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    The Twilight became Night, casting dark eerie shadows over the quaint and desolate village of Crowden. Liam, a small but sage boy had bony wrists and a cleft lip. From little he had fostered a love for space and astronomy. Though his parents were too poor to afford proper education, but Liam’s love for astronomy still blossomed as he spent every night gazing at the stars. Every evening, as the clock struck midnight, he would listen intently for the three resonant chimes that echoed through London. Dong! Dong! Dong! Then the stars which illuminated the sky would flicker like torches for one minute. He would plead the villagers and show them. They would always reply with a dismissive wave of their hand, “It must be the clouds covering the stars!’’ Undeterred, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to it. His desire to understand grew stronger, and he made up his mind to discover the truth for himself.
    With the moonlight guiding his way, Liam ventured out one fateful night, determined to unravel the mystery that had eluded him—and the villagers—for so long. He knew that if he succeeded, he could change the way the world viewed the skies, and perhaps even his place within it…

  10. Writing homework:

    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    Lucas had always been a dreamer, the kind of kid who could spend hours lost in the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore. On the last day of summer, as the golden light stretched long across the beach, he wandered farther than usual, with his bare feet pressing against the sand with an absent-minded rhythm. That’s when he found it—half-buried in the sand, the glass jar glinted like a hidden treasure. His heart raced, and he knelt down to get it.

    The jar was smooth, its surface covered with salt, but it was the message inside that caught his attention. It was written in a language he couldn’t decipher, the flowing script unfamiliar and strange, like something from another world. His fingers traced the jar’s edges as if touching it might unlock its mystery.

    He wanted to show his parents, but they were too busy packing up the last of their summer things. Lucas wasn’t sure what to do with the jar, but a quiet excitement struck him. Who had left it there? And what was the message?

    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    Liam had always been a quiet observer. While other children ran through the village streets, their laughter echoing into the night, he would sit alone in the quietness of his room, watching the stars as if wishing to be in another world. His mother used to say that he had a “deep soul,” though he never quite understood what that meant. But it was on those late nights, under the soft glow of the moon, that he noticed the strange phenomenon: every midnight, the stars above the village blinked out for exactly one minute.
    At first, he thought it was just his imagination, how staring at the same sky for too long would make it feel like an illusion. But each night, the pattern repeated. One minute, the sky was full of light, the next, it was a vast, empty picture. Liam told his parents, but they didn’t believe him as if his observations were simply part of growing up.
    It troubled him that no one else seemed to notice, not even when he pointed it out to his friends. They laughed, called him weird, and shrugged it off. But Liam couldn’t shake the feeling that the stars were trying to tell him something. Each minute of darkness felt like a secret, a pause in the world, and he was the only one who could see it.

    Interview Questions (100 words each)

    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    To me, being a good student means that I constantly work hard to achieve my goals and by also trying my best in every challenge I face whether I make multiple mistakes or not. I will always respect my teachers by putting appropriate comments and by following instructions without giving attitude. For being a great student I will also try my best to hand in my homework on time or earlier than the due date. After receiving feedback I would try to improve my writing. I will participate in lessons and focus to enhance my skills to a better level.

    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    If I saw someone who is being treated unfairly, I would stand up for him/her shaking off the bully’s off, then I would comfort that person. When they feel better, I would help them build their confidence and make them stronger so the bully’s won’t be able to oppress him/her. I would also tell a trusted adult so that if anything worse happens the adult can help. I would also try not to get into fights as it also gets me in danger.

    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    I would want to meet Leonardo da Vinci as he is a famous painter and as he drew many famous paintings. If I met him I would ask what led him to draw the Mona Lisa, a famous artwork and why he drew the faint smile on the Mona Lisa. Another question I would ask would be that if art was not a thing or was not created what would you pick to be your profession.

  11. 1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    Interview Questions:
    Thank You!

