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Week 6 Writing Homework

Writing Homework: Write a persuasive piece on the topics below

– Should Homework be banned?

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43 thoughts on “Week 6 Writing Homework”

  1. SHOULD SCHOOLS Ban Mobile Phones.

    Are Mobile Phones ultimately our Ally or our Adversary? Imagine, the irritating and pestering of phone ringing, the sound of typing whilst you are trying to listen to the teacher, or especially in the middle of a test. Since devices have strided upwards in the tech industry, the debate of whether Schools Ban Mobile Phones has arisen in the school community. Schools should certainly prohibit the use of Mobile Phones in school as they cause significant Jealousy, it has a lack of cheapness and it is a cheating device.

    Firstly, mobile phones create significant jealousy. The United Nations states in Article 50 that 90% of people who don’t have a phone are always being bullied as they are not in the trend. They will be feeling nervous, and always being threatened. You might always feel insecure. Every parent knows the look of envy in their children’s eyes once persisted in being exposed to nature, now affected by mobile phones. By eliminating mobile phones, school instructors won’t have to worry about jealousy or envy.

    Additionally, mobile phones are expensive. The (UN) states that the average of a smart-phone is 823 dollars each. This can be spent on other pivotal things such as tables for school, school supplies and excursions! Prices of phones have decreased by 18% each month for companies like Huawei and XiaoMi. Every child knows the look of begging in their parents’ eyes once normally spent on usual things, now being forced to buy an I-phone for school use. As you can see, parents don’t need to worry about taxes.

    Finally, schools should definitely eliminate the use of smart-phones as they are providing us answers. Schools say that 78% of students when being given tests, they use smartphones all the time. Since the technology is striving upwards, this means that there will be more cheat devices and this will reduce our critical thinking memory. Schools are seriously concerned that when students use smartphones, teachers won’t know whether they know the information or not. Therefore, schools should strongly eliminate mobile-phones.

    In conclusion, schools should eliminate mobile phones due to jealousy, expensiveness and they are cheat devices. If you’re using a smartphone, put it down and use your own thinking. Remember, one phone’s upgrade is another’s opportunity.

  2. Yes, we have all experienced the feeling of going home after a long school day. The moment you closed the door behind you, you felt like you wanted to collapse already, left tired and dark circles underneath your eyes as you stayed up late last night doing your homework and were forced to wake up early because of school. You just want to go to bed and take a nice little nap, but no, guess what? You have homework to do! Sinister teachers taunt poor, young students with homework, causing their mental wellbeing and physical health to decrease! This is why homework should be banned!

    Students are forced to do worksheets and worksheets of homework, even after hours of studying at school. They may get anxious if they have not finished in time, in fear they will get scolded. Furthermore, students may get burnt out from the massive amount of homework, which may cause them to be depressed. Homework is also found to be one of the main causes of stress in students by multiple studies at various universities. If homework were to be banned, or the load was significantly lessened, students will not be as anxious and stressed, and can prevent depression.

    Secondly, if you get so much homework, you are stuck at your desk, frantically trying to finish it after sitting at another desk, doing work all day, you don’t get a lot of physical movement, and the time for extracurriculars like sport decreases. This may cause you to be unfit and obese. Moreover, when you look at the tiny words on a worksheet, book or computer, it will cause your eyesight to worsen. Homework may make you short sighted, and it will be a physical burden for the rest of your life. Without homework, you will have time to move around and your time staring at a piece of paper will decrease.

    Homework limits the time for you to chase your dreams. If you want to be a musician, you must devote hours of practice every day. With homework, however, that is not possible, as it eliminates most of your free time. You do not even have time to travel to and from lessons, and even if you do, you will constantly think about your homework, and may not have time to put your full focus into your dream or passion. It also eliminates time for leisure with family, and even to think about yourself. It takes away time for socializing with friends and new people, causing them to become anti-social, even if the result of that is becoming smarter.

    So think about it, a poor, lonely, isolated, stressed, and anxious student sitting on a chair writing their homework from the moment they get home, is it really worth the academic benefit? Afterall, they don’t even get time for themselves, their family, and their dreams! They lose their social skills, happiness, and barely gain any academic benefit, as homework is usually revision of what you have learnt in class. With all of these contributors in mind, homework should definitely be banned, to help the world and society!

