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Week 2 Writing Homework

Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

Interview Questions (100 words each)
1. What does being a good student mean to you?
2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

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52 thoughts on “Week 2 Writing Homework”

  1. Continue the story homework – 1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.

  2. 1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.

    Real homework:

  3. Continue the story homework – 1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. Trying again in incognito

  4. Continue the story homework – 1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. The jar had a texture of ruptured glass, and made unintelligible noises as if there were thousands of souls inside of it. Lucas pried open the lid, and reached for the jaundiced note. Screeching echoes breached the universal fabric of space-time, and the message blurred. The frayed parchment had anachronistic and serpentine letters that moved as Lucas’s gaze drifted away. On the other side was a picture of some sort that resembled a map, the labels unidentified.

    Lucas’s hands were magnetically pulled towards the map, and as soon as they were engulfed, his legs were being pulled as well. Lucas tried to scurry to the sea, but the map was relentless, and misdirected Lucas’s power. He was in a perpetually white void, where his consciousness was bidding farewell, and his mind ran blank. He was standing in a reverberating graveyard, eternally waiting for a redemption attempt. Someone else’s life would be traded for Lucas’s, and Lucas could escape his tomb. He recalled the Daily Newspaper, the headlines talking about the mysterious reappearance of a man lost 23 years ago, in the exact same shore he was in. That was the present. Lucas was in the past.

  5. If I ever witness someone being bullied, I will not hesitate to stand up for them. I know firsthand how bullying can affect someone, as I experienced it on my very first day of school. The impact of that experience has stayed with me for a long time, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Bullying can drain a person’s energy, optimism, and hope for the future, creating negative repercussions that extend beyond school and into online spaces and the workplace.
    To combat this, I encourage others to become “upstanders.” An upstander is someone who actively supports those being bullied, channeling their energy in sports, class, and daily life. They choose to stay optimistic and remain hopeful about their dreams and the future.
    I have a passion for helping others become upstanders. Many have expressed their gratitude, but I always respond in the same way: “I helped you find your energy, optimism, and hope. In return, all I ask is that you choose not to become a bully or a victim.”

    1. scholarlywritingfeedbackgmail-com


      Please specify if this writing is part of your interview answers. If it is, please submit your full responses here for us to review.

  6. What does be a good student mean to you?

    In my opinion I think being a good student must have self-control and joy of learning. My first quality is self-control this quality is very important. For example, say a student was in a class and a teacher asked a question a student with no self-control would blurt out the answer but a student with self-control will raise their hand and wait for them to be called. My second quality would be Joy of learning. Joy of learning is important because

    What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?

    I would ask the bullied person how he/she was feeling and if there was anything to do to help. I would also stand up to the bully with friends because it is easier to stop bullying with friends. If everything fails, I will tell a trusted adult like mum, dad or a teacher.

    If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

    I would want to meet Stephan Hawking because even though he had a long-lasting disease still managed to become the smartest person in the world. The question I would ask him would be how he got so smart even with everything taken from him.

  7. Write a narrative for each using multi-dimensional character (200 words each) :
    1. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.

    Lucas’ large awkward hands perspired in the heat as he stared at the aged coarse note from the bottle in complete perplexity. He had no idea what the strange words meant and his brow furrowed in confusion. After a few minutes Lucas decided that he would bring it back to his house and maybe find someone that could tell him what it said or what language it was in.

    When Lucas arrived back at his house, he placed the bottle with the note in it gently in his cupboard. Then he went back out to find his friend, Jack, who could speak over six different languages and who was the most knowledgeable person he knew when it came to translating different languages. He found Lucas at his house and they walked back to Lucas’ house together. When they got back to his house Lucas went upstairs and opened the cupboard. Except the bottle was not there! Had someone taken it?

    Lucas sped back down the stairs and found Jack waiting for him. “Well? Where is this message?”Jack said impatiently,”it… it’s gone!” Lucas explained how his bottle had completely disappeared from his cupboard. At that moment his mother walked into the room holding the bottle itself! She said that she had seen Lucas bring it to his room and that she had decided to clean it. Lucas almost laughed at how ridiculous of an explanation it was. Jack said that he would have to see the bottle later as he had to go back to his house for lunch now. His mother gave him the bottle and went out to do some gardening.