  12. Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

    Interview Questions (100 words each)
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. Symbols covered the parchment, each one unique with it’s own lines and curves. They had a strange aura surrounding them, as if beckoning Lucas to decode the message. Lucas wasn’t that type of person though. He was a thinker: making sure to check every possibility and assessing the danger before doing something. But this felt different. It was as if the strange symbols were in his head, confusing him in every way possible. He took a few deep breaths, clearing his head before looking at the weathered piece of parchment. This time, it looked different.
    To whoever receives this message, we are the future. The world you once knew is slipping away. Nature, in its great complexity, is unravelling. The oceans have swallowed lands that once teemed with life, and the air is thick with the smoke of fires that rage out of control. The creatures of the earth, the trees that once stood as guardians of the land, are disappearing. All because of global warming. But hope remains, if the right choices are made. The future is not yet written—your actions today will shape tomorrow.
    Lucas knew he had to do something.
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. He had first noticed it last week, when he was peeking outside of his window at the constellations, before they disappeared, consumed by the darkness. He had just assumed he was tired and his mind was playing tricks on him, but the same happened the next night. The night after that the exact same. Liam usually kept to himself, so he never told anybody. Then a thought loomed in his head. Why didn’t anybody else notice? Maybe they were already asleep at that time, but he surely couldn’t be the only person awake then. It confused him more and more until he finally couldn’t bear it. So, one night, just before midnight, he crept outside in the peaceful fields and sat down, looking at the sky. He had to see it clearly, to make sure that he wasn’t hallucinating the whole time. So he sat down in the tufts of grass, waiting and waiting. After a while, just as Liam was about to accept the fact that he was probably seeing things, there it was. The stars in the sky were nowhere to be seen. As he made his way back to his house, a voice cut through the silence of the air. ‘Do you also see it?’ He turned around to see a little girl, staring back at him.
    To me, being a good student means being able to listen to others carefully as well as also setting an example for them. I am a role model for others, and always help others when they need me. I also hand in all my work on time, and make sure it is the best I can make it. Organisation skills are also an important part of being a good student, and I make sure to balance my academic and extra-curricular commitments. I am determined, something a good student must have, and friendly to all. This is what being a good student means to me.
    If I see someone being treated unfairly, the first thing I will do is tell the person treating them poorly to stop. I believe it’s important to intervene immediately to prevent further harm. After that, I will check on the person being mistreated to make sure they’re okay and offer them support. If a teacher is nearby, I will report the situation to them so they can take action. If there’s no teacher around, I will stay with the person and help as much as I can until one arrives. I’ll try to understand the situation and offer solutions or compromises to resolve the issue.
    If I could meet any historical figure, I would choose Leonardo Da Vinci. His curiosity for how things work is remarkable, and he was known for his work as an artist, inventor, scientist, engineers and others. He was known for his artworks such as the ‘Mona Lisa’ but he was also interested in many other fields like the natural world. The questions that I would ask him would be:
    ‘How did you balance all of your different interests at once?’
    ‘What fuelled you to pursue all of your interests?’ ‘How did you stay motivated even after all your challenges and setbacks?’

  13. 1. Being a good student means to me being a devoted learner and showing respect to all the teachers. It is representing the school and if everyone was one, the school would also represent us. There are many values (to me) that make someone a good student- Respect, success, and perseverance. By respecting the school’s property and staff, it shows that you truly care about how your education and school will go. Sucess for if you are paying attention and actually improving, because by constantly improving, you show adaptivity and readiness to life, as well as showing teaches they’re doing well by improving. Perseverance means to me the quality of pushing through even when it’s hard and is a crucial part of being a good students: The school is trying hard for you, so you should try hard for both of you.

    2. If I saw someone being treated meanly or unfairly, I would try to help them. If they were being bullied, for example, I would go and tell the teacher on duty if they were too scared to stand up. I would also ask them if they were ok and help them get to sick bay if needed.

    3. If I could meet a historical figure, I would meet Alexander the great. He’s probably the most famous historical figure we know the least about. For one, I’d ask him where’s Granicus, because we’ve never really found out where that is, and I wonder where it could possibly be. I would also ask him if he knew about many other powers at the time, like Rome or China and which direction he would have gone in if he hadn’t fallen at Babylon.