  3. Should homework be banned?

    Homework can be a source of great stress and anxiety for students. After spending six or more hours at school, many students are expected to go home and continue working, leaving little time for relaxation or fun. The emotional impact of this is often overwhelming. Instead of unwinding after a busy day, students feel the pressure of assignments, which can lead to feelings of frustration, sadness, and even fear of failure. The constant cycle of homework creates stress that affects students’ mental health and well-being.
    Excessive homework leads to exhaustion. Students often find themselves staying up late to finish assignments, which disrupts their sleep and makes it even harder to focus in school the next day. This lack of sleep can result in poor academic performance and, over time, even health problems. When students are constantly stressed and tired, they lose their motivation to learn and may become less engaged in class. This creates a vicious cycle that harms both their education and their emotional state.
    To improve students’ quality of life and education, a law should be implemented to limit the amount of homework given. Research has shown that too much homework can negatively affect students’ mental health and their ability to perform well in school. By limiting homework, students would have more time to relax, engage in hobbies, and spend time with their families. This would allow them to recharge, ultimately helping them be more focused and productive when they return to school.
    In conclusion, the negative emotional and physical effects of excessive homework are undeniable. By implementing a law to limit homework, we can reduce stress and improve students’ overall well-being. It’s time for a change that benefits students, their education, and their mental health.

    Should schools ban mobile phones?
    Mobile phones in schools are becoming a serious problem. Students are distracted, misbehaving, and not paying attention in class because they’re more focused on their phones than their education. When a student pulls out their phone, the classroom environment becomes chaotic. It’s hard to concentrate, and teachers find it more difficult to keep the class on track. Instead of learning, students are texting friends, playing games, and scrolling through social media. This makes it harder for others who want to focus and do well in school.
    The main issue with mobile phones in schools is that they encourage students to cheat. With easy access to the internet, students can quickly look up answers during tests or assignments. This isn’t fair to those who study hard and prepare for their exams. Mobile phones also allow students to send answers to each other, making cheating much easier. As a result, it undermines the value of education and creates an unfair environment for everyone.
    Another reason schools should ban mobile phones is the risk of cyberbullying. With phones, students can send hurtful messages or post mean comments online. Cyberbullying is a growing problem, and it can affect a student’s mental health and well-being. Banning mobile phones would reduce the opportunity for this kind of bullying to take place at school. It would help ensure that all students feel safe and supported in their learning environment.
    Additionally, mobile phones create unnecessary stress for students. With constant access to social media, students often feel pressure to keep up with what everyone else is doing. They worry about missing out on events or being left out of conversations. This stress can impact their ability to focus on their schoolwork and can make them anxious. A phone-free environment would allow students to focus on what matters most – their education.
    For all these reasons, a law should be implemented to ban mobile phones in schools. This law would eliminate distractions, prevent cheating, reduce cyberbullying, and help students feel less stressed. With this law in place, students would be able to focus on learning without the constant temptation of their phones. It’s time to take action and make schools a place where students can truly thrive.

  4. Week 6 Writing
    Should Homework be banned?

    As students struggle in class with their brains already so full, the monotone of the teacher’s lessons fade as soon as they enter their mind. They desolately come home as all of the day’s lessons float from one ear out the other. Everyday, there is no improvement, only the old and familiar flat voice that drones on and on in the dull classroom, the boredom so palpable that it almost crystallises the air. As soon as they open their backpack, worn with the dull monotone of the school lessons, a shining beacon comes out. Homework. As our next generation grows up, it is crucial that we reinforce ideas and lessons learnt in school. Although sometimes homework can be unengaging and very methodic, engaging homework really makes the difference in connecting the dots between what they learn in school and do at home, and makes concepts they learn really stick onto them. Homework should not be banned, as it can reinforce ideas from school, help students learn time management and also encourages self-learning.

    First of all, homework aids students to remember concepts and lessons learnt at school. In a study by Boston University, on both standardized tests and grades, students in classes that were assigned homework outperformed 69% of students who didn’t have homework. This clearly exemplifies the crucial importance of homework about how homework can help students learn and perform better through reinforcement of lessons from school. Homework allows students to revise what they have learned at school and reinforces their memory so they can learn more and better. Hence, homework should not be banned due to its critical importance of reinforcing learning.