    Suddenly Jack heard someone knocking on the blue wooden front door. With the bottle in his hand he opened the door. A strange cloaked towering man was standing outside. He had something long and blunt in his hand and in a flash he brang it down on Jack’s head and the everything went black. When he woke up, his mother was shaking him. She said that he had been unconscious when she had found him and that he had been like this for three whole hours. She also said that the house had been robbed and many of their precious items had been stolen. It was only when he got up that Lucas realised that the bottle was gone.

    When Lucas finally was able to walk again though a bit unsteadily he realised two things. Firstly his head ached tremendously and he found a small piece of paper lying beside him on the floor. After looking at it for a few seconds he realised that the tiny thing was a contact paper. It had the name Angus Dof and his address 1 Las Street. The man in the picture had the same figure as the cloaked robber. So he went over to his house with his mother and knocked on the door. From there he threatened the man to call the police if he did not give him all of the things back immediately. He refused saying that he had not done anything so they called the police and they searched through his possessions and found all the belongings inside his house. Then they took him away and Lucas had his bottle back along with all the precious belongings that had been stolen.

    2. Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    Liam woke up at two to twelve at night like usual to watch the stars flicker off. Liam had chosen for his soft comfortable bed to be right next to the open window just for this reason. The stars would flicker off any minute now. Just as he thought this the lights suddenly disappeared and his room went into darkness. Liam was so used to this but he still the thrill spreading through his veins every night when everything went dark for a minute.

    When the stars flickered back into existence Liam was able to snuggle back into his bed and fall asleep once more. The next morning Liam woke up and told his parents that he had seen the lights flicker off for a minute once again that night. His parents did not believe him though and told him that he had most likely just dreamt of it. Liam eventually got tired of having to tell them that it was not a dream and got annoyed with them so he stormed off to the bus stop to get to school.

    It was not really any different at school for Liam though. No one ever believed that every night he saw the lights flicker out of existence for a minute. He tried to convince them during class every day but he knew they never really believed him even if they nodded along with his explanations. Today Liam tried once more and they mechanically gave grunts of agreement while he was speaking. Suddenly, Liam realised that the teacher had stopped speaking and everyone was looking at him. With a start Liam realised that the teacher was right in front of him and looking down at him. She told him that he would have an afternoon detention tomorrow for always talking in class and telling lies. Liam fumed, now he knew that no matter what he needed evidence to show everyone before tomorrow.

    So when he got home that night Liam quickly ate dinner and grabbed his father’s camera and ran upstairs to his bedroom. Except once he got in bed he felt absolutely energised and awake. Liam tossed and turned for what must have been hours although it felt like years and then finally he succumbed to the comforting wave of sleep. The next morning Liam woke up re-energized and refreshed after sleeping deeply. Suddenly it all came back to him and in horror, he realised that he had slept through the disappearance of the stars. Yesterday he had declared that he would have proof today and he did not! What could he do?
    Liam dreaded every step as he entered through the school gates. There was a group of students waiting for him at the gates and they rushed to meet him. Slowly Liam started to try to explain but then the students started shouting over him and said that they had tried it themselves and seen it as well. The group and Liam rushed over to the teacher and one person had even recorded it on his camera. So the teacher had to believe them and now everyone agreed with him and he no longer had an afternoon detention.

    Interview Questions (100 words each)
    1. What does being a good student mean to you?

    For me, being a good student means a lot of things to me. Firstly, being a good student means to be curious and interested in the work and the subjects that you are learning about. This is because if you are not interested in the work that you are learning about then you will most likely not learn very much, pay attention or try very hard. Similarly, if you are not inquisitive then you will never ask any questions or find out anything during class at all. A good student is also always striving to be the best versions of themselves and always trying to make their friends feel welcome at the school. When you try to be the best version of yourself then you will try to make the best choices during class. Also when you treat your friends badly then they may experience negative emotions and not be able to concentrate during class. So you should always try to make your friends feel welcome at school. These are all the qualities that I believe a good student should have.

    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?

    When I see someone being treated unfairly I would always try to take the best actions to help them. First I would ask what the problem was about. I would try to be as neutral in the topic as I could so that I could see the reasons for both of the sides of the conflict. Then I would try to find a way around it so that the solution is fair to both sides. For example, when I was in Year Four I saw one of my classmates crying. I asked him what had happened and he told me that a group of students had not allowed him to play with him. So I went over to the group and asked why they had not let him play. I listened carefully and without forming an opinion of who was right and then I tried to find a way around their problem. In the end I decided that he should be allowed to play with the group but if he broke any more rules he would not be allowed to play with the group again.

