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Week 1 Writing Homework

Writing Homework : Continue the story of “The Great Central Park Challenge,” starting from the moment Mia reads the news about the development proposal. Describe her efforts to save the park, the challenges she faces, and how she works with her friends to make a difference. Include at least one major obstacle they must overcome and a moment where Mia must make a difficult decision. Use at least 5 words from the vocabulary list in your writing.

Answer these 3 interview questions:
1. Weakness (ACTIONS)/strength
2. What things do you like most at school
3. ⁠What do you see yourself doing in 6 years

300 words total

Please upload your homework as a comment below:

10 thoughts on “Week 1 Writing Homework”

  1. Mia’s heart raced as she re-read the shocking headline: “Develop Central Park?” It felt unfathomable. She quickly pocketed her phone and sprinted toward Bethesda Fountain, her favorite spot for reflection. Memories flooded her mind—picnics with her parents, school field trips, and ice skating in winter. Central Park was more than a park; it was the heartbeat of New York City.

    Arriving at the fountain, Mia overheard two businessmen discussing “prime real estate” and “economic benefits.” Anger surged within her. She couldn’t let this happen without a fight.

    That evening, she convened her friends at Tom’s Restaurant. “We need a plan,” she announced as they gathered in the iconic booth. Together, they brainstormed and their campaign quickly took shape. Over the next few weeks, they organized flash mobs in Times Square, launched a viral challenge at Top of the Rock, and even secured support from local Fifth Avenue boutiques.

    Yet the path was fraught with challenges. At the New York Public Library, they learned the developers had deeper pockets than expected. Mia felt a wave of doubt wash over her—could they truly make a difference?

    The turning point arrived unexpectedly at Yankee Stadium. During a game, the crowd erupted in cheers for their cause, a shout-out that energized Mia and her friends. The roar of thousands of New Yorkers reignited their determination.

    With renewed passion, they intensified their efforts, rallying the community to protect the park that held their memories and the essence of the city. They knew the battle was far from over, but together, they felt empowered to take on any challenge that lay ahead.

  2. The great central park challenge

    Mia’s jaw dropped in astonishment, staring at the bald developers as they hissed out words of deceit, poisoning the otherwise untrammelled skies with their evil. False promises drifted out, “Unprecedented profits… unfathomable capital gains… the stunning capital appreciation.”

    She closed her eyes, imagining the destruction. Towering buildings would replace the towering trees, the sound of construction drowning out the laughter of children. The developers’ deceitful promises of “unprecedented profits” and “stunning capital appreciation” rang in her ears. Her heartbeat against her rib cage like a wild animal endeavouring to escape from her chest. Mia knew she wasn’t going to stand by and let it happen.

    The next morning, Mia gathered her closest friends— Joe and Casia.

    They began with a petition. Joe used his social media skills to craft a campaign, launching the hashtag #SaveOurPark. The response was overwhelming. Thousands of signatures poured in within days, but the developers weren’t budging. They held a press conference, dismissing the petition as “insignificant” and accusing the group of being “anti-progress.”

    Frustration brewed, but Mia and her team pressed on. They held rallies, organized peaceful protests, and lobbied city officials. Yet, the biggest challenge came when the city council set a hearing to decide the park’s fate. They needed solid evidence that the park’s value was that important. Mia had to stop it somehow.

    Soon, the developers countered with a new proposal, claiming they would improve the park, adding amenities and recreational facilities to “enhance the public’s enjoyment.” It was a clever lie, designed to sway the public. Some of Mia’s supporters began to waver, and even Joe and Casia were torn.
    “What if they’re right?” Joe asked. “What if this could actually make the park better?”

    Mia found herself at a crossroads. Should she continue to fight, risking the support they had built, or accept a compromise that might not be as harmful as the original plan? It was a difficult decision. One evening, as she wandered through the park’s familiar paths, she realized that no amount of development could “improve” the untouched beauty of the place. The park’s value wasn’t just in what it offered—it was in what it was.