    In addition, homework helps students learn time management. Homework assignments often have a due date, which can make students learn how to manage their time better. Ever since I entered the Opportunity Class, I was given assignments over the term instead of in weekly sections. This meant it was up to me to finish everything by the due date and be able to manage my time so I would be able to complete my homework. Not only did I learn how to manage my time better, I learnt that procrastination was a big trap when it came to time management, although I was fortunate to not fall into that trap. In conclusion, homework aids students to establish time management skills which is crucial in their later life.

    Furthermore, homework encourages self-learning. Assignments can require a certain level of research. Since homework is an independent task, students learn new concepts through research, encouraging them to self-learn, which is an important skill in later life. My homework assignments from school required me to write an information report about Clyde Tombaugh, as an example. Not only did I learn about his discovery of Pluto through the research I did, I learnt about his personal life and his breakthroughs in astronomy. Hence, homework teaches students how to self-learn.

    Ultimately, homework should not be banned, as it is crucial to reinforcing lessons, building time management skills and self-learning. Homework is a guiding light to a brighter future for all of us, as it helps us learn life-skills outside of the classroom. Although it is still underappreciated, it is undeniable that homework is crucial and should not be removed from our education system.

  5. Week 6 Writing Homework
    Writing Homework: Write a persuasive piece on the topics below
    Homework should not be banned.

    Homework Should Not Be Banned
    Why do we have homework, you may ask. Some people think homework isn’t necessary, but there are good reasons why it should not be banned. Homework helps students practice what they’ve learned in school, teaches important life skills, and helps students take responsibility for their own learning. Even though homework can be tough sometimes, it’s an important part of education.
    First, homework helps students practice what they’ve learned in class. When students work on homework, they can go over things like math problems or writing exercises that they studied during the day. This practice helps them understand the material better and remember it for longer. For example, if you learn how to multiply in class, doing extra problems at home will make you even better at it. Homework makes sure that what you learn in school stays fresh in your mind.
    Moreover, homework helps students develop important skills that are useful in life. One of these skills is time management. Students need to plan when to do their homework, especially if they have other activities or chores. This teaches them how to use their time wisely. Homework also helps students learn how to be patient and keep going when they face challenges. This is something that helps not only in school but also in everyday life, like getting things done at work or at home.
    Furthermore, homework teaches students responsibility. When students do their homework, they are taking charge of their learning. They learn that it is up to them to finish their assignments and do their best. This makes students more independent and teaches them to be proud of their hard work. Responsibility is an important skill that helps students do well in school and in life.
    In conclusion, homework should not be banned because it helps students practice what they’ve learned, teaches important life skills, and encourages responsibility. While homework should be fair and not too much, it is still an important part of learning. By doing homework, students get better at subjects, learn how to manage their time, and become more responsible.

    Should schools ban mobile phones?

    In today’s world, mobile phones are a big part of our lives, and many students bring them to school. However, some people think that schools should ban mobile phones. While there are both good and bad sides to this, I believe banning mobile phones would be a good idea for several reasons.
    First, mobile phones can be a huge distraction. Many students use their phones to play games, watch videos, or text friends during class. This takes away from their learning time and can make it harder to focus on lessons. By banning phones, students would have to pay more attention to their studies and would be less likely to get distracted by their devices.
    Second, mobile phones can lead to problems like bullying. Some students use their phones to send mean messages or post hurtful things online. This can make other students feel upset or even scared. If phones were banned, there would be fewer chances for this kind of bullying to happen at school.
    Finally, banning phones could encourage students to talk to each other face-to-face, which is important for building friendships and social skills. If everyone is constantly on their phones, they might miss out on making new friends or connecting with others.
    Of course, there are some good reasons to have mobile phones at school, like contacting parents in case of an emergency. But, with the right rules in place, schools can find a balance where phones are used only when necessary.
    In conclusion, banning mobile phones at school would help students focus on learning, reduce bullying, and encourage better social interactions. It could make school a more enjoyable and productive place for everyone.