  14. Narrative 1
    The sun beamed onto the boiling asphalt as Lucas gazed at something odd. It was a jar which lay in emerald, green grass sprung from the moist dirt. Lucas’s eyes grew wider as his fingertips tightly grasped the jar. He briefly opened the lid as it revealed a strange piece of paper spelling words even the best writers could not decipher. Sweat rolled down Lucas’s palm as he placed the jar into his backpack for examining. Lucas researched the best labs in the country, and he took the paper and the jar to be decoded by the best scientists. The scientists spent hours decoding, researching and just when they were about to crack the code something bizarre happened. The letters on the paper glowed a cerulean as it levitated saying out the phrase, “I am the supreme power holder I will transfer my power to someone worthy. The scientist’s greediness showed from the way his evil eyes looked dreamily at the paper. However, the paper floated towards Lucas, confused at the fact that he was worthy for this heavenly virtue. He had always been bullied that he meant nothing, and he had no value, but now this paper raised hope in his self-esteem. However, the scientist’s greed was too much to control him from not snatching the paper and ran towards it, but it went into Lucas and surprisingly Lucas now had an uncontrollable anger. A roared and punched the now timid scientist. He grew and broke the building. Perhaps the paper had messed up his emotions. But now there was no use. He went, smashing buildings and over to his childhood bully’s homes for revenge. So can Lucas control his rage, or will this be the destruction of the world?
    Every evening the stars above the village seemed to flicker for one minute and turn back on as the villagers ate dinner. As normal one evening Liam glanced at the sky noticing this change. As he went inside to tell his family he braced because no matter how many times he told them they wouldn’t believe him. And this time the looked outside and told Liam there was nothing wrong with the stars however there was. The stars meant nothing more to everyone lese than beautiful sparking objects millions of light years away. However, with Liam they represented change. Liam and his family were always poor, and we wanted to change. The patterns changing and even this weird flicker showed to him that it is possible to transform your destiny.
    Interview Question 1
    Being a good student for me means respect. Respecting teachers’ other classmates and not pushing them to do something they do not want to do. I also believe participating in group discussions is a virtue of a good student. A good student helps me and other people to have a good relationship with other classmates and teachers to strive for the best education. And of course, you can joke around with friends, but you got to keep it to a limit if someone says they don’t like thee joke or you can see it in their face, that’s when you stop.
    Interview Question 2
    When I see someone being treated unfairly it rises an anger in me because they usually are being treated differently because of their race, religion, or skin colour. It confuses me that there are people in this world that think they are superior to some people just because of the way they look (unless they are both models). If I see this happening to somebody in my school, I usually invite them over to play with me because I can’t force other people to let other kids play with them. However, if the say anything rude or racist I will report them to a teacher.
    Interview Question 3
    If I had to ever meet a historical figure, it would without a doubt be Cristiano Ronaldo. He has always been an idol for me because of his mindset. I would love to get mindset and focus tips from arguably the greatest footballer of all time. I would also probably ask him to teach me a few skills to use in football matches and his famous knuckleball shooting trick.

  15. 1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. Desperate to see what treasures it concealed. His bony fingers frantically grasped at the ground until he found a gravelly rock the size of his fist. A thin grin stretched across his face as his pupils widened with curiosity. He brought the rock down with such tremulous force that fragments of glass shattered in every direction, sending shards into trees and grass. Inside, was a mysterious stone enveloped in an ancient piece of paper. The stone palpitated with the life of the beach, and as he removed it from the paper – it felt as if summer was grasped away by the greedy hands of winter. As he stared deep inside of it, his fleshless fingers squeezing it with surprising power, he could see every aspect of the beach; from the ebbing tide to a crab. On the way home, he felt an eerie energy tickling at his neck – like static electricity toying with your hair. Shadowy figures, cloaked in an enigmatic darkness, approached him slowly, offering increasing bargains for the stone. The piece of paper in which he had found it fluttered the breeze, as the stranger’s eyes gleamed with a burning desire. What could of possibly been in that rock that they would want so much? Lucas wondered, uncertain if he wanted the answer or not.