    With renewed resolve, Mia called an emergency meeting. “We can’t compromise,” she told her friends. “If we let them build even a little, it’s the beginning of the end.”

    In the final days before the hearing, the team doubled down on their efforts. They produced videos highlighting the park’s significance to the community, gathered expert testimonials about the environmental damage the construction would cause, and even held a 24-hour vigil in the park, inviting people to experience firsthand what they stood to lose.

    Finally, the decision came. Mia’s heart pummelled relentlessly against her chest like the thundering hooves of one thousand wild stallions. The decision was close, but in the end, the council voted to block the development. Cheers erupted in the room, but Mia’s eyes filled with tears of relief. They had saved Central Park—for now.

    As Mia and her friends stood under the trees that evening, watching the sunset cast a golden glow over the park, she knew their battle was far from over. But for the moment, they had won, and the park remained untouched, unspoiled—a reminder that sometimes, the greatest challenge is simply standing your ground.

  3. Mia was doing her usual stroll around the park on Sundays, when she saw the head title of the newspaper, she was bubbling with anger. ‘Constructing a new park’ she was simply mad, being one of the park’s fans, she hated it when it had to be changed. Just a few moments later, she was standing next to Bethesda Fountain wondering, how do people have the nerve to knock you down?

    Then, she saw 3 characters straight out of her nightmares. They were developers. She had absolutely loathed the way they waddle around with their suspenders barely being able to hold their huge pot-bellies. The way they shone their yellowed teeth with greed and how they drooled. Their quiet ‘whispers’ drifted toward her. ‘Prime real estate’, ‘massive capital gains’ ‘mortgages’.

    The next day after school, she found Josh and Anna 2 of her best friends to protest and change the decision. We need someone to join our side and someone to help me to put up ads. Josh instantly went to make people join sides. Slowly, work became easier to manage and more and more people arrived. About 50 people came, but that still wasn’t enough to stop the entire New York government. Then, she thought of it, a petition.

    She had to have 100 people sign it to even consider bringing it to the government. The first 75 was okay, but once it got down to the last 25, it was getting harder. people said no and there was no one else in favour. Everyone seemed to not like the idea and all hope was lost.

    The last day had tapped her shoulder, and with her entire class signing the sheet, she was on 99. She decided to give the petition to the government hoping a miracle would happen. When she got to the government they saw that she worked hard for what she wanted, so they decided to sign it once themselves, and it was complete, the park wasn’t going to be changed.

  4. The Great Central Park Challenge

    Mia’s jaw touched the ground when she saw the headline written in bold, ‘Urban development needed for Central Park’. It was unfathomable. How could they do this? Her mind was a tornado or aggregating thoughts about the new plan. The next moment, she was standing in the centre of Central Park thinking, ‘If you want to destroy the park, you will have to go through me first.’ But, she knew deep in her heart that one person wasn’t going to stop the piggy, beady eyed developers drooling for money and building right on top of the park.

    She knew she had to be innovative to stop the hand rubbing builders. She soon posted a comment on social media about not wanting the park to change. After a day, it soon became viral on the internet. And there were tons of people supporting her. But in the next few days, she would know that a lot of people opposed her as well.

    The next day, she awoke to hear shouting and chanting in the street. It was a flash mob. She could make out the words, ‘when do we want urban development’ and a reply ‘NOW!’ After that surprise, she gathered a lot of her supporters and marched down the same street with a comeback. When that finished, the urban supporters went home.

    After that easy win the path was still fraught with challenges. At the library, they learned the developers had deeper pockets than expected. Mia felt a wave of doubt wash over her—could they truly make a difference?

    Mia now tried to write countless emails to the mayor, saying that she did not want the park to change. Her followers began to do the exact same thing and soon the mayor was getting bombarded with messages. Unable to take the pressure, he agreed to not have urban development in the park. Mia quietly whispered to herself ‘mission accomplished.’

    After that she could go to the park and enjoy it without worrying about having the park destroyed. Many other citizens were also really excited for it. But then, the evil developers came back.