  6. Homework Should Be Banned
    Imagine coming home after a long school day, exhausted, only to be greeted by piles of homework. Instead of relaxing or spending time with family, students are forced to continue working. Homework should be banned because it causes unnecessary stress, takes away from personal development, and does not always improve learning.
    Firstly, homework increases stress and anxiety. Many students already feel pressure from tests, classwork, and extracurricular activities. Adding hours of homework on top of this can lead to burnout and even health problems like lack of sleep. According to studies, too much homework has been linked to higher stress levels in students, making it harder for them to concentrate and perform well.
    Secondly, homework takes away from personal development. After-school time should be used for hobbies, exercise, and spending time with family and friends. These activities help students develop important life skills such as teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving. Students who are constantly stuck doing homework miss out on these valuable experiences.
    Finally, homework does not always improve learning. Many students rush through assignments just to finish them, rather than actually understanding the material. In class, teachers provide guidance, but at home, students may struggle without help. This can lead to frustration and confusion, making homework less effective than proper classroom learning.
    In conclusion, homework should be banned because it adds stress, takes away time for personal growth, and is not always beneficial for learning. Schools should focus on improving lessons during the day instead of giving extra work at home. It’s time to rethink education and give students the balance they deserve!

  7. Mobile Phones Should Be Banned at School
    Imagine a classroom where students are supposed to be learning, but instead, their eyes are glued to their phones. Lessons are ignored, teachers are frustrated, and education suffers. Mobile phones should be banned at school because they are a major distraction, reduce face-to-face communication, and can be used unfairly during tests. While some argue that phones can be useful for learning, the negative effects far outweigh the benefits.
    Firstly, mobile phones are a huge distraction. Instead of focusing on lessons, students are often tempted to check social media, play games, or text friends. Even if a phone is on silent, notifications can still grab attention and make it harder to concentrate. Studies have shown that students who frequently use phones in class tend to have lower grades because they miss important information. Teachers also waste valuable time trying to get students to put their phones away, which disrupts the whole class. Without phones, students would be able to focus better and get the most out of their education.
    Secondly, mobile phones reduce real social interaction. Schools are not just about academic learning—they are also about building friendships and developing communication skills. However, when students are constantly staring at their screens, they miss out on making real connections. At break times, instead of talking and playing together, many students sit in silence, scrolling through their phones. This prevents them from improving important social skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and empathy. If phones were banned, students would be encouraged to engage with each other, strengthening their friendships and communication abilities.
    Finally, mobile phones can be used unfairly during tests. Some students might use them to cheat by searching for answers online or texting classmates. This is not only dishonest but also unfair to those who study hard and follow the rules. Schools aim to prepare students for the real world, where integrity and hard work are essential. If cheating becomes a habit, it could lead to problems in the future. By banning phones, schools can ensure that tests are fair for everyone and that students develop a strong work ethic.
    In conclusion, mobile phones should not be allowed in schools because they distract students, reduce face-to-face communication, and encourage cheating. Education is meant to prepare young people for the future, and spending hours staring at a screen will not help them develop the skills they need. Instead of relying on phones, students should focus on learning, socializing, and making the most of their school experience. Schools should be a place for education, not endless scrolling!

  8. Xavier Serravalle

    – Should Homework be banned?
    Yes, homework should be banned. Homework is crushing and suffocating students’ joy of learning and their wasting their time. Homework creates relentless stress, leaving students feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and the verge of burn out. After hours of school, students are forced to sit on desks again, staring at assignments that pile on more pressure, leading to sleepless nights and heightens anxiety. This isn’t education – it’s torture. How much longer will we allow this to destroy our children’s mental health.
    Homework robs students of the time they need to grow, their creativity and to just simply be normal kids. Instead of enjoying playtime, activities, hobbies and time with family, they’re buried in homework. Life outside the classroom is as important and crucial as in it. Without homework, students would reclaim their time, their creativity, their balance and their emotional well-being.
    The injustice of homework is obvious. Students from less privileged backgrounds often lack resources making it harder for them to succeed. Banning homework would make things more equal where every student can advance based on class effort.
    It’s time to reject the use of outdated practises. We must act now to create an education system that nurtures our children, not burden them. Now homework must be banned.

    Yes, schools must ban mobile phones. These devices, initially designed to connect us, are now eroding the very foundations of education. In classrooms, students have their attention sucked in to the hypnotic lure of the blue screen. This constant distraction swallows up hour upon hour of learning time and robs students of meaningful and real-life connections. How much longer will we allow phones to plunder students of their potential?
    The classroom should be a place for growth, not a battleground against distractions – constant notifications, social media, and games are diminishing students focus and engagement with school material.
    Mobile phones also open the door to a darker side: cyberbullying. The anonymity of online platforms enables harmful behaviour, causing emotional distress and insecurity among students. By banning phones, we can create a safer, healthier environment for students to learn and thrive, free from the toxicity of the digital world.
    Furthermore, phones stunt vital social development. Students spend more time behind screens than interacting with their peers, hindering their ability to communicate face-to-face and form meaningful connections.
    Lastly, phones deepen inequality. Students from wealthier backgrounds often have access to the latest devices, creating an unfair divide. Banning phones ensures a level playing field, where every student is focused on what matters most: their education.
    It’s time for a change. Let’s ban mobile phones in schools and give students the space to succeed, learn, and grow.