    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. It wasn’t something that normal people had any regard for, many were too occupied with work or business they had to attend to. But Liam was different. It was deeply intriguing – how the night would breathe with you, how its heart would pace at the strike of midnight. At the exact time in the night, the stars would flicker off; leaving an inky void where they once were, as if someone flicked off the light switch for the sky. A night with no stars, even if it was just for a minute, is tenfold the beauty of a cloudless day. A phenomenon waiting to be explained, a mystery right in front of their eyes. Liam vowed to discover the reason as his eyes fixated on a dreamy night, the tire and fatigue of sleep drifting out of his eyes as he watched in obsession. It can’t just be me, Liam thought. As the rest of the village slept or went about with late night work, Liam would sneak out of bed to watch the ‘stars flicker off’. He was always mocked because of that. As if his sightings were merely a pipe dream. But tonight was different, the night told him so. The stars glimmered with an eerie hint of red, before fading deep into the night. Suddenly, a man approached Liam. He put his hand on his shoulder, ‘You see that too, don’t you?’.

  16. Echoes of the Reich.
    The air lingered with the aroma of chips as people milled around, engrossed in their conversation. The fiery sun scorched down like an irate orb in the sky, casting shimmering diamonds amongst the tidal waves. Lucas, with a grin spread across his face, sashayed about the beach while his Dad fished. Then Lucas noticed something unusual sticking out from a clump sand-a small tin jar. That had washed ashore. Uncorking the cork, with his bony wrists he saw the enigmatic pattern. It had convoluting stripes, smudges and squiggles. Racing back home, to Mrs Smith his cryptography teacher. Her house was covered with white bricks, and a vine draped over the chimney as if concealing a secret. Filled to the brim was ripe strawberries, pumpkins and tomatoes twirling around their stem like a graceful ballerina. Barging inside, Lucas could smell the fresh baking of homemade scones and jam tarts.
    “This is a Nazi Code. It is a map, showing the way in- or out, of the Echoes of the Reich!’’ commented Mrs Smith, patting Lucas’s shoulder with her hands. What was the secret from this message? Where had even found the map? Would it be dangerous to follow this map or was it a decoy? Lucas’s words swirled in his mind, racing like runaway trains, as questions collided with a growing sense of dread…

    Week 2

  17. The Stars Lullaby
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    The Twilight became Night, casting dark eerie shadows over the quaint and desolate village of Crowden. Liam, a small but sage boy had bony wrists and a cleft lip. From little he had fostered a love for space and astronomy. Though his parents were too poor to afford proper education, but Liam’s love for astronomy still blossomed as he spent every night gazing at the stars. Every evening, as the clock struck midnight, he would listen intently for the three resonant chimes that echoed through London. Dong! Dong! Dong! Then the stars which illuminated the sky would flicker like torches for one minute. He would plead the villagers and show them. They would always reply with a dismissive wave of their hand, “It must be the clouds covering the stars!’’ Undeterred, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to it. His desire to understand grew stronger, and he made up his mind to discover the truth for himself.
    With the moonlight guiding his way, Liam ventured out one fateful night, determined to unravel the mystery that had eluded him—and the villagers—for so long. He knew that if he succeeded, he could change the way the world viewed the skies, and perhaps even his place within it…

  18. Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

    1. As Lucas’s calloused hands sifted through the catacombs of lines and shapes, he thought about the one person who could read the mysterious script. Maria, the librarian. Lucas was a teenager, but his short stance might have made it confusing about his age. He had a rugged, patched brown shirt and pale blue jeans that both barely hung on. He was very poor. However, tucked away in his jeans was a single, crystalline diamond about the size of a ping-pong ball. It was inherited from his mother and father, who were both very kind. As the sun melted over the crimson sky, Lucas hastily pounded to the library. Wooden shafts and planks made up the main structure of the library. Shelves towered into the sky, filled with knowledge of centuries. As Lucas made his way to the counter, he saw Maria pacing the area. Maria’s white and red robes elegantly drifted down her body. “Maria, are you okay?” Lucas endeavored.
    “No… the script…” Maria mumbled, her usually strong English accent fading away.
    “What script? Ah! Do you mean this one I have here?” Lucas exclaimed, reaching out his hand with the glass bottle.
    “Lucas, where did you get this?” Maria’s face stiffened as her eyebrows creased. Maria’s clean palms snatched the bottle off Lucas’s ashed fingers.
    “I just found it on the beach! I thought you could read it! You can keep it if you want…” Lucas said, backing a few steps behind.
    “Lucas! This script is centuries old! And it’s cursed!”