  5. samdhaklive-com-au

    Mia sat at her kitchen table, the morning sun streaming through the window as she sipped her coffee and scrolled through her phone. Her heart sank when she saw the headline: “New Development Proposal Threatens Central Park.” She felt a knot in her stomach—this park wasn’t just a green space; it was a sanctuary, a place of joy and community.

    Determined to take action, Mia quickly gathered her friends: Lucas, a passionate photographer; Jenna, a skilled organizer; and Raj, an environmental science major. They met at their usual spot by the park’s iconic Bethesda Fountain, brainstorming ways to rally support.

    “We need to spread the word,” Jenna suggested, pulling out her notebook. “A social media campaign could help us mobilize the community.”

    Lucas nodded, already snapping photos of the park’s beauty to share online. “Let’s capture why this place matters to us,” he said, grinning.

    As they worked tirelessly over the next few days, they faced multiple challenges. The first was the indifference from some community members. Many believed that development would bring jobs and improvements, and convincing them to care about preserving the park was an uphill battle.

    Then, a major obstacle arose: the city council meeting where the proposal would be discussed. Mia and her friends decided to attend, armed with their photos and a petition they’d gathered signatures for. The night of the meeting was tense, and the room was packed. When it was Mia’s turn to speak, her hands trembled as she faced the crowd.

    “Central Park is not just a place; it’s part of who we are,” she began, her voice shaky but growing stronger. “It’s where we celebrate, grieve, and connect. If we lose it, we lose a piece of our community.”

    But as she spoke, she noticed a familiar face in the crowd: her former best friend, Claire, now a lobbyist for the development company. Claire’s expression was impassive, and a wave of memories hit Mia, reminding her of their shared dreams in this very park. In that moment, Mia faced a difficult decision. Should she confront Claire and risk escalating the situation, or remain focused on the cause?

    Taking a deep breath, Mia chose the latter. She finished her speech and returned to her friends, who had been cheering her on. The meeting ended with the council deciding to delay the vote, granting Mia and her team a little more time to galvanize support.

    Over the next few weeks, they organized a peaceful protest, filled with music, art, and heartfelt speeches. They painted banners, made signs, and distributed flyers. The park buzzed with energy, as more and more people showed up to stand together.

    With every gathering, Mia felt their determination grow stronger. They had transformed from a small group of friends into a vibrant coalition of community members, all united in their love for Central Park.

  6. Mia walked into the Great Central Park. Plump men caught her eye. Plump men with bulging potbellied that needed suspenders. As soon as Mia locked eyes on them, she knew something was wrong. The look on their flakey, worn down faces. Their cackles of wicked laughter. She had overheard them. Part of the park was going to become a development facility. She could not let it happen.

    “We’re here!” Jake and Dan chorused as they walked through to restaurant’s double door.
    Shortly after, Hayley arrived with Leon and Cal. Every time Mia heard the jingle of the opening bell, she locked her eyes on the doorway, hoping her friends were there. Soon all of them were together.

    “I can make protests signs!” Exclaimed Jake.

    I’ll do the online adds.” Continued Leon. “My dad works at a tv add company!”

    And so the roles were set. Each and every one of them had a part in the protest, whether is was the development stage, or the protest stage. When everything was prepared, they gathered up together at the same restaurant as before. All the items were with them as well. We were ready for the big moment. It was time for them to start their march of faith. Holding the signs, the friends strode along the streets, gathering followers that agree with their idea. By the time they had arrived at the Great Central Park, they had gathered a crowd of about two hundred people. The business men turned around in surprise. They looked worse than before. Some of them having jaundices teeth, others with golden ones and puffy eyebrows.

    “We are here to take our park as land for people, not buildings.” Mia shouted

    Without a comment, the men waddled, and waddled, and waddled until Mia couldn’t see the, across the horizon anymore. They would not come back.

    In the end, Mia’s mission was a complete success. From that day on, the government had prohibited any company to build facilities and factories or any building within the park gates.

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