  9. Should Homework Be Banned In School?
    Imagine arriving home on a blistering hot day, yearning for a comfortable lie on your couch, only to be greeted by mounds and mounds of homework sheets. Think about the despair of going through each and every one, only to realise that none match your dreams and pursuits, and all of them taunt you by ridding you of free time and your mental wellbeing, all three pivotal reasons why homework should be banned in schools.

    Firstly, for a child trying to devote time and effort to passions such as music or robotics, piles of homework rid you of the time required. This shows that children cannot chase their dreams as they are being encouraged to, and when they do have the spare time, the uncompleted homework will linger on their mind, eliminating the chance of a productive session. A fix for this would be to tailor-make each student’s homework to their strengths, weaknesses and passions.

    Secondly, children could miss out on many opportunities such as playing sports with their friends because you are required to aimlessly sit and finish homework. When surveyed, students claimed that on average it takes them 3-4 hours to complete homework tasks, ruining people’s time to enjoy themselves or exercise, which can lead to people being unfit. A solution would be to either provide less homework than now, or spread the homework over the course of the week rather than individual days.

    Thirdly, since homework takes so long to complete, this can lead to isolation from the outside world while doing tasks. Furthermore, this could end up leading to depression in students and young adolescents. Homework also tends to linger on people’s minds when not completed, reducing mental wellbeing and during class, your focus might not be on the teacher, but on the sheet of homework you forgot to give in.

    All in all, homework is a task that should be banned or mended, as it undermines the purpose of school by blocking students from chasing their dreams and passions, rids students of free time that could be used to catch up with friends or exercise and stay fit.

    Should smartphones be banned in school?
    Imagine the ominous glare of the sleek, obsidian smartphone harming your fatigued eyes while the hazardous ringing and buzzing rids you of your longed good night’s sleep. This is the harsh reality of owning a smartphone, exacerbated by the effects of one in school. It rids you of the many mental strategies that you require, steals your creativity and opens the gateway to being bullied, both online and offline, three pivotal reasons why I believe smartphones should be banned in schools.

    Firstly, various apps like social media are quite infamous for reducing people’s attention span. In fact, the average human attention span is 8 seconds, from 12 seconds in 2000. This is surprisingly less than the 9 second attention span of a goldfish! This is made worse by the loss of important cognitive abilities and mental strategies, as today’s standard smartphones have apps that could do them for you.

    Secondly, recent innovations such as Artificial Intelligence steals your creativity. AIs like ChatGPT and Gemini are able to think for themselves, solve problems and create images and videos, making skills and passions like art, coding, filmmaking and maths useless today. This could lead to people who would like to develop their skills lead to depression, as they realise their skills aren’t required anymore.

    Thirdly, smartphones in schools open the gateway to being bullied. In owning a smartphone, people could get bullied online through cyberbullying and people could judge other people’s phones by their colour or model, streaming from jealousy and envy. Without phones, people could be bullied for being the odd one out in not owning one.

    All in all, a solution that restores mental abilities, unleashes creativity and removes various forms of bullying is to ban smartphones in school.

  10. Joseph Ticinovic

    Q1– Should Homework be banned?
    Imagine not being able to remember anything you did at school, having too much time on your hands and feeling like you’re not getting anywhere in life. These are some side-effects of not doing homework. My three reasons why we all should do homework is it will help us to remember what we did at school, keep a child busy and homework will prepare children for life.
    To start off, one reason why all children should do homework is because it will lead to children remembering what they did at school that day. You see, children must revise things again and again to learn. To back up my point, recent studies have shown that children who revise what they’ve learnt have a better education then children who don’t. I would try to pass a treaty, ensuring that all children do their homework, leading to improved learning.
    Additionally, if children didn’t do homework, it could lead to too much time on the child’s hands. You see, a side-effect from having too much spare time is that children may get bored, leading to them doing unwise activities. Studies have shown that children who don’t have a lot to do often find activities that will hinder their growth. This leads onto my third point.
    Lastly, all children should do homework because it will prepare them for their work. You see, many jobs require you to do work outside of trading hours. Some examples are building, accounting, etc. If children don’t get used to it, they will not be ready for it in their job life. Imagine being grumpy, annoyed and angry that you must do work outside of trading hours. This will be a reality of many people if they don’t do homework.
    In conclusion, my three reasons why we all should do homework is that it will help us to remember what we did at school, keep a child busy and homework will prepare children for life.