    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

    If I could meet any historical figure, I would choose to meet Captain James Cook. This is because he was the man who discovered Australia eighteen years before the First Fleet arrived. If I could meet him I would ask him, that if he had foreseen all the racism, injustice and hurt that would happen to the Aboriginals would he have not called Australia a Terra Nullius? This is because if Captain Cook had not came back to England and claimed that there were barely any inhabitants of Australia and not considered them real ‘people’ then the First Fleet would most likely have been more respectful to the Aboriginals or may not have come at all. This would have meant that the Aboriginals would most likely have gone on living without having to endure all that happened to them because of the British.

  8. On the last day of summer, Lucas unearthed a glass jar buried deep in the sand. Inside, he found a wrinkled sheet of paper, the edges torn and water-stained as if it had survived a shipwreck. The words scrawled on it were unmistakably handwritten but in a language entirely unfamiliar to him.

    Curious, Lucas turned his attention to the jar. Its lid was etched with cryptic symbols, and the glass itself was coated in a brittle, crystalline layer, catching the sunlight in fractured rainbows. He furrowed his brow, holding both the paper and the jar close, his mind racing with possibilities. Without hesitation, he slipped them into his worn leather duffle bag and sprinted back to the beachside apartment he had rented for the summer. His sandals scraped against the sand, and cold waves lapped at his heels as if urging him onward.

    When he reached the apartment, the air inside felt still, almost expectant. He heard an odd, muffled sound coming from the duffle bag, like a faint hum or whisper. Heart pounding, Lucas placed the bag on his small, weathered couch and unzipped it. To his astonishment, the paper was glowing—a dazzling, bioluminescent blue that pulsed softly in the dim light of the room.

    With trembling hands, he lifted the paper. As he held it up, the ink on the page began to shift and shimmer, lifting off the surface like smoke. The words floated into the air, twisting and swirling until they arranged themselves on the ceiling in glowing script:

    “Aleir Hiale Exselsior de Reminio Ladier Ouh le Sae.”

    Lucas froze, his breath caught in his chest. Slowly, the words rearranged themselves, morphing into English:
    “All hail Exselsior of Reminio, omnipotent leader of the seas.”

    His knuckles turned white as he clenched the paper, his mind battling between wonder and fear. What did this mean? Who—or what—was Exselsior? And why had this message found its way to him?

    The glow began to fade, leaving the room in silence. But Lucas knew one thing for sure: the jar and its message held secrets beyond his understanding, and he was determined to uncover them—no matter the cost.

  9. Lucas and the glass jar:

    It was the last day of summer and Lucas had the usually bustling beach all to himself. The air smelt pungent with sea salt and the waves seemed to glimmer in the fading light. The weary sun was smiling down towards him with its crimson and orange hues painted upon the clear white canvas. The usually active beach was now only rippling quietly as if he was muttering what he was going to do tomorrow. Lucas felt a weird feeling of alienation, civilization seemed to pause around him. The streets hushed, the traffic lessened and the world stopped for the last day of summer.

    He paid no attention and kept his meticulously hands at work, digging and stacking sand. Through the endless supply of sand grains, he finished the last sandcastle just to see it crumble into a useless pile of sand when his hand felt something oddly smooth and solid. His mind perplexed as it wasn’t a rock, or a shell but rather a small glass jar. Who could have left this? A subtle scraping sound was heard when he dug around the perimeter of the jar, the last ray of daylight casting irregular shadows before disappearing behind the dark eerie night. His heart pounded as he slowly and carefully unscrew the small metallic lid of the jar with a small neat folded piece of paper. The note was covered in strange straight lines growing out of nowhere from the page and shimmered as if they had a life of their own. The dialect was extraneous, indecipherable and too strange for anything to comprehend but also too familiar to be a child’s work.

    Lucas shivered scanning the area around him expecting for someone to be watching him but there was nothing but the deafening silence that hung around him. The endless stretch of the wide broad ocean with its crashing waves gave hints of haunting whispers as they travelled through the calm zephyr.

    Liam and the stars:

    Every night, as if their was an alarm clock at midnight, the stars above the village would vanish for one full minute. A moment of pause the dark like the only light source in a room being shut down however, only Liam seemed to notice.

    He leaned against the fence of the veranda, a blanket loosely attached to his shoulders, his eyes fixed on heaven. As quick as a blink of an eye, the lights sharply closed. The village, sound asleep would never have seen it. However, Liam always did. For as long as his memory could take him. Liam had always enjoyed watching the elegant night skies shining beautifully every night. Despite their elegance, the stars always seemed to mutter mysterious words convincing Liam he didn’t truly understand their purpose.