    2.As Liam hung off his roof (a tightly weaved smudge of wood planks), he watched in jaw dropping awe as the stars, one by one, each beginning to dissipate in the horizon. Liam’s ashy face corresponded with his calloused fingers and his patched shirt and jeans. Even though Liam was clearly poor, he had one analogue watch that ticked its fingers with crystalline perfection. The shimmering golden rim and the diamond plated fingers made even Rolexes look poor. As each star slowly faded into the night sky, Liam noticed his watch slowly tick slower, and with each star it seemed to slow down. Eventually, the night sky was clear like a blank canvas, the moonlight being the only illuminating light source. Suddenly, the fingers of the watch began twisting backwards – anticlockwise. Liam was stumped, but it kept reversing, faster and faster. As Lucas looked around, he saw people walking backwards, he saw houses being destroyed. Was Liam going back in time? The watch face became a blur as he saw massive rocks reverse into space. Liam wanted to stop, but he felt like he was in a trance, stuck in time. A kaleidoscope of colours unfurled before his eyes. Liam mustered up his strength and dropped the watch. As he warped back to the present, the stars reappeared and Liam was tossed off the rooftop as everything returned to normal.

    Interview Questions (100 words each)
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    1. To me, being a good student means more than just behaving well and doing well in class, it also means being responsible, creative and kind. Responsibility is important because it shows your inner integrity, even if you did something wrong. If you can accept your actions it means you are just as good as someone who didn’t do anything wrong. Creativity is important because without creativity, the world would be the same everywhere. People need to innovate and think to truly make a difference. And finally, kindness is important because respect is something that even if you do not get any reward, you helping someone out is worth more than any currency or price.

    2. When I see someone being treated unfairly, I always try to stand up for them. Being treated unfairly is not right and no one deserves any less than anyone else, regardless of any traits. So, I try helping them by telling the person being unfair to stop. However, it depends how unfairly the person is treated. If it gets physical, I might have to tell a teacher to help out, because an authority figure will make the person stop. If it is something not as big, then I could verbally tell the person to stop and comfort the other person.

    3. If I had to meet a historical figure, I would definitely meet Steve Jobs. This is because he is an important person in modern technology as he helped develop multiple world-changing products like the Mac computer, the Iphone, AirPods and many more. For questions, I would ask him: 1.How do you like the evolution of Apple since you left? I would ask this because the Iphone has changed, but only a little bit since Steve Jobs left apple. Secondly, how would you feel about the impact of your creation on the world? Because his creations have had a massive impact on the world both good and bad. Lastly, how would you improve your creations? Because every year the Iphone and other products get better every year, but it might look different with Steve jobs.

  19. Week 2 Writing Homework – Kaitlin
    Go Back to Course
    Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :

    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. Even though it was unreadable, he clutched it tightly to his chest, to add it on to his continuous influx of collected jars; he had found them all over the city, through trash bags, second hand shops and other places he had rummaged in. He just hoped, with all of his heart, he would be able to open a museum and earn money for his family. In his shaggy, azure overalls and frazzled hair(that looked much like a rat’s nest instead), he continued to venture home, rummaging through trash bins as he walked past. His bare feet brushed the horribly hot concrete as he stared straight ahead, towards his home at a rented beach resort. Feeling the rough sand of the beach enveloping his feet, he heard a voice behind him. Turning around, he saw no one, but felt the jar grabbed from his arms; in front of him, stood a smaller boy, unusually in a bathing suit running towards the jetty.
    “Stop right there and give me my jar back!” Lucas yelled as he lost his footing in the sand and flopped over onto his neck. From a distance, he looked like a circus seal, poised in a circle.

    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. Of course, he stayed up all night to read and ponder over his books and stare up at the stars above. What would be his future? What would be his destiny? He had always believed in Vivian Bullwinkel’s motto – Don’t look down at your feet, but look up into the stars and dream. His dream… it was a question he had pondered for all long time and he had finally decided; he wanted to be an astronaut. Every week, he went around the neighbourhood, offering to walk dogs and volunteering. It was all just to earn some pocket money. And to achieve his dream shown in the stars. As an astronaut, he was determined to discover the reason behind the ‘Star Eclipse,’ as he had named it and be someone who others could lead. But, he would still always remind them.
    Don’t look down at your feet, but look up into the stars and dream.

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