    Imagine being distracted, not focused, tempted and bored. These are some side-effects of having cell phones in school. My three reasons why no school should allow phones is that it will stop children from talking to each other, lead to distractions and it could be used as a device to cheat.
    To start, children shouldn’t be allowed to use phones at school because it will lead to the children not socialising. They will not talk to each other as they are absorbed by the screen in front of them. To back this up, recent studies have shown that around 20% of school kids can’t talk to each other, partly due to a lot of screen time. To stop this from happening, I would create lockers that lock phones inside so the children can’t use them during school times.
    Additionally, children get distracted a lot, right? If children and teens have phones in school time, they may get distracted from it due to messages, etc. Recent studies suggest that around 40% of students find it hard to concentrate as it is, but it increases to 75% when phones are introduced. If children had phones, they would be distracted, not focused and tempted. Who wants that?
    Lastly, no school should allow students to have a phone because they may be tempted to cheat. Cheating is already a big problem in schools and mobile phones will make it an even bigger problem. Studies have shown that around 65% of teens report that other students use phones to cheat. That’s so much! If children and teens use their phones, they will become guilty and will get used to lie.
    In conclusion, my three reasons why no children should use cell phones are that it will stop children from talking to each other, lead to distractions and it could be used as a device to cheat.

  11. Week 6 homework

    Have you ever tried to talk to your friends, but they are, once again, attracted to the addictive glare of the mobile phone? Although this is a controversial and widely debated topic, I fervently believe that mobile phones should be banned from all schools. This is because they are addictive distractions, they are bad for eyesight, and are not used in school for honest purposes. Therefore, in my earnest opinion, it is evident that schools should ban mobile phones.

    To begin with, phones should be banned because they are addictive distractions. Have you ever been trying to pay attention to the teacher, or doing a test, when you hear the obnoxious ringing of a phone? Then, to make matters worse, the offending student leisurely strolls in between the desks, ignoring the scandalised looks of he or she’s peers and teacher. They then dig around in their bag, pull out the latest model of phone, that cost two million dollars too many and is bedazzled with thousands of dirty, puffy stickers, and, ignoring the stares of everyone in the room, begins talking loudly into the blank screen. Moreover, the call is usually of a concerned, yet foolish parent checking to see how their child is doing at their seventh year at school. Doesn’t everyone want to have peace and quiet while recreating?

    Furthermore, phones should be be banned because they are bad for eyesight. Picture this: the start of the school day, everyone bright eyed and cheery as the school bell rings its daily chorus. Nothing wrong with that picture, right? Except EVERYONE IS ON THEIR PHONES. Now picture the end of the day. Students have red, glassy eyes and hunched backs. Cockatoos flap dismally overhead, screeching and eating abandoned lunch on the grass. What is in common with these two visualisations? EVERYONE IS ONE THIER PHONES. Why are the students’ eyes glassy? Same answer. On average, we blink about 15 times a minute. However, when we are attracted to the eye-watering glare of our phones, that number is sliced in half. Doesn’t everyone want to have healthy eyes?

    Finally, phones should be banned because they are almost never used in school for honest purposes. Whether it be doom scrolling on TikTok to playing Super Smash Bros, phones are infrequently used for honest purposes. Have you ever done something nice for your class, like give chocolates out on your birthday? The teacher back momentarily turns to the whiteboard. As if she flicked a switch, everyone is on their phones, whispering to one another or staring intensely at their pocket-sized gaming consoles and dragging their weathered thumbs across the screen. This is very common in schools across the globe. Doesn’t everyone want to have a normal, engaging attitude when learning?

    In conclusion, it is insurmountably clear that phones should be banned in school. This is because they are addictive distractions, they are bad for eyesight, and are not used in school for honest purposes. Therefore, in my opinion, it is abundantly clear that phones should be banned in schools.

  12. -Should Homework be banned?