    Liam’s father always use to say Liam thought too much and was over complicating things; he was chasing for answers that were never even existed. “The stars won’t provide answers to hunger or poverty.” his father would say with heavy regret and a tone of disappointment. Nevertheless, Liam just couldn’t shake the feeling that the small flicker wasn’t important. It felt and looked like a sign. A warning. Perhaps even an invitation. He was never too sure.

    Whatever the case was, Liam knew that the stars were trying to tell him something, and he just couldn’t stop listening.

    Interview questions

    1. What does being a good student mean to you?
    Being a good student is much more than just being the teachers pet or getting good grades. Being a good student means to never stop being curious from embracing challenges, to accepting failures. A good student will understand the material or the task and will ask questions about what to do which means they can use the knowledge learned to benefit their lives. This means they will be able to learn more because of their curiosity allowing them to not only enhance academic success, but also be able to interpret perspectives in the real worlds. For example, one day at school, I was very curious about AI and how it was going to impact our daily lives. I kept asking questions and being curious about the subject and after questioning my teacher at school, I researched online. This led to me having a thorough understanding of the impacts of AI.

    2. What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?
    I have a strong urge to help them and stand up for the bully as I feel like it is my duty to support students in younger grades to keep prospering in a safe environment at school. First, I try to understand the situation at hand and only intervene if necessary or reasonable. It could be as simple as having a conversation with the victim, provide a listening ear, or help them confront the bully. In those other situations where the bullying continues throughout every day after my confrontation, I will seek help from a trusted adult who can assist the situation. Fairness is a right everybody should have and isn’t privileged for certain people.

    3. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
    I would want to meet Marie Curie. Not only did she win a noble prize in chemistry, she also won a noble prize in physics involving creating radioactivity and naming two new elements; polonium and radium. Marie Curie was also an influential person as she stood up for her rights as a women and saving millions of lives because of her radioactivity discoveries. I would ask her how she had excelled at two difficult subjects under constant pressure from authorities because of her gender. I would also ask her how she could not only maintain a healthy life style but also squeeze in time for her scientific studies and experiments. In addition to those questions, I would also ask her what she will say to young children who have passion for chemistry but don’t know what to do because her achievement was far more superior than many other scientists that were stuck on the same path she took.

  10. What does being a good student mean to you?:
    To me, being a good student means willingness to ask questions when you need help. Repeatedly ask why or how until they understand it thoroughly and embrace challenges and look at them like they are opportunities for growth and understanding. But being a good student isn’t just about academics, it’s also about how they develop, their attitude and their mindset towards things, for example, striving to improve. Whether they are a good student or not also depends on how they treat other students. Therefore, being a good student is about being dedicated to both learning and contributing positively to the school community.
    What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?:
    When I see someone being treated unfairly, my first instinct is to observe carefully to understand the situation before taking action. If the person is standing up for themselves, I’ll let them handle it, as it’s important for people to learn how to defend themselves. However, if the situation involves physical contact or continues for a long time without the person defending themselves, I’ll step in. In those cases, I’ll try to protect them, teach them how to stand up for themselves, and remind everyone that violence isn’t an acceptable solution. My goal is always to promote fairness, respect, and peaceful resolution.
    If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?:
    If I could meet any historical figure I would meet Martin Luther King Jr, who was an activist and a leader in the American civil rights movements. I would ask him about the challenges he had faced during the civil rights movement and what had kept him motivated despite the dangers and difficulties. I would also ask what advice he would give to people who are fighting for their own rights right now. Martin Luther King Jr.’s perspective on fighting for rights may have a heavy impact on many people and may be able to change this world’s inequality.
    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand:
    The wind whispered through the beach, scattering the grains of sand in a swirling flurry, while carrying the salty scent of sea. The soft crashing of small sized waves soothed Lucas, as he walked along the shore with a big garbage bag in his hands.The soft, moist sand felt mushy, under the soles of Lucas’s feet. He had the beach all to himself, on the last day of summer.
    The beach was paradise to him, a serene haven where the golden sand met the azure waves, and the sound of nature whispered peace into his soul. The beach was somewhere where he could forget about his real life. Judgement was out the window as his ragged old torn out clothes looked like swimmers.
    Oh look, another one!
    Lucas’s hand reached out towards a glass bottle that was lying close to the water line. He carefully picked it up, noticing the faint outline of something inside, perhaps a message or just more debris from the relentless sea. The bottle’s smooth surface gleamed in the afternoon sun, as it infected the slight taste of mystery into the air.
    Lucas twisted the bottle cork open, and dumped out what seemed to be a note. It was written in a language Lucas didn’t understand but he swore he had seen it before, somewhere…
    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.
    It all started one restless night when Liam couldn’t sleep. Whenever he couldn’t find sleep, he would turn to the night sky, seeking comfort in the quiet, guiding presence of the stars above. Their steady twinkling always seemed to offer a sense of peace, a reminder that the world, despite its chaos, was vast and orderly. But on this particular night, something was different.
    Liam groaned as he shifted in his bed, trying to find a position that didn’t cause discomfort. His body felt like a heavy weight, unwilling to cooperate. Finally, he exhaled deeply and turned his gaze to the window. The endless stretch of stars gleamed back at him, their familiar twinkling calming him for a moment.
    But as he relaxed, something caught his eye. One by one, the stars blinked out, disappearing into nothingness. Liam’s heart skipped a beat. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, but the darkness around him remained. The stars were gone, and the silence in the night seemed somehow deeper, more profound. It lasted around one minute, and then, just as suddenly as it had started, the stars returned—twinkling like nothing had ever happened.
    Liam lay frozen, eyes wide, trying to process what he had just seen. What could cause the stars to vanish like that? Were they trying to tell him something?
    That night, Liam went to sleep with an overdose of thoughts.