    Imagine being at home, you have nothing to do, no homework and you already spent hours playing games. How would you feel, how would your eyes feel? This is the cause of too much screen time, because you or your child is bored and they have no homework to work on. Too much screen time could cause a lot of bad things to happen such as Myopia. Another reason is that your children could get depressed and lose sleep about it. Also as many people know that if you are bored and don’t have anything to do, you complain. This is why I believe homework should not be banned.

    Firstly, homework is used as a distraction that adults use to distract their children away from their screens. Parents don’t want their children to get Myopia (short-sightedness) or Hyperopia (long-sightedness). So they tend to ask ‘Have you done your homework?’ or ‘Where is your homework?’ That is why homework should continue.

    Secondly, if you spend too much time sitting slumped on the couch staring into the distance. There is a chance that you could get depressed. And stay like that for pretty much for the rest of your lives. Wake up drag yourselves out of bed, eat in your room, go to bed and so on and on. You wouldn’t want that to happen? Would you?

    Last but not least, you don’t actually want to complain to your parents all day, would you? Everyone knows that if you whinge and whine and complain you might get smacked and spanked and… you get the point. Who would want that? I wouldn’t. So still, I strongly believe homework should not be banned.

    In conclusion, if you ban homework you might want to become an Optometrist, because a lot of people will be going to spend their afternoons glued to the screen. My reasons why we should not ban home work is that you might get eye problems, depressed, or even spanked. So I would say, i definitely believe homework should not be banned.

  13. dineshaggarwal13yahoo-com

    Are mobile friends our best friends or are they a backstabbing adversary. Imagine the feeling when you’re deep in concentration in your test and suddenly your phone rings, shattering your focus. Since mobile phones were introduced the common question of Should Mobile Phones Be Allowed in School has been brought up numerous times.
    Mobile phones bring lots of comparison, kids with older models or no phone at all often get bullied for being “poor or hated”. Parents feel the envy in their kids’ eyes and opt to buy their kids newer phones becoming a financial burden.
    Talking about finance, mobile phones aren’t cheap. They average from 700 dollars all they way to 2000 dollars, the latest models pushing even that price. With this expense, they could spend it on their kids’ learning or co-curricular activities. Phones are usually in scenarios where kids must take a long bus ride, or they must spend some parts of the day isolated because of their parent’s job etc.
    Finally, as kids have less time to study being on their mobile phones and the expense of it, students often cheat on their tests’ using their smartphones. Not only are they wasting money, by also losing values of integrity and damaging their learning. Schools should remove smartphones so that teachers know that what the students shows in their tests is what they are capable of.
    Smartphones should remove during school hours, so that kids don’t feel jealous, it doesn’t become a financial strain, and so students don’t cheat. If your using a smartphone during school hours for unnecessary reason like chatting and cheating, stop this habit and use your own brain.

    Imagine, after a restless night you have to wake up early. You barely got through the school day and now you just want to relax at home. Except no, you still have homework to do. Wouldn’t you rather have fun and do something to get your body moving? If homework is banned, then students won’t be so stressed trying to fit it into their schedule and students will be able to concentrate more.
    It is imperative that homework should be banned because if students don’t have to stay up late at night, doing their homework when they could be getting lots of rest then a lot of problems could be solved. Many people say that pushing school times later would improve a lot of things, whereas if homework is banned then schools wouldn’t have to have later start times, they could just not have homework. Students spend most of their afternoon doing homework, which can keep them up late and then they will be so tired and won’t be able to concentrate the next day. Therefore, homework should definitely be banned because it can improve students ability to concentrate during the school day.
    I strongly believe that another reason why homework should be banned is that homework can cause a lot of stress for the students and the teachers. Students have to find ways to do their homework while having other activities, which can cause them to forget and then get into a lot of trouble. It would also make things easier for the teachers if homework was banned because teachers spend a lot of their time marking homework which can take up a lot of time because they’re not just marking one person’s work, there marking around 20 or more!
    In conclusion, homework should be banned because students will be able to concentrate more, and it can lift a lot of stress off of the students and teachers.


    Imagine this: an exhausted child staring blankly at a mountain of homework, their youthful spark dimming with every equation and essay. The merciless grip of endless homework shatters their dreams of playing outside, pursuing hobbies, or even enjoying nature. Do we truly believe that chaining students to desks for hours after school fosters learning, or are we just manufacturing stress, anxiety, and burnout? As we force the future of our society down this path, we must ask ourselves; are we preparing them for the future, or robbing them of their childhood? It is imperative that we abolish homework – and take down the weighted chains that have shackled modern students for so long.

    First and foremost, it is essential that we ban homework because it cultivates academic and physical burnout. As we fill student’s desks up with assignments, tests and essays – we give them no time to relax and process the knowledge. Even as they head home, a place of serenity and an escape from school, they drag along bags packed with homework and revisions. If we keep on placing excessive pressure and an overflow of new information, it will wear them out – taking a toll on their academic performance and physical state. Wasn’t the purpose of homework to help students learn? Instead, it acts as a burdening weight; always stuffing their minds with new knowledge before they can digest any information. The workload and academic pressure placed upon students can also take a toll on their attitude and mental state. Too much work can cause stressful and traumatic experiences – and the constant supervision on their grades and whether they hand homework in on time can force a negative attitude towards many subjects; inadvertently promoting students to regard studying as a mere chore and not an opportunity for growth. It is undeniable that we should ban homework.

    Furthermore, banning homework could relieve burdening stress and anxiety. It is not uncommon to see students frantically scrambling to finish assignments and overdue homework within the school schedules, many of whom are under the overarching hand of stress. Removing homework could make life significantly easier for children, easing their schedules and releasing their mental burdens. Without the pressure of homework, many students would be able to enjoy their childhood to the fullest and make their youth worth the time. It is obvious now that we should abolish homework.

    Lastly, banning homework can allow time for meaningful pursuits. Removing homework would free up hours of free time, many of which could be used to pursue children’s hobbies, dreams, and passions. These excess hours can help students rest properly and process information, as well as allow them to follow and study in their respective fields, which is clearly more useful than homework for an irrelevant subject. These hobbies and passions could go on to change their lives, and even potentially revolutionise society. Undoubtedly, we should ban homework.

    In conclusion, homework is an outdated burden that stifles creativity, fuels stress, and robs students of their childhood. Instead of enhancing learning, it overwhelms them with relentless pressure, turning education into a tiresome obligation rather than a journey of discovery. By abolishing homework, we can free students from unnecessary stress, allowing them to rest, pursue their passions, and truly absorb knowledge without being drowned in assignments. Learning should inspire, not exhaust – it’s time to ban homework and return students to their childhood.

  16. Week 6 Writing Homework – Kaitlin
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    Writing Homework: Write a persuasive piece on the topics below

    – Should schools ban mobile phones?
    Envision a student strolling leisurely across a highway, busy typing a message on her phone, unaware of an oncoming car. Then, in the blink of an eye, scarlet blood is oozing across the street and sirens are slicing through the air; someone walks by and realises it is their daughter that has been hit, their legs crumpling under them as they fall down to the blood-soaked body. Mobile phones are a threat to students, thus making it evident for schools to ban them. They are a source of distraction, an over-reliant device and breaches health balance.
    The overriding presence of mobile phones in a school environment connotes a crucial contradiction: phones, a major distractor, are allowed in a space that has been designed specifically for the pleasure of learning. With the advance of social media on countless phones, even minor distractions can set student minds meandering for miles. A study by Havard reveals that students who were watching social media or playing on their devices while trying to complete an assignment scored 40% worse in tests due to the lack of concentration. After a test and going home, you can see those students having a silent tantrum in their bed, a quiet mind-torturing devil comes out from the cupboards.
    Additionally, electronic devices are mind-controlling tablets that encourage children into mindless couch potatoes, stuffing away family sized packs of potato chips and hanging out at the pub. The idealised result of devices is not a reality for students who desperately want to pursue a career as a millionaire. Phones are an oxymoron depicted in many studies but in reality, a devil that develops brain rot in many students.
    Last but not least, the health of our future generations are a key to the survival of our species, ‘Homo Sapiens.’ Our health balance, a key thing to a prolonged life, if easily maintained without an electronic device at hand. With an electronic device, it is just another process of brain rot. The National Library of Medicine reveals the undermining health issues that phones can cause – cancer, dizziness, sleep disturbances, neck pain, digital eye strain and other effects that contribute to the demise of our future generations.
    Ultimately, the presence of phones in schools should be prohibited. A major source of distraction that draws attention away from their work. A devil that controls minds into becoming couch potatoes. A system that ignores our future generation’s health. So go now, and ask your school to boycot the presence of phones now.

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