  11. On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. The waves rippled onto the shore, aquamarine droplets spreading out in the immaculate, silky sand. A cacophony of children screaming came from the foreshore as an adult squirted water onto them. Surfers balanced on their boards as the slid down a mountain of water, their eyes focused with concentration and lips closed, not willing to let the salty sea water get in.

    Bob had come to the beach to relax his mind about the upcoming school term. He shivered every time he thought about going to a new school. His mind, a storm of thoughts and emotion, was unable to calm down in the upcoming days of the school term. He figured that going to the beach would be able to relax his mind into a state of tranquility, and after a few hours he was relaxed and serene, but after seeing the bottle, he felt tense all over again, as if the three hours he spent relaxing on the beach was no use at all.

    Taking a deep breath, Bob wiped the sweat off his hands and stared down the bottle. It was almost like the bottle was smirking at him, uncontrollably laughing at how he just wasted three hours for nothing. But Bob was also curious, even when he glared, he looked wistful, with anticipation building up, he had no choice but to open it. Inside it was a piece of paper tied to a tiny string that looked like it can from a bygone era. The paper itself, tea-stained and brown, dared Bob to open it and so he did, gently untying the knot and the paper itself opened up and fell onto his lap.

    It read: Only you can save me.

    And nothing else.

  12. Scholarship questions

    What does it mean to you to be a good student?
    Being a student isn’t just about being kind and loyal to a school its actually about caring about peoples feelings ,emotions its about being aware of the people around us not just being kind and supportive I strive everyday to maintain this standard for friends and even people who I don’t know So even if I have something important to do I can always make time for a person in need.

    What would you do if someone was treated badly?

    I would immediately spring to action temporarily stopping the injustice coming to the victim, then I would ask what happened and relay information from both sides and call a teacher once a teacher is there I would assess the situation at hand and decide for myself who is morally in the wrong and wait for the teacher to respond and come to a conclusion and then I would secure the conflict is over and comfort the victim.

    If you could meet any historical figure who would it be and what would you ask them?

    If I was to meet any historical figure I would choose Ghengis Khan (Leader of the Mongol Empire) because he was the most powerful person of his time and maybe even all time as he amassed one of the largest empires ever, becoming the leader of a world he had acquired and what he planned to do with the massive wealth and treasures gathered from his empire

    Unknown language jar:

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.
    He was just on the beach enjoying his last day of warm breezes and sunny blue skies before Autumn and decided for a swim in the ocean but suddenly he was tossed away by riptides like a prosecutor escorting a criminal the waves carried him to an unknown island…
    Lucas woke up by the annoying sound of a sea lion investigating him He felt very numb in the legs and noticed a small crab holding onto his leg.
    “Ugh! what is this crab doing here and where am I ?” Luca questioned looking like a clown with with seaweed hair on his head.
    He soon noticed a jar lying just in front of him “What is this?” He suddenly noticed there was a strange note written in an unknown language but out of nowhere the character started reshaping and made “The dawn of the equinox is near” Lucas knew exactly what happened he remembered that today was the summer solstice or the longest day of the year. He looked at the back of the note and saw there was another text saying “Return the note to the sun and return back”
    “What do you mean by that come on!” Then a golden portal surfaced with a mailbox, “It can’t be that easy?!”
    Then a booming voice came “Well it is!”
    Then Lucas took the note and placed it into the mailbox… Suddenly Lucas was transported to his home again “I wanted to be back at the beach come on!”
    “Well thats your challenge run to the beach and live your life.”
    “Come on!”

    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.

    Liam gazed out his window looking for a shooting star as he remembered the soft warm memories with his grandma learning about the stars while enjoying freshly made cookies even sometimes we would go out and camp eating warmly roasted marshmellows enjoying the scenery of the stars with a lovely homely campfire These were the times he yearned for because his grandmother used to say ” When i’m gone you will see me in the stars and I will wink at you to know it’s me”
    “But I don’t want you to go grandma”
    “Well everyone has there time Liam and I will have mine”
    Liam stared at the window again seeing the bright lights stop leaving an array of lights left which only showed Sagittarius.Suddenly Liam was fashbacked to a simpler time.
    “You see that star and those ones connect them and you see a pattern”
    “What pattern?”
    “Its Saggitarius and you know my birthday is coming up right?”
    “Yes so Sagitarius marks your birthday!”
    “Yes that is correct”
    Liam was pulled out of the memory to see the stars in the shape of his grandmother.

  13. **What do you think makes a good student?**

    I believe a good student should show responsibility, self-control, and kindness. Responsibility allows them to respect their peers and teachers, ensuring everyone feels valued, included, and having fun. Self-control is also an important trait a good student would show. It is about resisting yourself to do something negative to others or their items. Kindness is also important, and a way a student could show this could be by playing with lonely people at break times.

    **What do you do when you see someone being treated unfairly?**

    If I saw someone being treated unfairly such as if they were being bullied, I would confront the bully and tell them to stop. If the bully did not then I would report them to the teacher. Another example could be if a student is being cyber-bullied. If this was the case, I would comfort the victim of the bully, and report the bully to the teacher. believe that being an up-stander is very important as it makes the school learning environment more fun and encouraging.

    **If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?**

    If I could meet any historical figure from the past, I would choose to meet Marcus Aurelius. He was the former Roman emperor, and a stoic philosopher. He believed in living a virtuous life, focusing on the present, and accepting what you can’t control. I want to meet him so I can learn what he believes to live a more happy and efficient life. I would ask Marcus Aurelius, “How did you stay calm and wise amidst the challenges of leadership?”.

    **On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand.**

    On the last day of summer, Lucas found a glass jar buried in the sand, and inside was a message written in a language he couldn’t understand. The Jar had gone through a hurricane and was barely keeping its own shape. Lucas, being only eight had now clue what he was supposed to do with a old smashed up jar, so he threw it deep into the sea.

    About an hour later when he was digging a little hole in the sand, he found the same jar again. How was this happening? Lucas thought to himself. He only has one option, as he surreptitiously brought the bottle out of the sand, it was almost like the bottle was made for him. Lucas carefully lifted the ancient piece of of paper out, and examined it closely. To him it looked like it was ancient Egyptian, or some other old language. At school for history, Lucas was studying decrepit languages. He had no idea what it meant.

    Lucas thought he could use as a flag on top of his sand castle for an extra decoration, but suddenly the peace of paper turned into a flag. A full size flag! Lucas had no idea what was going on, but to him, he thought he could control this magical note. He thought of a surf board, and suddenly he found a brand new surf board right next to him!

    Lucas had found a priceless document that he later found out to be from the planet Mars!

    **Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice.**

    Every midnight, the stars above the village flickered off for exactly one minute, but only Liam seemed to notice. Liam would lie in bed nightly, and watch as the stars seemed to be extinguished just for that one minute. Liam was to scared to tell his parents, that they would embarrass and make fun of him. No one in the whole village saw the anomaly, and this infuriated Liam. Was his imagination playing games on him, or was this really happening.

    It would get worse and worse, like a candle wick slowly running out, until one day when the once blinking, burning bright stars disappeared for the whole night. This time, some of Liam’s neighbours realised the peculiarity but it was already to late.

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